Glenn Beck/Alex Jones - Same operation

I see them as being two totally different types of news shows. Alex Jones does alot of Conspiracy stories. Glenn Beck does not. Everything he has ever reported was backed up with evidence and very detailed charts connecting one thing to the next. He didn't get a 50 million dollar book deal for being stupid. The man is highly intelligent and is exposing alot of things Obama admin doesn't want exposed.

The story on Alex Jones is a mixed one. He has reported stories that were factual - that mainstream media ignored - but would fare better to leave out his own opinion and let the viewers decide what they are seeing. His ideas on 9/11 being an inside job are absurd. Of course Glenn Beck makes it clear that he believes it was the work of Islamic terrorists. The two news personalities have little in common. imo.
I see them as being two totally different types of news shows. Alex Jones does alot of Conspiracy stories. Glenn Beck does not. Everything he has ever reported was backed up with evidence and very detailed charts connecting one thing to the next. He didn't get a 50 million dollar book deal for being stupid. The man is highly intelligent and is exposing alot of things Obama admin doesn't want exposed.

The story on Alex Jones is a mixed one. He has reported stories that were factual - that mainstream media ignored - but would fare better to leave out his own opinion and let the viewers decide what they are seeing. His ideas on 9/11 being an inside job are absurd. Of course Glenn Beck makes it clear that he believes it was the work of Islamic terrorists. The two news personalities have little in common. imo.

man have you ever been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media.:cuckoo: Beck is a disinformation artist part of the establishment.He got that 50 million dollar book deal BECAUSE of that.:cuckoo:

and hate to break your heart but Beck is only exposing things to make it look like he is a patriot and has had the approval of obama to do so.

also,only an idiot would believe the official fairy tale of the governments that 9/11 was pulled off by 19 muslins.:lol::lol::D you obviously skipped junior high school science classes and clearly know nothing at all about the laws of physics that buildings dont collpase at freefall speed like those towers did because of fire.:cuckoo::bsflag::lmao:

oh and you have no answers for these facts that shread to pieces the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission.nobody ever does.even all the paid shills here at this forum cowardly run off with their tail between their legs anytime they are challenged to refute these facts in this short five minute video because they know they are cornered and cant refute i know you will do the same instead of being mature and admitting you are wrong.:lol:

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I guess you haven't followed Glenn Beck lately.

Are you capable of making your case using your own words? Any idiot can cut and paste. Tell us with specificity why you believe these two people are the "same operation". The floor is yours.

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