Glenn Beck Bashes Christians for Voting Trump: “Evangelicals Have Not Been Listening to Their God”


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Yes we have been listening Glenn, yes we have. We are not voting for Satan.


GLENN BECK Bashes Christians for Voting Trump: "Evangelicals Have Not Been Listening to Their God" (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
Glenn Beck is losing it. He had some analyst allocate 80% of Rubio's votes in remaining primary states to Cruz and Cruz's Canadian ass still loses by hundreds of delegates.

Cruz's political career is finished.
"Bashes"? Christians have been bashed in a lot of ways since FDR nominated the former KKK member to the supreme court who rewrote the 1st Amendment. An example of bashing is an art exhibit featuring "Christ piss". You have to have a low threshold for bashing if you think Beck's opinion of Evangelical voting is an example of bashing.
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