Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Nazism is often considered by scholars to be a form of fascism. While it incorporated elements from both left and right-wing politics, the Nazis formed most of their alliances on the right.[9] The Nazis were one of several historical groups that used the term National Socialism to describe themselves, and in the 1920s they became the largest such group. The Nazi Party presented its program in the 25 point National Socialist Program in 1920.​
Why have you taken to center justifying your posts, JB? Very annoying to read.
I did like the fact that Beck-a right wing extremist-opened his show with footage of Hitler-a right-wing extremist. Seemed so appropriate considering the rhetoric...

Hitler was Left, not Right.

Yeah that's why the first thing he did was imprison or kill al the communists and trade unionists.

Because he so loved the left.

Fucking idiots.

Did Hitler control Through Market or Mandate? He was a Statist, Like You, who's solution, starts with jails, and ends up in mass grave for those that refuse to play along, or have place. You just haven't reached that level yet. Control through Force, by the State. Socialist, just a different brand. Just more Extreme to date. His Ethnic Hatred may also have been a factor. Taking out The Trade Unionist Leaders was taking out Rival Competition. Like Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
What does Obama do to any Dem. that opposes an issue? Pavlovian Response? Do you like your life the way it is comrade? That is how we see you, just so you know. Free to agree.

Hitler was a loon. Regardless of politics, He was his own worst enemy.
Nazism is often considered by scholars to be a form of fascism. While it incorporated elements from both left and right-wing politics, the Nazis formed most of their alliances on the right.[9] The Nazis were one of several historical groups that used the term National Socialism to describe themselves, and in the 1920s they became the largest such group. The Nazi Party presented its program in the 25 point National Socialist Program in 1920.​

What they presented themselves as doesn't matter.It's the policies they used that defines them.

Their policies were left.
Nazism is often considered by scholars to be a form of fascism. While it incorporated elements from both left and right-wing politics, the Nazis formed most of their alliances on the right.[9] The Nazis were one of several historical groups that used the term National Socialism to describe themselves, and in the 1920s they became the largest such group. The Nazi Party presented its program in the 25 point National Socialist Program in 1920.​

What they presented themselves as doesn't matter.It's the policies they used that defines them.

Their policies were left.

Wrong [as always, retard].
The meaning of left-wing and right-wing varies considerably between different countries and at different times, but generally speaking, it can be said that the right wing often values tradition and social stratification while the left wing often values reform and egalitarianism.
Politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As a German nationalist and extreme social reactionary, Hitler was a reactionary (right-wing conservative) authoritarian (right-wing) Whether one measures using the classical system or the right-left/authoritarian-libertarian system. Hitler comes out as extreme right-wing on almost every single issue, save for the socialist economic principles of his system, which is authoritarian Leftist (that is, authoritarian and contrary to tradition).

They also presented themselves as a friend to the people. Does that make it true?

He presented himself as a friend only to the Teutonic people who met his Aryan standards. Elitism and social stratification are classic aspects of what is known as right-wing philosophy.
They also presented themselves as a friend to the people. Does that make it true?

He presented himself as a friend only to the Teutonic people who met his Aryan standards. Elitism and social stratification are classic aspects of what is known as right-wing philosophy.

Elitism through Rank or Position in Government. That is Left.
Wrong. In libertarian ideologies, asocial stratification is abhorred and opposed.

Hitler did not beleive in any such thing, either. He believed in elitism through perceived racial superiority. Classic right-wing social reactionary ideology. If you recall, he felt that Jews and foreigners were destroying Germany.
Glenn Beck is saying what the left wingnut media won't! He's telling the truth about what's going on! He is not inciting violence. Whose pushing who around at town hall meetings? Hell SEIU injured a man that was there to sell flags and buttons! If we oppose what the president and Congress are doing all of a sudden we're the mob and nazis and un-American.
This is my country and we're not going to take Washington's crap any more! We're coming for you!
He presented himself as a friend only to the Teutonic people who met his Aryan standards. Elitism and social stratification are classic aspects of what is known as right-wing philosophy.

Elitism through Rank or Position in Government. That is Left.
Wrong. In libertarian ideologies, asocial stratification is abhorred and opposed.

Hitler did not beleive in any such thing, either. He believed in elitism through perceived racial superiority. Classic right-wing social reactionary ideology. If you recall, he felt that Jews and foreigners were destroying Germany.

Yes He believed in Elitism through Racial Superiority, which determined where you fit into his structure which was controlled by Totalitarian Government mandate. They were not all equal, but gained privilege through Rank in Government, and had the power over life and death, to those beneath them. Hitler Lived by His own arbitrary Ideology, the same place Tyrants eventually end up. Reason abandoned far before the fall. Care to compare N. Korea?
Glenn Beck is saying what the left wingnut media won't! He's telling the truth about what's going on! He is not inciting violence. Whose pushing who around at town hall meetings? Hell SEIU injured a man that was there to sell flags and buttons! If we oppose what the president and Congress are doing all of a sudden we're the mob and nazis and un-American.
This is my country and we're not going to take Washington's crap any more! We're coming for you!

That's the thing, they aren't just opposing. This thread is about Glenn Beck inciting violence. If he were simply opposing or stating his pov, it wouldn't be discussed as much as it is.

He likes getting this much attention, it is good for his ratings. Imo, he is baiting and encouraging them to get into these TH meetings and do what they have to, yell, scream, but most of all, shut these Healthcare supporters up.

If they take it as their que to obstruct with violence do you think Beck really cares?
Glenn Beck is saying what the left wingnut media won't! He's telling the truth about what's going on! He is not inciting violence. Whose pushing who around at town hall meetings? Hell SEIU injured a man that was there to sell flags and buttons! If we oppose what the president and Congress are doing all of a sudden we're the mob and nazis and un-American.
This is my country and we're not going to take Washington's crap any more! We're coming for you!

I understand your sentiment. I am infuriated with Obama for making fun of me because I am questioning this bill. I am angry with Pelosi too for calling me a fake.....go read some of my HR3200 stuff and its plain to see that I am actually reading and interpreting the bill for myself and not going by left/right talking points on it.

Maybe Obama and the rest of the reps/dems in congress should actually READ the freaking bill and show us the comprehend it instead of just bashing people for not blindly following their political talking points on it. Jerks.

These politicians treating hard working taxpayers like this is inciting violence more than anything that Glenn Beck says on the airwaves.
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Eyv......Oh we are SOOO scared. You and the rest of your 10% EXTREMISTS!!?? You keep thinking that you and the "birthers" actually have political power and the Dems will continue to add to there majority.

Sorry sad but true.
Glenn Beck is saying what the left wingnut media won't! He's telling the truth about what's going on! He is not inciting violence. Whose pushing who around at town hall meetings? Hell SEIU injured a man that was there to sell flags and buttons! If we oppose what the president and Congress are doing all of a sudden we're the mob and nazis and un-American.
This is my country and we're not going to take Washington's crap any more! We're coming for you!

That's the thing, they aren't just opposing. This thread is about Glenn Beck inciting violence. If he were simply opposing or stating his pov, it wouldn't be discussed as much as it is.

He likes getting this much attention, it is good for his ratings. Imo, he is baiting and encouraging them to get into these TH meetings and do what they have to, yell, scream, but most of all, shut these Healthcare supporters up.

If they take it as their que to obstruct with violence do you think Beck really cares?

The Thread Accuses Glen Beck of inciting violence, which is untrue. He clearly renounces violence. If the Thread was titled Glen Beck goes off the Reservation, you would have no argument with me. Glen is just being Glen, Part genuine concern, part clown, part concerned citizen, part over the top, part borderline prophet (which is of concern, yet I think we can pull him back safely), and part common sense. He roots in Thomas Paine, whom is okay with me, but not where I go. Locke, Madison, Jefferson, helped format what has led us to where we are today, in respect to Freedom.

Glen usually kicks his own self off the pedestal, given a look in the mirror, he will do that and laugh about it. I like that about him. It is redeeming.
Eyv......Oh we are SOOO scared. You and the rest of your 10% EXTREMISTS!!?? You keep thinking that you and the "birthers" actually have political power and the Dems will continue to add to there majority.

Sorry sad but true.

I must learn to satisfy myself with Conscience first, not that It is on My side, but that I am on It's side. I'll start with that. The People that mocked Noah had a majority too, what good did that serve?

The History of Protest in this Country was rooted in small numbers. Yet, for the most part, when Justified, Prevailed. We are all better for it.
Anyone who imagines that Hitler and his thugs were socialists or communists is a fucking idiot.
Which is why they were called the Nationalsozialismus or National Socialist Party, formerly the German Workers' Party :rolleyes:

Hitler had to choose between the socialist policies of the SA brownshirts or the capitalist policies of the businessmen who were backing him. Hitler made his choice, destroying the leadership of the SA and embracing the businessmen. Any who believe that Hitler was a communist or a socialist is simply wrong.
Hitler was Left, not Right.

Yeah that's why the first thing he did was imprison or kill al the communists and trade unionists.

Because he so loved the left.

Fucking idiots.

Did Hitler control Through Market or Mandate? He was a Statist, Like You, who's solution, starts with jails, and ends up in mass grave for those that refuse to play along, or have place. You just haven't reached that level yet. Control through Force, by the State. Socialist, just a different brand. Just more Extreme to date. His Ethnic Hatred may also have been a factor. Taking out The Trade Unionist Leaders was taking out Rival Competition. Like Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
What does Obama do to any Dem. that opposes an issue? Pavlovian Response? Do you like your life the way it is comrade? That is how we see you, just so you know. Free to agree.

Hitler was a loon. Regardless of politics, He was his own worst enemy.

Hitler used the Party and police terror to control the state. The first and an implication of the second (Patriot Act) are what the Bushies tried to do for six years and almost got away with it, until folks had enough. Now we will see if Obama and the Dems will try the same things.

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