Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Tonight I watched Glenn Beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda I have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the Bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to Nazi Eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "I'm not saying the Democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the Democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the Obama administration.

Glenn Beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the United States.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call FoxNews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of Glenn Beck from the air.
I am not a serious Glenn Beck fan (or any other "commentator" for that matter), but you are indeed allowing your personal paradigm to cloud your judgment on this one. BTW I watched it too.
i hardly ever watch, but started when i saw this thread

and Beck has repeatedly said that he doesnt believe that Obama wants to kill anyone
and has repeatedly asked his panel members the same thing and they all said a resounding NO

and then he continually shows the Nazi posters and talks about "quality of life." He is one of the talking heads that is encouraging the shouters at the town hall meetings. He is playing on the elderly and playing on those who will only listen to snippets of what he presents. His intention is to confuse and infuriate. That coupled with the millions of e-mails that contain outright lies has turned any chance of a true discussion on health care reform into a shouting match. No one has time to chose the truth in what is being expoused from the lies that are being told. So, the shouting will continue.

I am not crazy about everything I read in the Health Care bill and I think Obama has handled it terribly, but the lies, fabrications, and attempts to confuse the populace is one of the saddest display of "Deomocracy" that I have witnessed.

I honestly believe there is no real effort from the GOP to reform health care. Their clear intention is o take Obama down. That is it. That really don't care about improving the system. They only want to take Obama down. They have said as much. :eusa_snooty:

Oddly enough, a source more sympathetic to beck disagrees with you:

'Glenn Beck' Sponsors Attacked by Left, Pull Ads from Fox News Show
Liberal attack machine forces six firms to move ads to take punitive action against the network's third-most popular host.

'Glenn Beck' Sponsors Attacked by Left, Pull Ads from Fox News Show

I am not a serious Glenn Beck fan (or any other "commentator" for that matter), but you are indeed allowing your personal paradigm to cloud your judgment on this one. BTW I watched it too.
i hardly ever watch, but started when i saw this thread

and Beck has repeatedly said that he doesnt believe that Obama wants to kill anyone
and has repeatedly asked his panel members the same thing and they all said a resounding NO

and then he continually shows the Nazi posters and talks about "quality of life." He is one of the talking heads that is encouraging the shouters at the town hall meetings. He is playing on the elderly and playing on those who will only listen to snippets of what he presents. His intention is to confuse and infuriate. That coupled with the millions of e-mails that contain outright lies has turned any chance of a true discussion on health care reform into a shouting match. No one has time to chose the truth in what is being expoused from the lies that are being told. So, the shouting will continue.

I am not crazy about everything I read in the Health Care bill and I think Obama has handled it terribly, but the lies, fabrications, and attempts to confuse the populace is one of the saddest display of "Deomocracy" that I have witnessed.

I honestly believe there is no real effort from the GOP to reform health care. Their clear intention is o take Obama down. That is it. That really don't care about improving the system. They only want to take Obama down. They have said as much. :eusa_snooty:

In thier knowing blindness these zeolots have marched into quicksand and if it is the last thing they do with thier last breath it will be to attempt to destroy the only things that could possibly save them. Thier mass suicide is the damndest thing I have ever seen.
I am not a serious Glenn Beck fan (or any other "commentator" for that matter), but you are indeed allowing your personal paradigm to cloud your judgment on this one. BTW I watched it too.
i hardly ever watch, but started when i saw this thread

and Beck has repeatedly said that he doesnt believe that Obama wants to kill anyone
and has repeatedly asked his panel members the same thing and they all said a resounding NO

and then he continually shows the Nazi posters and talks about "quality of life." He is one of the talking heads that is encouraging the shouters at the town hall meetings. He is playing on the elderly and playing on those who will only listen to snippets of what he presents. His intention is to confuse and infuriate. That coupled with the millions of e-mails that contain outright lies has turned any chance of a true discussion on health care reform into a shouting match. No one has time to chose the truth in what is being expoused from the lies that are being told. So, the shouting will continue.

I am not crazy about everything I read in the Health Care bill and I think Obama has handled it terribly, but the lies, fabrications, and attempts to confuse the populace is one of the saddest display of "Deomocracy" that I have witnessed.

I honestly believe there is no real effort from the GOP to reform health care. Their clear intention is o take Obama down. That is it. That really don't care about improving the system. They only want to take Obama down. They have said as much. :eusa_snooty:

Of course. If they cared about improving the system, they would offer their own bill.

Everyone knows the healthcare system we have in place is inefficient, expensive for the people who can least afford it and too profitable for the insurance companies.
I am not a serious Glenn Beck fan (or any other "commentator" for that matter), but you are indeed allowing your personal paradigm to cloud your judgment on this one. BTW I watched it too.
i hardly ever watch, but started when i saw this thread

and Beck has repeatedly said that he doesnt believe that Obama wants to kill anyone
and has repeatedly asked his panel members the same thing and they all said a resounding NO

and then he continually shows the Nazi posters and talks about "quality of life." He is one of the talking heads that is encouraging the shouters at the town hall meetings. He is playing on the elderly and playing on those who will only listen to snippets of what he presents. His intention is to confuse and infuriate. That coupled with the millions of e-mails that contain outright lies has turned any chance of a true discussion on health care reform into a shouting match. No one has time to chose the truth in what is being expoused from the lies that are being told. So, the shouting will continue.

I am not crazy about everything I read in the Health Care bill and I think Obama has handled it terribly, but the lies, fabrications, and attempts to confuse the populace is one of the saddest display of "Deomocracy" that I have witnessed.

I honestly believe there is no real effort from the GOP to reform health care. Their clear intention is o take Obama down. That is it. That really don't care about improving the system. They only want to take Obama down. They have said as much. :eusa_snooty:

Outstanding post. Conservative Democrats will win on the GOP freaky far right hatred in 2010. CDs and Moderate Republicans will determine the future of health care reform and America will be better off without the far left libs, the freaky ultratoid right, and the health insurance industry having a voice but no say in it.
i hardly ever watch, but started when i saw this thread

and Beck has repeatedly said that he doesnt believe that Obama wants to kill anyone
and has repeatedly asked his panel members the same thing and they all said a resounding NO

and then he continually shows the Nazi posters and talks about "quality of life." He is one of the talking heads that is encouraging the shouters at the town hall meetings. He is playing on the elderly and playing on those who will only listen to snippets of what he presents. His intention is to confuse and infuriate. That coupled with the millions of e-mails that contain outright lies has turned any chance of a true discussion on health care reform into a shouting match. No one has time to chose the truth in what is being expoused from the lies that are being told. So, the shouting will continue.

I am not crazy about everything I read in the Health Care bill and I think Obama has handled it terribly, but the lies, fabrications, and attempts to confuse the populace is one of the saddest display of "Deomocracy" that I have witnessed.

I honestly believe there is no real effort from the GOP to reform health care. Their clear intention is o take Obama down. That is it. That really don't care about improving the system. They only want to take Obama down. They have said as much. :eusa_snooty:

In thier knowing blindness these zeolots have marched into quicksand and if it is the last thing they do with thier last breath it will be to attempt to destroy the only things that could possibly save them. Thier mass suicide is the damndest thing I have ever seen.

Absolutely true. The far rightard shariasts have committed political suicide. The Republican Party will be ridding itself of them for the elections next year, or it will be facing 2/3d majorities in both House and Senate, lose Texas, and stand the chance of losing the legislatures of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming! Absolutely amazing!!
Hitler had to choose between the socialist policies of the SA brownshirts or the capitalist policies of the businessmen who were backing him. Hitler made his choice, destroying the leadership of the SA and embracing the businessmen. Any who believe that Hitler was a communist or a socialist is simply wrong.

And then he changed the furniture, and they found themselves serving him, too terrified to disagree. He was the Religion. Not Business, which served the state.

The authoritarian right can control a nation the same as the authoritarian left. You are afraid of Obama. OK, I get that. More than 50% were afraid of McCain and more of Bush the same. So we will see where we go.

I am not afraid of Obama. I am an enemy to Totalarianism. I do not care if it comes from the Left or Right. Prison is still Prison. Slavery is still Slavery. Dead is still Dead. Live and let Live, does not translate to Live and Control Every Aspect of Our Lives, Left or Right.
Glenn Back is a CIA plant.They got plants like that in mainstream media everywhere.Congress discovered that during an investigation into thier activities during the 1970's.Bill O'Reily is one was walter cronkike.

Valerie Plame was a CIA Plant.
i hardly ever watch, but started when i saw this thread

and Beck has repeatedly said that he doesnt believe that Obama wants to kill anyone
and has repeatedly asked his panel members the same thing and they all said a resounding NO

and then he continually shows the Nazi posters and talks about "quality of life." He is one of the talking heads that is encouraging the shouters at the town hall meetings. He is playing on the elderly and playing on those who will only listen to snippets of what he presents. His intention is to confuse and infuriate. That coupled with the millions of e-mails that contain outright lies has turned any chance of a true discussion on health care reform into a shouting match. No one has time to chose the truth in what is being expoused from the lies that are being told. So, the shouting will continue.

I am not crazy about everything I read in the Health Care bill and I think Obama has handled it terribly, but the lies, fabrications, and attempts to confuse the populace is one of the saddest display of "Deomocracy" that I have witnessed.

I honestly believe there is no real effort from the GOP to reform health care. Their clear intention is o take Obama down. That is it. That really don't care about improving the system. They only want to take Obama down. They have said as much. :eusa_snooty:

Of course. If they cared about improving the system, they would offer their own bill. tHEY HAVE :lol:

Everyone knows the healthcare system we have in place is inefficient, expensive for the people who can least afford it and too profitable for the insurance companies.

Glenn Back is a CIA plant.They got plants like that in mainstream media everywhere.Congress discovered that during an investigation into thier activities during the 1970's.Bill O'Reily is one was walter cronkike.

Valerie Plame was a CIA Plant.

UMMM....let's see how that works? She gets hired by the CIA but then she gets "Planted" by the CIA in the CIA? :clap2: :cuckoo:

I don't get enough satisfaction trying to figure out your pea brain.
Glenn Back is a CIA plant.They got plants like that in mainstream media everywhere.Congress discovered that during an investigation into thier activities during the 1970's.Bill O'Reily is one was walter cronkike.

Prove it!

Some of what he said is true numb nuts. I don't believe Cronkite was a plant but I know that CNN was infiltrated by the CIA back in the late 70's and early 80's. At first they had these guys n gals on the tube with shopping bags over thier heads reading "the news"..for real.. It was pretty funny..but they would spout some pretty wack shit. I saw it myself...dozens of times. I'm not going to do your research for you but I swear on my grandfathers grave every word above is true. As an independant verification Mike Malloy used to work at CNN at the same time and he frequently refers to just what I was talking about. He names names.

I'm not going to get into a dick measuring contest over this because I already mentioned my grand dad and I don't want to have to go down to texas and count who's queer or steer. Just take it for what it's worth.

If any of it's true then it should be easy enough for you to prove.
Wow, so much to catch up with.

I really must have struck a nerve.

To the people accusing me of lying. I did not lie at all. I told the exact truth as I see it.

1. Mr Beck hosted a program where he spent most of it strongly suggesting that Nazi Eugenics and the Democrats plan for public health care were basically the same thing, and that Mr Obama and his staff were basically the same as Hitler and Goering. (This is a fact about Beck.)

2. To back up his assertions, he presented a large presentation dealing with the history of the Nazis and Eugenics in America, further tieing Mr Obama with Hitler. (This is also a fact about Beck.)

3. During these portions of the program he had "emotional outbursts" to prove the sincerity of what he was saying, and made sure that what he was suggesting was clear to everyone. (This is a fact about Beck.)

In effect, this part of the program clearly implied that Mr Obama, and the Democrats, were the same as Hitler and his party.

4. Then at various points Mr Beck did indeed deny, in short statements, that he was trying to suggest any such thing. (Fact)

But he may as well have had his fingers crossed behind his back. His made his denials, through brevity and lack of expression, seem like he was just saying it because he did not want to believe the worst in people.

The overall effect of the program was that Mr Beck truly believes Mr Obama and the Democrats are in fact Nazis, but was exclaiming, at various points items like "But I'm not saying Mr Obama wants to kill your grandmother", to cover his ass in case the shit hit the fan. In other words, he was doing it to create plausible deniability. (this is my informed opinion, based on the facts).

5. I further went on to say that such comments were extremely incendiary and could easily lead to violence. (This is a fact.) Assuming that Mr Beck is not a moron, he must know this to be true.

None of this is a "lie". None of it can be proven to be false. None of you have proven what I said to be false. You simply stated that I was somehow a "liar" and "stupid" for even bringing up the subject.

Attacks on your opponent's character, as opposed to disputing the facts themselves, do not win an argument.

Which is probably why this thread has gone on for 28 pages.

Does anyone have proof that my facts are false?
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Other things to do, my children.

Remember that the 25% do not have any control over what the other 75% decide to do in a democratic republic.

I imagine high school and college instructors all over America are gleefully, yea, joyfully, downloading the shari'a silliness of the far ultratoid freaky right to demonstrate how wise our Founders were in protecting all of us from the wierdos. Even wierdos have 1st Amendment rights (that's what the 1st Amendment is for -- unpopular expression), but if they disrupt or threaten they get to pay big fines. And if they touch, they go to jail. America is wonderful, even to the wierdos.
Also note that the common term for doing what Mr Beck did is "Talking out both sides of your mouth".
As for the accusations made by many on this board that modern liberalism is in fact akin to Nazi-ism as both were "socialists" and "leftists", this is patently false.

The reason being is that, while Hitler stated that socialism would be a tenet of the Nazi party, when he first created the party (thus the inclusion of the term "socialist" in the party name), the Nazi Party was in fact NOT "socialist" in their methods of ruling Germany, and Hitler himself changed his stance on the issue before ever rising to power.

The economic structure in Nazi Germany was in fact based on a governmental alliance with large monopolistic corporations.

That's right, the Nazi's didn't "take over" the corporations and incorporate them into government agencies, as a socialist would surely do.

Instead, Hitler's government worked hand in hand with large corporations, helping them gain market share and become monopolies.

Now, does THAT sound familiar?

Here is an article from Wikipedia that gives more of the details.
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In the article I mentioned, I would point you to these passages:


Meanwhile, the Nazis outlawed trade unions and banned strikes.


For these reasons, the Nazis never had a clearly defined economic programme. The original "Twenty-Five Point Programme" of the party, adopted in 1920, listed several economic demands (including "the abolition of all incomes unearned by work," "the ruthless confiscation of all war profits," "the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations," "profit-sharing in large enterprises," "extensive development of insurance for old-age," and "land reform suitable to our national requirements"), but the degree to which the Nazis supported this programme in later years has been questioned. Several attempts were made in the 1920s to change some of the program or replace it entirely. For instance, in 1924, Gottfried Feder proposed a new 39-point program that kept some of the old planks, replaced others and added many completely new ones. Hitler refused to allow any discussion of the party programme after 1925, ostensibly on the grounds that no discussion was necessary because the programme was "inviolable" and did not need any changes. At the same time, however, Hitler never voiced public support for the programme and many historians argue that he was in fact privately opposed to it. Hitler did not mention any of the planks of the programme in his book, Mein Kampf, and only talked about it in passing as "the so-called programme of the movement".

Hitler's views on economics, beyond his early belief that the economy was of secondary importance, are a matter of debate. On the one hand, he proclaimed in one of his speeches that "we are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system", but he was clear to point out that his interpretation of socialism "has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism," saying that "Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not." At a later time, Hitler said: "Socialism! That is an unfortunate word altogether... What does socialism really mean? If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism." In private, Hitler also said that "I absolutely insist on protecting private property... we must encourage private initiative". On yet another occasion he qualified that statement by saying that the government should have the power to regulate the use of private property for the good of the nation. Hitler clearly believed that the lack of a precise economic programme was one of the Nazi Party's strengths, saying: "The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all." While not espousing a specific economic philosophy, Hitler employed anti-semitic themes to attack economic systems in other countries, associating ethnic Jews with both communism ("Jewish Bolsheviks") and capitalism, both of which he opposed. Hitler also believed that individuals within a nation battled with each other for survival, and that such ruthless competition was good for the health of the nation, because it promoted "superior individuals" to higher positions in society.

And, finally:

By the late 1930s, the aims of German trade policy were to use economic and political power to make the countries of Southern Europe and the Balkans dependent on Germany. The German economy would draw its raw materials from that region, and the countries in question would receive German manufactured goods in exchange. Already in 1938, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece transacted 50% of all their foreign trade with Germany. Throughout the 1930s, German businesses were encouraged to form cartels, monopolies and oligopolies, whose interests were then protected by the state. In his book, Big Business in the Third Reich, Arthur Schweitzer notes that:

“ Monopolistic price fixing became the rule in most industries, and cartels were no longer confined to the heavy or large-scale industries. Cartels and quasi-cartels (whether of big business or small) set prices, engaged in limiting production, and agreed to divide markets and classify consumers in order to realize a monopoly profit. ”

As big business became increasingly organized, it developed an increasingly close partnership with the Nazi government. The government pursued economic policies that maximized the profits of its business allies, and, in exchange, business leaders supported the government's political and military goals.
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If Obama was truly being bipartisan then he would have also put as much effort and attention on the Republican's ideas instead of only advertising his own. ;)

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