Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Now as far as Mr Beck's advertisers go, I have found a handy site to direct people to that is already petitioning advertisers that have spots during Beck's show to pull their spots. Their beef with him were his comments on Mr Obama being a racist.

They have in fact been quite successful.

Several major advertisers have already pulled their spots from his show, including (but not limited to) GEICO, Proctor and Gamble, Progressive Insurance and

More advertisers are showing willingness to do the same.

You can sign their petition here and add your own personalized message to their petition form.

I am looking to see if there is another site that is more relevant to the specific statement I mentioned, but this works.
Now as far as Mr Beck's advertisers go, I have found a handy site to direct people to that is already petitioning advertisers that have spots during Beck's show to pull their spots. Their beef with him were his comments on Mr Obama being a racist.

They have in fact been quite successful.

Several major advertisers have already pulled their spots from his show, including (but not limited to) GEICO, Proctor and Gamble, Progressive Insurance and

More advertisers are showing willingness to do the same.

You can sign their petition here and add your own personalized message to their petition form.

I am looking to see if there is another site that is more relevant to the specific statement I mentioned, but this works.

Do you realize that this actually makes me feel like supporting Beck more? Freedom of speech is one thing I will lay my life on the line for ... as pitiful as it is.
If Obama was truly being bipartisan then he would have also put as much effort and attention on the Republican's ideas instead of only advertising his own. ;)

But the problem is that Republicans decided from day one of his presidency that their goal would be to deny any cooperation at all.

Instead of attempting to work with the president, they have, as a block, simply voted against anything the Democrats had to offer, with very few exceptions.

Tell me, HOW is the President supposed to work with that?
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Now as far as Mr Beck's advertisers go, I have found a handy site to direct people to that is already petitioning advertisers that have spots during Beck's show to pull their spots. Their beef with him were his comments on Mr Obama being a racist.

They have in fact been quite successful.

Several major advertisers have already pulled their spots from his show, including (but not limited to) GEICO, Proctor and Gamble, Progressive Insurance and

More advertisers are showing willingness to do the same.

You can sign their petition here and add your own personalized message to their petition form.

I am looking to see if there is another site that is more relevant to the specific statement I mentioned, but this works.

Do you realize that this actually makes me feel like supporting Beck more? Freedom of speech is one thing I will lay my life on the line for ... as pitiful as it is.

Telling advertisers you won't buy their products if they advertise during Glenn Beck is also "Freedom of Speech".

If the government were to imprison or fine Glenn Beck, that would be an example of denying "Freedom of Speech".

Just as Glenn Beck is allowed to spout hateful comments on the air, I personally am allowed to say anything I want to his advertisers.

It was in fact the conservatives that made this tactic popular.
If Obama was truly being bipartisan then he would have also put as much effort and attention on the Republican's ideas instead of only advertising his own. ;)

But the problem is that Republicans decided fomrm day one of his presidency that their goal would be to deny any cooperation at all.

Instead of attempting to work with the president, they have, as a block, simply voted against anything the Democrats had to offer, with very few exceptions.

Tell me, HOW is the President supposed to work with that?

Obama has done nothing to prove that he isn't racist, and all evidence of his past shows he is likely to be racist. Beck only stated an opinion based on the facts.

If the current Democrats, and Obama, were truly interested in being non-partisan, or at the least bipartisan, then they wouldn't be following Bush's example ... they are not even letting the Republicans be heard, ignoring their options and ideas completely ... same thing Bush did to them in his last term ... but worse in so many ways now. Until people stop acting like you, I will not return to supporting the Democrats any time soon. What you are accusing the Republicans of doing, the Democrats are doing in spades.
If Obama was truly being bipartisan then he would have also put as much effort and attention on the Republican's ideas instead of only advertising his own. ;)

But the problem is that Republicans decided from day one of his presidency that their goal would be to deny any cooperation at all.

Instead of attempting to work with the president, they have, as a block, simply voted against anything the Democrats had to offer, with very few exceptions.

Tell me, HOW is the President supposed to work with that?

i guess the same way bush had to ...... obama never planned to work with anyone nor did nancy or harry..... if they did they wouldn't be saying and doing what they are....they would not be playing politics they would be taking the high road ......
Obama has done nothing to prove that he isn't racist, and all evidence of his past shows he is likely to be racist.

Beck only stated an opinion based on the facts.

If the current Democrats, and Obama, were truly interested in being non-partisan, or at the least bipartisan, then they wouldn't be following Bush's example ... they are not even letting the Republicans be heard, ignoring their options and ideas completely ... same thing Bush did to them in his last term ... but worse in so many ways now. Until people stop acting like you, I will not return to supporting the Democrats any time soon. What you are accusing the Republicans of doing, the Democrats are doing in spades.

This is a tangent. I have never heard Mr Obama make a statement that was racist IMO, and I am not interested in what Glenn Beck's opinion on the subject is, as he has no credibilty on the subject of race whatsoever.

Now, how do you feel about all the data I just mentioned on Mr Beck's statements about Democrats beingn Nazis?
If Obama was truly being bipartisan then he would have also put as much effort and attention on the Republican's ideas instead of only advertising his own. ;)

But the problem is that Republicans decided from day one of his presidency that their goal would be to deny any cooperation at all.

Instead of attempting to work with the president, they have, as a block, simply voted against anything the Democrats had to offer, with very few exceptions.

Tell me, HOW is the President supposed to work with that?

i guess the same way bush had to ...... obama never planned to work with anyone nor did nancy or harry..... if they did they wouldn't be saying and doing what they are....they would not be playing politics they would be taking the high road ......

I vow not to buy any product from any sponsor who drops Beck.. I just need a list! :tongue:
If Obama was truly being bipartisan then he would have also put as much effort and attention on the Republican's ideas instead of only advertising his own. ;)

But the problem is that Republicans decided from day one of his presidency that their goal would be to deny any cooperation at all.

Instead of attempting to work with the president, they have, as a block, simply voted against anything the Democrats had to offer, with very few exceptions.

Tell me, HOW is the President supposed to work with that?

i guess the same way bush had to ...... obama never planned to work with anyone nor did nancy or harry..... if they did they wouldn't be saying and doing what they are....they would not be playing politics they would be taking the high road ......

Whether they did, or didn't is unknown and your assertion is unprovable, as Republicans never gave them the chance.
Obama has done nothing to prove that he isn't racist, and all evidence of his past shows he is likely to be racist.

Beck only stated an opinion based on the facts.

If the current Democrats, and Obama, were truly interested in being non-partisan, or at the least bipartisan, then they wouldn't be following Bush's example ... they are not even letting the Republicans be heard, ignoring their options and ideas completely ... same thing Bush did to them in his last term ... but worse in so many ways now. Until people stop acting like you, I will not return to supporting the Democrats any time soon. What you are accusing the Republicans of doing, the Democrats are doing in spades.

This is a tangent. I have never heard Mr Obama make a statement that was racist IMO, and I am not interested in what Glenn Beck's opinion on the subject is, as he has no credibilty on the subject of race whatsoever.

Now, how do you feel about all the data I just mentioned on Mr Beck's statements about Democrats beingn Nazis?

mr. beck and his guests catigorically stated that obama and co were not i fell pretty good about that.....

obama statement about his typical white grandmother was racist....his statement about a white cop being stupid for arresting two balck men trying to break into a house was racist....
Obama has done nothing to prove that he isn't racist, and all evidence of his past shows he is likely to be racist.

Beck only stated an opinion based on the facts.

If the current Democrats, and Obama, were truly interested in being non-partisan, or at the least bipartisan, then they wouldn't be following Bush's example ... they are not even letting the Republicans be heard, ignoring their options and ideas completely ... same thing Bush did to them in his last term ... but worse in so many ways now. Until people stop acting like you, I will not return to supporting the Democrats any time soon. What you are accusing the Republicans of doing, the Democrats are doing in spades.

This is a tangent. I have never heard Mr Obama make a statement that was racist IMO, and I am not interested in what Glenn Beck's opinion on the subject is, as he has no credibilty on the subject of race whatsoever.

Now, how do you feel about all the data I just mentioned on Mr Beck's statements about Democrats beingn Nazis?

There's your flaw. What a person says is not as important as what they do or think. Just because he hasn't said anything you perceive as racist, doesn't me he isn't. He defended a preacher who is racist and has said so himself, and has done nothing to prove he does not believe the same ... so, Beck's statement still stands as opinion based on facts.

You also don't know Nazi history well, here's a hint, they started off as Marxist police officers, almost exactly what the Democrats are acting like now.
Beck is a Rush wannabe. He moved from CNN to FOX because CNN tried to control his completely out of control mouth. He will probably gain 200 pounds and start smking a fat cigar soon.

I find that highly unlikely. Youd know that if you actually listened to Rush. He isnt trying to be like Rush. He has his own style and thoughts.
mr. beck and his guests catigorically stated that obama and co were not i fell pretty good about that.....

Right after they finished long segments trying to prove the exact opposite.

obama statement about his typical white grandmother was racist....his statement about a white cop being stupid for arresting two balck men trying to break into a house was racist....

I don't believe they were. We'll have to agree to disagree.
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mr. beck and his guests catigorically stated that obama and co were not i fell pretty good about that.....
Right after they finished long segments trying to prove the exact opposite.

I don't believe they were. We'll have to agree to disagree.

glenn beck opened with the statement i reference and repeated it several times.....

so calling obama a typical black man is not racist....
Obama has done nothing to prove that he isn't racist, and all evidence of his past shows he is likely to be racist.

Beck only stated an opinion based on the facts.

If the current Democrats, and Obama, were truly interested in being non-partisan, or at the least bipartisan, then they wouldn't be following Bush's example ... they are not even letting the Republicans be heard, ignoring their options and ideas completely ... same thing Bush did to them in his last term ... but worse in so many ways now. Until people stop acting like you, I will not return to supporting the Democrats any time soon. What you are accusing the Republicans of doing, the Democrats are doing in spades.

This is a tangent. I have never heard Mr Obama make a statement that was racist IMO, and I am not interested in what Glenn Beck's opinion on the subject is, as he has no credibilty on the subject of race whatsoever.

Now, how do you feel about all the data I just mentioned on Mr Beck's statements about Democrats beingn Nazis?

There's your flaw. What a person says is not as important as what they do or think. Just because he hasn't said anything you perceive as racist, doesn't me he isn't. He defended a preacher who is racist and has said so himself, and has done nothing to prove he does not believe the same ... so, Beck's statement still stands as opinion based on facts.

Beck's opinion is just that, his opinion. Personally I believe Beck to be a lying propagandist of the worst kind, so I don't care at all what Beck's opinion is on the subject.

And your attempt to make this discussion about race is not goinig to draw me in.

You also don't know Nazi history well, here's a hint, they started off as Marxist police officers, almost exactly what the Democrats are acting like now.

That would be a false statement.

In fact, Anton Drexler, a Blacksmith, and Nationalist with a strong penchant for hating marxism was the founder of the Nazi Party.
This is a tangent. I have never heard Mr Obama make a statement that was racist IMO, and I am not interested in what Glenn Beck's opinion on the subject is, as he has no credibilty on the subject of race whatsoever.

Now, how do you feel about all the data I just mentioned on Mr Beck's statements about Democrats beingn Nazis?

There's your flaw. What a person says is not as important as what they do or think. Just because he hasn't said anything you perceive as racist, doesn't me he isn't. He defended a preacher who is racist and has said so himself, and has done nothing to prove he does not believe the same ... so, Beck's statement still stands as opinion based on facts.

Beck's opinion is just that, his opinion. Personally I believe Beck to be a lying propagandist of the worst kind, so I don't care at all what Beck's opinion is on the subject.

And your attempt to make this discussion about race is not goinig to draw me in.

You also don't know Nazi history well, here's a hint, they started off as Marxist police officers, almost exactly what the Democrats are acting like now.

That would be a false statement.

In fact, Anton Drexler, a Blacksmith, and Nationalist with a strong penchant for hating marxism was the founder of the Nazi Party.

Just wow ... thanks for backing up my points.
If Obama was truly being bipartisan then he would have also put as much effort and attention on the Republican's ideas instead of only advertising his own. ;)

Elections have consequences, and you lost.

funny thing....i don't recall you all saying that for the 8 years previous....

elections have consequences, you won ... take the heat like you have a pair.....

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