Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Now as far as Mr Beck's advertisers go, I have found a handy site to direct people to that is already petitioning advertisers that have spots during Beck's show to pull their spots. Their beef with him were his comments on Mr Obama being a racist.

They have in fact been quite successful.

Several major advertisers have already pulled their spots from his show, including (but not limited to) GEICO, Proctor and Gamble, Progressive Insurance and

More advertisers are showing willingness to do the same.

You can sign their petition here and add your own personalized message to their petition form.

I am looking to see if there is another site that is more relevant to the specific statement I mentioned, but this works.

Do you realize that this actually makes me feel like supporting Beck more? Freedom of speech is one thing I will lay my life on the line for ... as pitiful as it is.

Economic boycotts go back to before the War of Independence. Remember the country necks who went after the Dixie Chicks?
Now as far as Mr Beck's advertisers go, I have found a handy site to direct people to that is already petitioning advertisers that have spots during Beck's show to pull their spots. Their beef with him were his comments on Mr Obama being a racist.

They have in fact been quite successful.

Several major advertisers have already pulled their spots from his show, including (but not limited to) GEICO, Proctor and Gamble, Progressive Insurance and

More advertisers are showing willingness to do the same.

You can sign their petition here and add your own personalized message to their petition form.

I am looking to see if there is another site that is more relevant to the specific statement I mentioned, but this works.

Do you realize that this actually makes me feel like supporting Beck more? Freedom of speech is one thing I will lay my life on the line for ... as pitiful as it is.

Economic boycotts go back to before the War of Independence. Remember the country necks who went after the Dixie Chicks?

I also thought they were anti-American for ranting about the Dixie Chicks as well ...
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Wow, so much to catch up with.

I really must have struck a nerve.

To the people accusing me of lying. I did not lie at all. I told the exact truth as I see it.

Yes, but you arent the judge of what's true. The fact is anyone who watches Glenn regularly knows you're outright lying when you claim he is inciting people to violence.

1. Mr Beck hosted a program where he spent most of it strongly suggesting that Nazi Eugenics and the Democrats plan for public health care were basically the same thing, and that Mr Obama and his staff were basically the same as Hitler and Goering. (This is a fact about Beck.)

And those are accurate facts. The fact these legitimate points dont bother you about the Obama administration is downright frightening. His Czars speaking on involuntary sterilization through the nations water supply. Death counseling for seniors. Suggesting we shouldnt spend money on seniors if they cost too much. suggesting that already born children can be killed if their parents wanted to abort them. Holy crap the only thing they havent suggested is actual death camps. And you see absolutely no legitimate connection between this?

2. To back up his assertions, he presented a large presentation dealing with the history of the Nazis and Eugenics in America, further tieing Mr Obama with Hitler. (This is also a fact about Beck.)

Yeah, and he accurately backed it up. Obama is a totalitarian. He is more than willing to seize as much power as he can and he is actively doing so. And we the people need to stop this.

3. During these portions of the program he had "emotional outbursts" to prove the sincerity of what he was saying, and made sure that what he was suggesting was clear to everyone. (This is a fact about Beck.)

He is sincere. He isnt faking emotional outbursts.

In effect, this part of the program clearly implied that Mr Obama, and the Democrats, were the same as Hitler and his party.

So because youre ignoring obvious parallels we are supposed to?

4. Then at various points Mr Beck did indeed deny, in short statements, that he was trying to suggest any such thing. (Fact)

That's because he was showing parallels. He was explaining why this administration is dangerous. And he has obviously succeeded if you want to silence him so much.

But he may as well have had his fingers crossed behind his back. His made his denials, through brevity and lack of expression, seem like he was just saying it because he did not want to believe the worst in people.

He doesn't want to believe the worst in people. He just isnt stupid enough to stick his head in the sand when there are so many freaking signs.

The overall effect of the program was that Mr Beck truly believes Mr Obama and the Democrats are in fact Nazis, but was exclaiming, at various points items like "But I'm not saying Mr Obama wants to kill your grandmother", to cover his ass in case the shit hit the fan. In other words, he was doing it to create plausible deniability. (this is my informed opinion, based on the facts).

Obama has recently been speaking about maybe it would have been better if his grandmother died instead of going through costly proceedures to extend her life. If he is throwing his grandmother under the bus, do you honestly think he gives a damn about yours?

And glen is trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. It's who glen is. He doesnt want to think the worst of people. But again he isnt going to ignore reality.

5. I further went on to say that such comments were extremely incendiary and could easily lead to violence. (This is a fact.) Assuming that Mr Beck is not a moron, he must know this to be true.

Cause encouraging non-violent protests is extremely incendiary. Got ya.

None of this is a "lie". None of it can be proven to be false. None of you have proven what I said to be false. You simply stated that I was somehow a "liar" and "stupid" for even bringing up the subject.

You are a liar when you try to claim someone advocating non-violent uprising is trying to incite violence.

Attacks on your opponent's character, as opposed to disputing the facts themselves, do not win an argument.

Which is probably why this thread has gone on for 28 pages.

You're right. Your attacks on Glenn's character instead of addressing the facts themselves do not win arguments. Trying to silence your political opponents does not win arguments. The fact is your position is indefensible so you have to attack Glenn and try

Does anyone have proof that my facts are false?

Um the actual broadcast shows your "facts" are wrong. If you would stop confusing your opinion for fact, you'd probably get alittle further with your arguments.

But until you stop claiming that encouraging non violent resistance is somehow inciting rebellion, you have zero credibility. You have no facts to begin with.
This is a tangent. I have never heard Mr Obama make a statement that was racist IMO, and I am not interested in what Glenn Beck's opinion on the subject is, as he has no credibilty on the subject of race whatsoever.

Now, how do you feel about all the data I just mentioned on Mr Beck's statements about Democrats beingn Nazis?

There's your flaw. What a person says is not as important as what they do or think. Just because he hasn't said anything you perceive as racist, doesn't me he isn't. He defended a preacher who is racist and has said so himself, and has done nothing to prove he does not believe the same ... so, Beck's statement still stands as opinion based on facts.

Beck's opinion is just that, his opinion. Personally I believe Beck to be a lying propagandist of the worst kind, so I don't care at all what Beck's opinion is on the subject.

And your attempt to make this discussion about race is not goinig to draw me in.

You also don't know Nazi history well, here's a hint, they started off as Marxist police officers, almost exactly what the Democrats are acting like now.

That would be a false statement.

In fact, Anton Drexler, a Blacksmith, and Nationalist with a strong penchant for hating marxism was the founder of the Nazi Party.

Then why do you watch him?
The eugenics argument is bogus, period. You will find less than 1/10th of 1% of high school and college instructors giving it any credit. These are the folks teaching your kids and grandkids. Your silly beliefs will die out, with your kids and grandkids thinking you were no different than nazis or KKK when it came to stupid hating. Well, go for it, wierdos.
Other things to do, my children.

Remember that the 25% do not have any control over what the other 75% decide to do in a democratic republic.

I imagine high school and college instructors all over America are gleefully, yea, joyfully, downloading the shari'a silliness of the far ultratoid freaky right to demonstrate how wise our Founders were in protecting all of us from the wierdos. Even wierdos have 1st Amendment rights (that's what the 1st Amendment is for -- unpopular expression), but if they disrupt or threaten they get to pay big fines. And if they touch, they go to jail. America is wonderful, even to the wierdos.

You do your children???

You're right. So stop presuming you can tell me and everyone else in the nation what to do. Stop presuming you can just take away our freedom and we arent going to be at all upset.
The eugenics argument is bogus, period. You will find less than 1/10th of 1% of high school and college instructors giving it any credit. These are the folks teaching your kids and grandkids. Your silly beliefs will die out, with your kids and grandkids thinking you were no different than nazis or KKK when it came to stupid hating. Well, go for it, wierdos.

If Obama keeps up his shit, there won't be any grandkids.
Avatar, you have every right to participate in the democratic process then abide the result.

That is your American freedom.
Other things to do, my children.

Remember that the 25% do not have any control over what the other 75% decide to do in a democratic republic.

I imagine high school and college instructors all over America are gleefully, yea, joyfully, downloading the shari'a silliness of the far ultratoid freaky right to demonstrate how wise our Founders were in protecting all of us from the wierdos. Even wierdos have 1st Amendment rights (that's what the 1st Amendment is for -- unpopular expression), but if they disrupt or threaten they get to pay big fines. And if they touch, they go to jail. America is wonderful, even to the wierdos.

You do your children???

You're right. So stop presuming you can tell me and everyone else in the nation what to do. Stop presuming you can just take away our freedom and we arent going to be at all upset.

I would like the freedom to nuke Utah.
Now as far as Mr Beck's advertisers go, I have found a handy site to direct people to that is already petitioning advertisers that have spots during Beck's show to pull their spots. Their beef with him were his comments on Mr Obama being a racist.

They have in fact been quite successful.

Several major advertisers have already pulled their spots from his show, including (but not limited to) GEICO, Proctor and Gamble, Progressive Insurance and

More advertisers are showing willingness to do the same.

You can sign their petition here and add your own personalized message to their petition form.

I am looking to see if there is another site that is more relevant to the specific statement I mentioned, but this works.

1) Mr. Obama is racist. Read his book.
2) most of those so called advertisers were never advertising for him to begin with.
3) Your assertion that more are willing to do the same with no evidence is completely worthless.
4) I put as much worth in an internet petition as i do an internet poll.
Avatar, you have every right to participate in the democratic process then abide the result.

That is your American freedom.

Yet ... that's exactly what is not happening ... they are complaining because they are being ignored now and Obama is acting like Bush, which many of them did not agree with either.
Avatar, you have every right to participate in the democratic process then abide the result.

That is your American freedom.

actually i am not required to abide by the result.....i have the right to speak out against it and the right to start a petition to overturn the result.....
Other things to do, my children.

Remember that the 25% do not have any control over what the other 75% decide to do in a democratic republic.

I imagine high school and college instructors all over America are gleefully, yea, joyfully, downloading the shari'a silliness of the far ultratoid freaky right to demonstrate how wise our Founders were in protecting all of us from the wierdos. Even wierdos have 1st Amendment rights (that's what the 1st Amendment is for -- unpopular expression), but if they disrupt or threaten they get to pay big fines. And if they touch, they go to jail. America is wonderful, even to the wierdos.

You're right. So stop presuming you can tell me and everyone else in the nation what to do. Stop presuming you can just take away our freedom and we arent going to be at all upset.

I would like the freedom to nuke Utah.

Can we talk here? Hmmm? Evacuate SL and Utah valleys, then splatter SLC etc. Just don't touch Cache Valley, man, the entry to the best trout fishing in America. Yeah, get the Utahns but leave the fish alone, man!
Avatar, you have every right to participate in the democratic process then abide the result.

That is your American freedom.

actually i am not required to abide by the result.....i have the right to speak out against it and the right to start a petition to overturn the result.....

That's part of to "abide the result", to try to overturn it peacefully. What don't you get here? The minority do not rule, and you are the minority.:clap2:
To all of you shari'a rightists here. Really do read the health care reform documents carefully. Here is some good advice for you.

"I've never known any trouble than an hours reading didn't assuage." --Montesquieu
Whether they did, or didn't is unknown and your assertion is unprovable, as Republicans never gave them the chance.

Of course, Republicans never let Democrats work with them.

I mean it's not like Ted Kennedy wrote the NCLB bill... oh wait...
And it's not like McCain-Fiengold involved any Democrats... oh wait...
Or the McCain-Kennedy Immigration bill... shoot ...
Or the corporate bail outs... oh wait...
Or Sarbanes Oxley... wait that was a compromise bill too.

Come to think of it, can you name any bills that were not total compromises with Democrats during the Bush administration? I can't name a single bill Republicans forced through Congress. But, of course, Republicans never gave Democrats a chance...

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