Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Several major advertisers have already pulled their spots from his show, including (but not limited to) GEICO, Proctor and Gamble, Progressive Insurance and

They don't want their ads to air on Becks show. They are not dumb enough to pull ads from Fox (the highest rated cable news outlet for 8+ years running).

Wow major coup!!!
Whether they did, or didn't is unknown and your assertion is unprovable, as Republicans never gave them the chance.

Of course, Republicans never let Democrats work with them.

I mean it's not like Ted Kennedy wrote the NCLB bill... oh wait...
And it's not like McCain-Fiengold involved any Democrats... oh wait...
Or the McCain-Kennedy Immigration bill... shoot ...
Or the corporate bail outs... oh wait...
Or Sarbanes Oxley... wait that was a compromise bill too.

Come to think of it, can you name any bills that were not total compromises with Democrats during the Bush administration? I can't name a single bill Republicans forced through Congress. But, of course, Republicans never gave Democrats a chance...

I would say the Patriot Act ... but then a lot of Republican supporters opposed that.
Avatar, you have every right to participate in the democratic process then abide the result.

That is your American freedom.

actually i am not required to abide by the result.....i have the right to speak out against it and the right to start a petition to overturn the result.....

That's part of to "abide the result", to try to overturn it peacefully. What don't you get here? The minority do not rule, and you are the minority.:clap2:

actually i am not in the minority ... but that is beside the point.....

what you are watching is the people peacefully try to stop the elected administration from moving this country further left.....and i think you are seeing more and more people join them.....and i think that the left is upset that everyone just is going along with them as they know what is best for americans.....nothing pisses off an an american faster than someone telling them that they know what is best for them.....
Several major advertisers have already pulled their spots from his show, including (but not limited to) GEICO, Proctor and Gamble, Progressive Insurance and

They don't want their ads to air on Becks show. They are not dumb enough to pull ads from Fox (the highest rated cable news outlet for 8+ years running).

Wow major coup!!!

Just so. Not about what's so, but what sells, and on Fox that is shari'a trash for shari'a trash.
Beck's opinion is just that, his opinion. Personally I believe Beck to be a lying propagandist of the worst kind, so I don't care at all what Beck's opinion is on the subject.

And your attempt to make this discussion about race is not goinig to draw me in.

So because you believe Beck to be lying, you justify your own lies about Beck? Couldnt care less about reality could you?

And you are the one who brought race into this conversation.

That would be a false statement.

In fact, Anton Drexler, a Blacksmith, and Nationalist with a strong penchant for hating marxism was the founder of the Nazi Party.

Doesnt change the fact that the Nazi party is a form of socialism. That is why it's called national socialism... but who cares about facts?
Jake, you aren't fooling anybody, you are a partisan freak.

And that's why I voted for McCain and held my nose at Palin? Never again will I make that stupid of a mistake. I remember my greatgrandfther making a similar statement about voting for FDR in '32. Live and learn.

Thing is, kitten, he and I are able to learn. I don't think you can break out of your box.
If Obama was truly being bipartisan then he would have also put as much effort and attention on the Republican's ideas instead of only advertising his own. ;)

Elections have consequences, and you lost.

Elections do have consequences, but if you think the American people need to shut up until the next one and have no right to talk to, protest, petition etc their elected officials, then you are insane.
Beck's opinion is just that, his opinion. Personally I believe Beck to be a lying propagandist of the worst kind, so I don't care at all what Beck's opinion is on the subject.

And your attempt to make this discussion about race is not goinig to draw me in.

So because you believe Beck to be lying, you justify your own lies about Beck? Couldnt care less about reality could you?

And you are the one who brought race into this conversation.

That would be a false statement.

In fact, Anton Drexler, a Blacksmith, and Nationalist with a strong penchant for hating marxism was the founder of the Nazi Party.

Doesnt change the fact that the Nazi party is a form of socialism. That is why it's called national socialism... but who cares about facts?

Your last statement shows that you truly do not know your history. Go read about the power struggle between the power wings of the Nazi party and what happened to the left, which lost that struggle.

Read your history, please.
Jake, you aren't fooling anybody, you are a partisan freak.

And that's why I voted for McCain and held my nose at Palin? Never again will I make that stupid of a mistake. I remember my greatgrandfther making a similar statement about voting for FDR in '32. Live and learn.

Thing is, kitten, he and I are able to learn. I don't think you can break out of your box.

I have no box, you are assuming I do. Why you are so against Beck is beyond me, it's like the people who rant about Michael Moore ...
If Obama was truly being bipartisan then he would have also put as much effort and attention on the Republican's ideas instead of only advertising his own. ;)

Elections have consequences, and you lost.

Elections do have consequences, but if you think the American people need to shut up until the next one and have no right to talk to, protest, petition etc their elected officials, then you are insane.

Protest all you want, but don't unlawfully disrupt. You don't get to play that game.
Avatar, you have every right to participate in the democratic process then abide the result.

That is your American freedom.

I was unaware that our freedom of speech ended when the election did. In fact, im fairly certain we are not only allowed, but encouraged to continually speak out.
Avatar, you have every right to participate in the democratic process then abide the result.

That is your American freedom.

I was unaware that our freedom of speech ended when the election did. In fact, im fairly certain we are not only allowed, but encouraged to continually speak out.

We are also encouraged to retake the country if the government oversteps it's bounds, but don't confuse them with facts.
Also note that the common term for doing what Mr Beck did is "Talking out both sides of your mouth".

I was just curious of what your opinion is of my opinion. i'll quote it below for you.

I understand your sentiment. I am infuriated with Obama for making fun of me because I am questioning this bill. I am angry with Pelosi too for calling me a fake.....go read some of my HR3200 stuff and its plain to see that I am actually reading and interpreting the bill for myself and not going by left/right talking points on it.

Maybe Obama and the rest of the reps/dems in congress should actually READ the freaking bill and show us the comprehend it instead of just bashing people for not blindly following their political talking points on it. Jerks.

These politicians treating hard working taxpayers like this is inciting violence more than anything that Glenn Beck says on the airwaves.
I would say the Patriot Act ... but then a lot of Republican supporters opposed that.

It originally passed with quite a bit of bipartisan support. And when it was renewed Democrats were actively involved in the amendment process.
Also note that the common term for doing what Mr Beck did is "Talking out both sides of your mouth".

I was just curious of what your opinion is of my opinion. i'll quote it below for you.

I understand your sentiment. I am infuriated with Obama for making fun of me because I am questioning this bill. I am angry with Pelosi too for calling me a fake.....go read some of my HR3200 stuff and its plain to see that I am actually reading and interpreting the bill for myself and not going by left/right talking points on it.

Maybe Obama and the rest of the reps/dems in congress should actually READ the freaking bill and show us the comprehend it instead of just bashing people for not blindly following their political talking points on it. Jerks.

These politicians treating hard working taxpayers like this is inciting violence more than anything that Glenn Beck says on the airwaves.

Well, Bo Pilgrim, lawdy lawdy, as I live and die.

You ran your company into the ground because your a poor business man, and now you come here to lecture.

Lawdy, lawdy.
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