Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Jake I'm missing the reference in your post. sorry buddy :(

As far as my business goes we are doing great, i still get a quaterly bonus :D.

For spelling? Sorry, I couldn't help myself for that. I have trouble spelling all the time -- sdrawkcab gnilleps.

You might get your quarterlies since you own the major interest of it.
Yes, but you arent the judge of what's true. The fact is anyone who watches Glenn regularly knows you're outright lying when you claim he is inciting people to violence.

Really? That's interesting, of my opinion of what Glenn Becks intentions were are just that, my opinion. Stating my heartfelt opinion is not lying.

However, history is full of incidents where comparisons simliar to this incite violence. And, as evidenced by incidents such as the assisination of that abortion doctor recently, listeners of right wing radio and television sometimes take the inferences made by the talking heads as calls to action.

The fact that people have been forming mobs, and pushing and forcing their way into political events in order to disrupt them is also proof of this.

And those are accurate facts.

No, those are Mr Becks opinions, not facts. You do know the difference, right?

The fact these legitimate points dont bother you about the Obama administration is downright frightening.
His Czars speaking on involuntary sterilization through the nations water supply.

An exact quote, in context, would be helpful here.

Death counseling for seniors.

Yes, helping people plan for the eventuality of death with living wills and the like, is a hideous thing, isn't it? Much better not to think about it and leave your children to fight it out, right?

Suggesting we shouldnt spend money on seniors if they cost too much. suggesting that already born children can be killed if their parents wanted to abort them.

Again, exact quote, in context

Holy crap the only thing they havent suggested is actual death camps. And you see absolutely no legitimate connection between this?

You mean "Internment Camps" like Guantanimo Bay? Oh no wait, that would be Bush.

Yeah, and he accurately backed it up. Obama is a totalitarian. He is more than willing to seize as much power as he can and he is actively doing so. And we the people need to stop this.

REALLY? "Obama is a Totalitarian" eh?

So, he's stated his desire to abolish representation, do away with congress, and centralize all power in the country to rest with a single ruler?

Do you have any idea what Totalitarianism MEANS?

If anyone tried to seriously strengthen the power of the presidency, it was George W Bush, by attempting to take power from congress. And Glenn Beck was his strong supporter in this throughout the vast majority of his presidency.

He is sincere. He isnt faking emotional outbursts.


So because youre ignoring obvious parallels we are supposed to?

You have not made one point that proves a parellel, much less an "obvious" one.

That's because he was showing parallels. He was explaining why this administration is dangerous. And he has obviously succeeded if you want to silence him so much.

And by doing so, he is in fact, as I stated, suggesting that Obama is exactly like Hitler, and that the Democrats are Nazis. Thus my point.

He doesn't want to believe the worst in people. He just isnt stupid enough to stick his head in the sand when there are so many freaking signs.

Yet, he's been calling people "Facist", "Nazi" and "Racist" left and right and making wild out-of-hand accusations.

Obama has recently been speaking about maybe it would have been better if his grandmother died instead of going through costly proceedures to extend her life. If he is throwing his grandmother under the bus, do you honestly think he gives a damn about yours?

Maybe it would have been. That's between Obama and his grandmother, isn't it?
Who are you to decide what would have been better in their situation? Are we going to go back to the Terry Shiavo argument again?

And glen is trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. It's who glen is. He doesnt want to think the worst of people. But again he isnt going to ignore reality.

No he isn't. He's been bashing Mr Obama and the democrats incessantly for YEARS.

And NOW you expect us to believe he's "trying to give him the benefit of the doubt"? Seriously?

Cause encouraging non-violent protests is extremely incendiary. Got ya.
You are a liar when you try to claim someone advocating non-violent uprising is trying to incite violence.

How is saying someone is a Nazi who wants to kill your children "advocating a non-violent uprising". And what in God's name makes you think that an "uprising" against the lawfully and democratically elected government of the United States would be "non-violent"?

And again, stating my strong opinion about what the outcome would be does not make me, in any way, a liar.

You're right. Your attacks on Glenn's character instead of addressing the facts themselves do not win arguments. Trying to silence your political opponents does not win arguments. The fact is your position is indefensible so you have to attack Glenn and try

Um the actual broadcast shows your "facts" are wrong. If you would stop confusing your opinion for fact, you'd probably get alittle further with your arguments.

But until you stop claiming that encouraging non violent resistance is somehow inciting rebellion, you have zero credibility. You have no facts to begin with.

I am attacking Glenn's assertions, and their veracity, and neither you nor Glenn have proven to me that your opinions constitute fact AT ALL.

Just because Glenn made a presentation that strung together a whole bunch of random facts based on his opinion that they are related does not make it true.

And no, the broadcast does not in fact show my facts are wrong.
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Your last statement shows that you truly do not know your history. Go read about the power struggle between the power wings of the Nazi party and what happened to the left, which lost that struggle.

Read your history, please.

So... Anton Drexler did not form the Nazi Party?

That's funny, because:

In 1919 Anton Drexler created the German Workers Party or the DAP.

In 1920, the name of the party was changed to the NSDAP, adding National Socialist to its name, otherwise known as the Nazi party.
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Elections have consequences, and you lost.

Elections do have consequences, but if you think the American people need to shut up until the next one and have no right to talk to, protest, petition etc their elected officials, then you are insane.

Protest all you want, but don't unlawfully disrupt. You don't get to play that game.

Non-Violent Civil Disobedience is an acceptable, respectful, form of Protest. You don't make the rules.
Beck's opinion is just that, his opinion. Personally I believe Beck to be a lying propagandist of the worst kind, so I don't care at all what Beck's opinion is on the subject.

And your attempt to make this discussion about race is not goinig to draw me in.

So because you believe Beck to be lying, you justify your own lies about Beck? Couldnt care less about reality could you?

And you are the one who brought race into this conversation.

That would be a false statement.

In fact, Anton Drexler, a Blacksmith, and Nationalist with a strong penchant for hating marxism was the founder of the Nazi Party.

Doesnt change the fact that the Nazi party is a form of socialism. That is why it's called national socialism... but who cares about facts?

Obviously you don't, since you ignored my earlier post on this very subject explaining how the Nazi's were not socialists, as well as my links to reference material on the subject.

I can post it again if you'd like, but it would probably be easier for you to just scroll back and read it.
Your last statement shows that you truly do not know your history. Go read about the power struggle between the power wings of the Nazi party and what happened to the left, which lost that struggle.

Read your history, please.

So... Anton Drexler did not form the Nazi Party?

That's funny, because:

In 1919 Anton Drexler created the German Workers Party or the DAP.

In 1920, the name of the party was changed to the NSDAP, adding National Socialist to its name, otherwise known as the Nazi party.

Yes, he did, but is that where you stopped reading? Read further through the rise and fall of the Sturmabteilung in the Night of the Long Knives, with their leftist leaders, including Ernst Röhm. Really, keep reading.
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Elections do have consequences, but if you think the American people need to shut up until the next one and have no right to talk to, protest, petition etc their elected officials, then you are insane.

Protest all you want, but don't unlawfully disrupt. You don't get to play that game.

Non-Violent Civil Disobedience is an acceptable, respectful, form of Protest. You don't make the rules.

The rules were made long before you and me, and, yes, you will follow the rules or pay the consquence. Don't like it? Tough luck.
Protest all you want, but don't unlawfully disrupt. You don't get to play that game.

Non-Violent Civil Disobedience is an acceptable, respectful, form of Protest. You don't make the rules.

The rules were made long before you and me, and, yes, you will follow the rules or pay the consquence. Don't like it? Tough luck.

The "rules" also state that if the government encroaches on our freedoms we should take up arms and over throw them. ;)
Other things to do, my children.

Remember that the 25% do not have any control over what the other 75% decide to do in a democratic republic.

I imagine high school and college instructors all over America are gleefully, yea, joyfully, downloading the shari'a silliness of the far ultratoid freaky right to demonstrate how wise our Founders were in protecting all of us from the wierdos. Even wierdos have 1st Amendment rights (that's what the 1st Amendment is for -- unpopular expression), but if they disrupt or threaten they get to pay big fines. And if they touch, they go to jail. America is wonderful, even to the wierdos.

You do your children???

You're right. So stop presuming you can tell me and everyone else in the nation what to do. Stop presuming you can just take away our freedom and we arent going to be at all upset.

I would like the freedom to nuke Utah.

I wonder if Huggy is a domestic Terrorist? Touch Zion Park, you had better make it a suicide bomb, ain't no place gonna be safe for you worm.... :evil: In fairness Huggy, You shouldn't fool around like that.

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