Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Anyone who imagines that Hitler and his thugs were socialists or communists is a fucking idiot.
Which is why they were called the Nationalsozialismus or National Socialist Party, formerly the German Workers' Party :rolleyes:

Hitler had to choose between the socialist policies of the SA brownshirts or the capitalist policies of the businessmen who were backing him. Hitler made his choice, destroying the leadership of the SA and embracing the businessmen. Any who believe that Hitler was a communist or a socialist is simply wrong.

And then he changed the furniture, and they found themselves serving him, too terrified to disagree. He was the Religion. Not Business, which served the state.
Which is why they were called the Nationalsozialismus or National Socialist Party, formerly the German Workers' Party :rolleyes:

Hitler had to choose between the socialist policies of the SA brownshirts or the capitalist policies of the businessmen who were backing him. Hitler made his choice, destroying the leadership of the SA and embracing the businessmen. Any who believe that Hitler was a communist or a socialist is simply wrong.

And then he changed the furniture, and they found themselves serving him, too terrified to disagree. He was the Religion. Not Business, which served the state.

The authoritarian right can control a nation the same as the authoritarian left. You are afraid of Obama. OK, I get that. More than 50% were afraid of McCain and more of Bush the same. So we will see where we go.
Glenn Back is a CIA plant.They got plants like that in mainstream media everywhere.Congress discovered that during an investigation into thier activities during the 1970's.Bill O'Reily is one was walter cronkike.
You need serious help! Start with some anger management then be evaluated for a mental disorder.

Ya I'm all over it. Thanks Dr Terry! :clap2: That neg rep was all I needed.

Come on now, Huggy, Terry only is concerned about your welfare. She told me that Obama's team should fire me.

I really like a woman who is concerned for the men in her life!:eusa_angel:
Glenn Back is a CIA plant.They got plants like that in mainstream media everywhere.Congress discovered that during an investigation into thier activities during the 1970's.Bill O'Reily is one was walter cronkike.

Prove it!

Some of what he said is true numb nuts. I don't believe Cronkite was a plant but I know that CNN was infiltrated by the CIA back in the late 70's and early 80's. At first they had these guys n gals on the tube with shopping bags over thier heads reading "the news"..for real.. It was pretty funny..but they would spout some pretty wack shit. I saw it myself...dozens of times. I'm not going to do your research for you but I swear on my grandfathers grave every word above is true. As an independant verification Mike Malloy used to work at CNN at the same time and he frequently refers to just what I was talking about. He names names.

I'm not going to get into a dick measuring contest over this because I already mentioned my grand dad and I don't want to have to go down to texas and count who's queer or steer. Just take it for what it's worth.
Are you guys seriously debating if Hitler was a Liberal or a Conservative?

Holy crap the man was an insane race supremist who believed in the principles of Eugenics. I wouldn't call him a lib or a con just an a-hole.
[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow - America's deeply disturbing racial and violent discourse[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow Jun 29 - The Insanity of the Right[/ame]
cnn and msnbc are racist!!!! constantly trying to divide the races,like barry hussein is doing!!

What kinda fuckin country is this when a half black NI**ER gets to be president?

I just hate it when that happens. :lol: Don't you?

Would you feel better about him if we passed a law that he had to get a Michael Jackson makeover?
Glenn Beck is saying what the left wingnut media won't! He's telling the truth about what's going on! He is not inciting violence. Whose pushing who around at town hall meetings? Hell SEIU injured a man that was there to sell flags and buttons! If we oppose what the president and Congress are doing all of a sudden we're the mob and nazis and un-American.
This is my country and we're not going to take Washington's crap any more! We're coming for you!

That's the thing, they aren't just opposing. This thread is about Glenn Beck inciting violence. If he were simply opposing or stating his pov, it wouldn't be discussed as much as it is.

He likes getting this much attention, it is good for his ratings. Imo, he is baiting and encouraging them to get into these TH meetings and do what they have to, yell, scream, but most of all, shut these Healthcare supporters up.

If they take it as their que to obstruct with violence do you think Beck really cares?
moron, did you actually watch the show the OP was talking about?
hey now....wait just a minute......

i thought obama and the left were going to unite us and bring us together..........
Yeah that's why the first thing he did was imprison or kill al the communists and trade unionists.

Because he so loved the left.

Fucking idiots.

Did Hitler control Through Market or Mandate? He was a Statist, Like You, who's solution, starts with jails, and ends up in mass grave for those that refuse to play along, or have place. You just haven't reached that level yet. Control through Force, by the State. Socialist, just a different brand. Just more Extreme to date. His Ethnic Hatred may also have been a factor. Taking out The Trade Unionist Leaders was taking out Rival Competition. Like Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
What does Obama do to any Dem. that opposes an issue? Pavlovian Response? Do you like your life the way it is comrade? That is how we see you, just so you know. Free to agree.

Hitler was a loon. Regardless of politics, He was his own worst enemy.

Hitler used the Party and police terror to control the state. The first and an implication of the second (Patriot Act) are what the Bushies tried to do for six years and almost got away with it, until folks had enough. Now we will see if Obama and the Dems will try the same things.
which has been passed the first time with massive democrat support and still continues to pass

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