Glenn Beck: ‘Liberals, you were right’ on the war in Iraq

I just hope Obama is smart enough not to swallow the neocon warmongering bait and get sucked back into Iraq. I would tell Maliki to go screw himself - since he was done nothing but contribute to the problem.
Too late. He WILL...HE has NO CHOICE. He OWNS IT.

No, Obama doesn't own it - yet. The Bushes own it - Bush 41 and Bush 43.

1st Gulf War - Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait. April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador To Iraq

2nd Gulf War - Bush 43 conjured up lies for second Bush invasion.
You guys have been saying that for years.

Again, you guys who are destroying MY party try to lump me in with the liberals.

What has the GOP accomplished lately that makes you proud to be a conservative? Are you proud, that after 6 years, the GOP *might* take control of Congress - and I stress might as the teapers will probably fuck that up too. Are you proud that the Presidential front runner for 2016 is a fucking canadian?

You guys have already DESTROYED the GOP. It will never be the same. Radical racists and anti-Government loons have transformed the GOP. The attitude of extremism or nothing has doomed the GOP to either cave in to the radical right or to move closer to the left of center.

But again, what has the GOP accomplished? How is it NOT destroyed already?

I am very happy with Cruz at the moment. I am happy that some are beginning to fight. I am annoyed with the leadership that keeps selling us out though. I am happy that there are some who are willing to fight for what's right despite the other half of the party selling us out.

I don't think it's extreme to uphold and defend the Constitution. I don't think it's extreme to expect our government to curb it's spending and to stop burdening the people with extremely high taxes. I don't think it's extreme to expect people to be honest and decent in government. Or to admit mistakes and correct them.

If you think it is, than I would argue that you are the extremist.

There is a big difference between rhetoric and action. Teapers are all rhetoric and no action...that is a good thing when that rhetoric is nothing more than racism, anti-Government and anti-American drivel based on manufactured 'issues' that have no hold on reality.
You guys have been saying that for years.

Again, you guys who are destroying MY party try to lump me in with the liberals.

What has the GOP accomplished lately that makes you proud to be a conservative? Are you proud, that after 6 years, the GOP *might* take control of Congress - and I stress might as the teapers will probably fuck that up too. Are you proud that the Presidential front runner for 2016 is a fucking canadian?

You guys have already DESTROYED the GOP. It will never be the same. Radical racists and anti-Government loons have transformed the GOP. The attitude of extremism or nothing has doomed the GOP to either cave in to the radical right or to move closer to the left of center.

But again, what has the GOP accomplished? How is it NOT destroyed already?

I am very happy with Cruz at the moment. I am happy that some are beginning to fight. I am annoyed with the leadership that keeps selling us out though. I am happy that there are some who are willing to fight for what's right despite the other half of the party selling us out.

I don't think it's extreme to uphold and defend the Constitution. I don't think it's extreme to expect our government to curb it's spending and to stop burdening the people with extremely high taxes. I don't think it's extreme to expect people to be honest and decent in government. Or to admit mistakes and correct them.

If you think it is, than I would argue that you are the extremist.

It's people like Cruz that are destroying this country... it's people like you that enable and encourage people like Cruz.
I guess he is praying to the wrong god...or he isn't wearing his magic underwear.

God won't override Obama's will. If he doesn't want the wisdom God can give him, he won't get it.

Then why are you praying for him?

Nonetheless, your assertion is can you say man's will is stronger than God's will?
It's people like Cruz that are destroying this country... it's people like you that enable and encourage people like Cruz.

I humbly disagree. i think people like you are. Standing for the Constitution doesn't.
I just hope Obama is smart enough not to swallow the neocon warmongering bait and get sucked back into Iraq. I would tell Maliki to go screw himself - since he was done nothing but contribute to the problem.
Too late. He WILL...HE has NO CHOICE. He OWNS IT.

No, Obama doesn't own it - yet. The Bushes own it - Bush 41 and Bush 43.

1st Gulf War - Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait. April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador To Iraq

2nd Gulf War - Bush 43 conjured up lies for second Bush invasion.

Clinton owns 9/11.
Beck drank the Bush Kool-Aid - as did most righties. Now he's sorry - after so much wasted blood and treasure. The same deranged misfits who created this mess now want to offer advice on how to correct it. No thanks, assholes!

Nonsense. No one could have predicted what is and has been happening in the ME today. Fighting terrorism and tyrants is righteous. Defending the American people from those who want to harm us is righteous, no Kool-Aid necessary.

The problem is that we did not do it right...and we never have. Beating someone up and taking your foot off of their neck gives them another opportunity to fight you again - and is a poor war philosophy. You can't send troops into battle without declaring war. You can't win a fight without occupying and transforming the defeated to your will. Punishing your enemy and destroying your enemy are two different things. Until we get in the mindset that we have to destroy radical Islam and terrorism, we will be in a perpetual fight.

We definitely didn't do it right.

What would you have done differently?
Too late. He WILL...HE has NO CHOICE. He OWNS IT.

No, Obama doesn't own it - yet. The Bushes own it - Bush 41 and Bush 43.

1st Gulf War - Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait. April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador To Iraq

2nd Gulf War - Bush 43 conjured up lies for second Bush invasion.

Clinton owns 9/11.
Yep. Their Hero Osama stated as much with Clinton's indecision and going after the wrong target pre-9/11.

But Clinton is an untouchable hero in their world. But that depends upon what the meaning of
I guess he is praying to the wrong god...or he isn't wearing his magic underwear.

God won't override Obama's will. If he doesn't want the wisdom God can give him, he won't get it.

Then why are you praying for him?

Nonetheless, your assertion is can you say man's will is stronger than God's will?

Because the Lord has told us to pray for our leaders and I have hope that maybe someday he will open himself up.

I didn't say a man's will is stronger than God's. I said God won't do anything contrary to a person's will. God doesn't compel people to listen to Him. He gave us our agency to act or not to act. His desire is that we come to Him with a willing heart and a contrite Spirit.

It's quite possible that Obama will be humbled before the end of his term. Then the Spirit can influence him. Unfortunately, the President has alot of hubris at the moment and humbling him may be painful for all of us.
Dear Mr. Beck:

What part of all these Democrats agreeing to the Iraq invasion did you miss? Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes

yours sincerely,

The part where you pretend the buck stops with them and not the POTUS

Blame Bush.

What a shocker.

Hey where did the buck stop for killing veterans by denying them VA benefits for the past 6 years?

Beck drank the Bush Kool-Aid - as did most righties. Now he's sorry - after so much wasted blood and treasure. The same deranged misfits who created this mess now want to offer advice on how to correct it. No thanks, assholes!

After WWII, how much did Nazi Germany understand about freedom? And yet look at how far they have come since then.

Freedom flourished in West Germany because we gave it the chance to bloom. And how did we do that? By occupying Germany. It sounds contradictory, but that is how it worked.

But it was not just an occupation. We worked in partnership with the Germans. We did not demobilize their armies and send them all home with their guns.

This is where Bush really fucked up. He demobilized the Iraqi army and sent them all home with their guns. Instead of keeping them around as partners, we kicked them in the ass and sent them home defeated and demoralized. It came as no surprise to me they turned on us.

If we had simply followed the model we used in Germany and Japan after WWII, the Iraqi people would be peaceful and prospering by now. And probably one of our greatest allies.

The difference is that we demolished Germany. We took everything away from them...took away land and kept our boots on their necks. Only recently did we let up...and that was a mistake as we see a rise in German hate and lust for power. You will see, as the ME starts its regional war, Germany will be smack in the middle of it, trying to garner enough power so they can dominate Europe and have an ally in their genocidal effort to kill the Jews.
Nonsense. No one could have predicted what is and has been happening in the ME today. Fighting terrorism and tyrants is righteous. Defending the American people from those who want to harm us is righteous, no Kool-Aid necessary.

The problem is that we did not do it right...and we never have. Beating someone up and taking your foot off of their neck gives them another opportunity to fight you again - and is a poor war philosophy. You can't send troops into battle without declaring war. You can't win a fight without occupying and transforming the defeated to your will. Punishing your enemy and destroying your enemy are two different things. Until we get in the mindset that we have to destroy radical Islam and terrorism, we will be in a perpetual fight.

We definitely didn't do it right.

What would you have done differently?

I am not sure. At the time, probably nothing because I was an ignorant kid back then. If I know what I know now, I wouldn't have supported going in. But as I said earlier, who could have anticipated Obama's foreign policy?
Again, you guys who are destroying MY party try to lump me in with the liberals.

What has the GOP accomplished lately that makes you proud to be a conservative? Are you proud, that after 6 years, the GOP *might* take control of Congress - and I stress might as the teapers will probably fuck that up too. Are you proud that the Presidential front runner for 2016 is a fucking canadian?

You guys have already DESTROYED the GOP. It will never be the same. Radical racists and anti-Government loons have transformed the GOP. The attitude of extremism or nothing has doomed the GOP to either cave in to the radical right or to move closer to the left of center.

But again, what has the GOP accomplished? How is it NOT destroyed already?

I am very happy with Cruz at the moment. I am happy that some are beginning to fight. I am annoyed with the leadership that keeps selling us out though. I am happy that there are some who are willing to fight for what's right despite the other half of the party selling us out.

I don't think it's extreme to uphold and defend the Constitution. I don't think it's extreme to expect our government to curb it's spending and to stop burdening the people with extremely high taxes. I don't think it's extreme to expect people to be honest and decent in government. Or to admit mistakes and correct them.

If you think it is, than I would argue that you are the extremist.

It's people like Cruz that are destroying this country... it's people like you that enable and encourage people like Cruz.
Adhering to the Constitution and the rule of LAW (and NOT selectively like Obama/Holder that took an OATH to defend ALL of it), is dangerous to this Republic? YOU are deranged.:cuckoo:
We definitely didn't do it right.

What would you have done differently?

I am not sure. At the time, probably nothing because I was an ignorant kid back then. If I know what I know now, I wouldn't have supported going in. But as I said earlier, who could have anticipated Obama's foreign policy?
Indeed. Deal with the NOW...and Obama refuses to...even though he owns it. HE will find another scapegoat or diversion...
Dear Mr. Beck:

What part of all these Democrats agreeing to the Iraq invasion did you miss? Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes

yours sincerely,

The part where you pretend the buck stops with them and not the POTUS

Blame Bush.

What a shocker.

Hey where did the buck stop for killing veterans by denying them VA benefits for the past 6 years?

With the POTUS...the same as when the VA was fucked up from 2005.

Wait, sorry we cant blame Bush...It was Obamas fault

The Walter Reed Army Medical Center neglect scandal resulted from a series of allegations of unsatisfactory conditions, treatment of patients, and management at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) in Washington, D.C. culminating in two articles published by The Washington Post in February 2007. Several cases of patient neglect and shoddy living conditions were reported as early as 2004

Yep...Definitely not Bush's fault
God won't override Obama's will. If he doesn't want the wisdom God can give him, he won't get it.

running out of people to blame it on, blame God.


I'm not blaming God. I am blaming Obama.

You could have wisdom too if you were prepared to receive it.

"According to Abbas, Bush said: 'God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.'"

what wisdom would that be, marching lockstep with conspiracy nuts ? I'll pass thanks anyway. BTW, God has nothing to do with this mess in Iraq.
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