Glenn Beck: ‘Liberals, you were right’ on the war in Iraq

Beck drank the Bush Kool-Aid - as did most righties. Now he's sorry - after so much wasted blood and treasure. The same deranged misfits who created this mess now want to offer advice on how to correct it. No thanks, assholes!

After WWII, how much did Nazi Germany understand about freedom? And yet look at how far they have come since then.

Freedom flourished in West Germany because we gave it the chance to bloom. And how did we do that? By occupying Germany. It sounds contradictory, but that is how it worked.

But it was not just an occupation. We worked in partnership with the Germans. We did not demobilize their armies and send them all home with their guns.

This is where Bush really fucked up. He demobilized the Iraqi army and sent them all home with their guns. Instead of keeping them around as partners, we kicked them in the ass and sent them home defeated and demoralized. It came as no surprise to me they turned on us.

If we had simply followed the model we used in Germany and Japan after WWII, the Iraqi people would be peaceful and prospering by now. And probably one of our greatest allies.
and a little more

I think a lot of people have no idea what freedom really is. That ignorance leads them to say unbelievable things like "Waterboarding is not torture" and that the Bill of Rights only applies to Christians.

I agree. I think the first key to learning the truth is to admit we are all ignorant. And the fact is every one on this board is ignorant. We may be ignorant of different things. And we may have some difficult lessons to learn, but once we recognize our ignorance on a vast majority of things, we can actually start learning the truth.
I think a lot of people have no idea what freedom really is. That ignorance leads them to say unbelievable things like "Waterboarding is not torture" and that the Bill of Rights only applies to Christians.

I agree. I think the first key to learning the truth is to admit we are all ignorant. And the fact is every one on this board is ignorant. We may be ignorant of different things. And we may have some difficult lessons to learn, but once we recognize our ignorance on a vast majority of things, we can actually start learning the truth.

Yes, none of us are omniscient. But some are more ignorant than others. :D
Isn't this a little like blaming it on the victims?

Isn't that the issue? We can only be victims if we allow ourselves to be victims. We can be victims and make excuses or we can step up and accept that our actions can change things and make better choices.
Who in the human condition doesn't want to be free? Who in the human condition doesn't want to be heard? I know of no one and the Iraqi people are people so I assume most want those freedoms.

There are right wing politicians today who are propagating the idea that freedom in America is only for Christians, and there are people on this forum who subscribe to this belief.

Who? State name and provide quotes. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom to lie. If you name any they had better not jut be some fringe idiot. And WTF does that even have to do with the subject of the thread????

You can say what you want, and worship as you wish, as long as you are a Christian, and maybe we'll let the Jews say and worshp as they wish. The Bill of Rights is only for who we say it is for. Everybody else, fuck you.

Again, post who or STFU with your lies.

Such people actually think they stand for freedom. They don't. They are nazi wannabes. They are totalitarian assholes.

If there are such people other then the fringe. Once again what does ANY of this have to do with the Iraqi people wanting freedom????

See how that works?

Yes, you make up your version of truth then try to use it to make some sort of point. No one is trying to force you to be a Christian, but someday there maybe people trying to force you to be a muslim.
Oh, so that's why 30 Democrats in the Senate voted to go to war in Iraq!

Including all the ones that ran for party nomination in 2004...and Hillary. For the record I was opposed to the war from beginning for exact reason of whats happening now in Iraq. Afghanistan was fine, a terrorist attack was launched from there...but Iraq was a war of choice and a poorly thought out plan.

Afghanistan will end up just like Iraq if not worse.

I guess killing Osama was useless as well.
Beck just lost a fan.

It is easy to be the Quarterback after the game. The only objective of the war was not to nation build. It was not to "force" democracy onto the Iraqis. Who in the human condition doesn't want to be free? Who in the human condition doesn't want to be heard? I know of no one and the Iraqi people are people so I assume most want those freedoms. Unless I am mistaken there are two sides in the civil war going on, the ones that are for freedom and the ones who want to take it away and Beck is OK with that, BS.

The Iraq war was not a failure all objectives were met. We stayed, and now the Iraqi people have to decide what THEY want. Are they willing to fight for the freedom that all men want? No they are not dogs as Beck implies they are people and people want to live free. It is the tyrants that want to take away their freedom.

Iraqi Kurd Woman Thanks President Bush - YouTube

The situation now in Iraq is not as simple as you make it out to be in your mind. It's now a total mess that Bush created with his stupid and ignorant attack on Saddam and Iraq. Bush was warned but he didn't give a damn and now it's the Iraqi people who are going to pay dearly for that idiot Bush's grave mistake.

Yes. because Obama still has nothing to do with what's happened the last 6 years.
I just hope Obama is smart enough not to swallow the neocon warmongering bait and get sucked back into Iraq. I would tell Maliki to go screw himself - since he was done nothing but contribute to the problem.
Isn't this a little like blaming it on the victims?

Isn't that the issue? We can only be victims if we allow ourselves to be victims. We can be victims and make excuses or we can step up and accept that our actions can change things and make better choices.

By what I am reading in the news there are those who are fighting ISIS, fighting for their freedom, we should support that or else admit we have become a nation of pussies.
Oh, so that's why 30 Democrats in the Senate voted to go to war in Iraq!

Including all the ones that ran for party nomination in 2004...and Hillary. For the record I was opposed to the war from beginning for exact reason of whats happening now in Iraq. Afghanistan was fine, a terrorist attack was launched from there...but Iraq was a war of choice and a poorly thought out plan.

Afghanistan will end up just like Iraq if not worse.

I guess killing Osama was useless as well.
One CELL in the Cancer out of BILLIONS. They will keep coming unless eradicated.
Now the left expects everyone agree with Beck.

We were right before Beck agreed with us; we'll be right if he changes his mind.

Being right is a force sufficiently powerful to be unaffected by external annoyances.

Except the only reason you are "right" is because you guys elected a completely incompetent leader who let this happen.
I think a lot of people have no idea what freedom really is. That ignorance leads them to say unbelievable things like "Waterboarding is not torture" and that the Bill of Rights only applies to Christians.

I agree. I think the first key to learning the truth is to admit we are all ignorant. And the fact is every one on this board is ignorant. We may be ignorant of different things. And we may have some difficult lessons to learn, but once we recognize our ignorance on a vast majority of things, we can actually start learning the truth.

Yes, none of us are omniscient. But some are more ignorant than others. :D

Not denying that lol
Beck drank the Bush Kool-Aid - as did most righties. Now he's sorry - after so much wasted blood and treasure. The same deranged misfits who created this mess now want to offer advice on how to correct it. No thanks, assholes!

Nonsense. No one could have predicted what is and has been happening in the ME today. Fighting terrorism and tyrants is righteous. Defending the American people from those who want to harm us is righteous, no Kool-Aid necessary.

The problem is that we did not do it right...and we never have. Beating someone up and taking your foot off of their neck gives them another opportunity to fight you again - and is a poor war philosophy. You can't send troops into battle without declaring war. You can't win a fight without occupying and transforming the defeated to your will. Punishing your enemy and destroying your enemy are two different things. Until we get in the mindset that we have to destroy radical Islam and terrorism, we will be in a perpetual fight.
Beck drank the Bush Kool-Aid - as did most righties. Now he's sorry - after so much wasted blood and treasure. The same deranged misfits who created this mess now want to offer advice on how to correct it. No thanks, assholes!

Nonsense. No one could have predicted what is and has been happening in the ME today. Fighting terrorism and tyrants is righteous. Defending the American people from those who want to harm us is righteous, no Kool-Aid necessary.

The problem is that we did not do it right...and we never have. Beating someone up and taking your foot off of their neck gives them another opportunity to fight you again - and is a poor war philosophy. You can't send troops into battle without declaring war. You can't win a fight without occupying and transforming the defeated to your will. Punishing your enemy and destroying your enemy are two different things. Until we get in the mindset that we have to destroy radical Islam and terrorism, we will be in a perpetual fight.

We definitely didn't do it right.
Who in the human condition doesn't want to be free? Who in the human condition doesn't want to be heard? I know of no one and the Iraqi people are people so I assume most want those freedoms.

There are right wing politicians today who are propagating the idea that freedom in America is only for Christians, and there are people on this forum who subscribe to this belief.

You can say what you want, and worship as you wish, as long as you are a Christian, and maybe we'll let the Jews say and worshp as they wish. The Bill of Rights is only for who we say it is for. Everybody else, fuck you.

Such people actually think they stand for freedom. They don't. They are nazi wannabes. They are totalitarian assholes.

The people in Iraq, like many people in the Middle East, think "freedom" is just for Sunnis or just for Shiites, depending in which mosque they themselves are.

See how that works?

the quote was from "freewill"...not me.

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