Global crop failures continue: In Australia this is going to be the worse harvest ever recorded


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Global food production is being hit from seemingly every side.
Global Crop Failures Continue: In Australia This Is Going To Be The WORST HARVEST Ever Recorded

Your food will be used as a weapon we are entering into a depression never seen before in our time THE REALITY WILL HIT ( you won't be able to deny it)
THE STUPID BE IT THEY DENY IT NOW or not you LAUGH you dumbo's have been warned and you had plenty of time............ but it's all so fake.

OPINION (ETH) – The massive plague of locusts that has left a trail of destruction across Africa has made its way across the Red Sea coast and has set their sights on Egypt and Saudi Arabia. as the swarm were reportedly spotted close to Eastern Equatoria on the South Sudanese border with Kenya and Ethiopia, suggesting they are heading northbound towards Egypt.

Locust plague headed to Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Some fear sign of Apocalypse
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As goes liberal-progressive policy,

so goes the world.

You reap what you sow.

As goes liberal-progressive policy,

so goes the world.

You reap what you sow.

View attachment 307730

Just think of all those birds dropping out of the sky too recently.. and check this out

(ETH) – The extent of the damage left behind from the ongoing locust plague that has impacted multiple countries is getting hard to even comprehend. A recent report has indicated that the swarms have left a trail of destruction across East Africa and is stretching across Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, and India and is now multiplying by the millions and broadening their reach as far as China.

Locusts devour tens of thousands of acres of farmland in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia
Iceberg lettuce production was hit hard and now the markets I shop at either have a few very sorry looking tiny lettuce heads or none at all, had to switch to green leaf lettuce and spinache. Here is an artical about that.

And another


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