Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th "Warmest" January On Record


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The weather this and that for recent root cause of economic slow-down


Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th "Warmest" January On Record

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2014 20:17 -0500

The last 3 weeks have seen the macro fundamentals of the G-10 major economies collapse at the fastest pace in almost 4 years and almost the biggest slump since Lehman. Despite a plethora of data showing that 'weather' is not to blame, US strategists, 'economists', and asset-gatherers are sticking to the meme that this is all because of the cold on the east coast of the US (and that means wondrous pent-up demand to come). However, as the New York Times reports, for the earth, it was the 4th warmest January on record.

Read the rest here: Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th "Warmest" January On Record | Zero Hedge
Okay, Geaux is losing it.

You know what I'm seeing a lot more of these days?

Help Wanted signs.

oooh ! what would that be ? more ghetto scum to sign up for some FREE .gov bennies ? :lmao: ... :clap2: ... :lmao:

Right - black people get the freebies.

No one who is white.

White people are NEVER on the dole.

Especially not republicans.

No sir.

No republican will ever take a hand-out.

They would not be a republican if that happened.

(thumbs up)
"Global" is the buzz word for Asian.
The financial geniuses of Wall Street have failed.
China and India are at a crossroads as they have lost their customers, otherwise know. And the US consumer.
The weather this and that for recent root cause of economic slow-down


Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th "Warmest" January On Record

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2014 20:17 -0500

The last 3 weeks have seen the macro fundamentals of the G-10 major economies collapse at the fastest pace in almost 4 years and almost the biggest slump since Lehman. Despite a plethora of data showing that 'weather' is not to blame, US strategists, 'economists', and asset-gatherers are sticking to the meme that this is all because of the cold on the east coast of the US (and that means wondrous pent-up demand to come). However, as the New York Times reports, for the earth, it was the 4th warmest January on record.

Read the rest here: Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th "Warmest" January On Record | Zero Hedge

Perhaps if you took a community college course in lucid prose, we could understand what the hell you are trying to say.:confused:
The weather this and that for recent root cause of economic slow-down


Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th "Warmest" January On Record

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2014 20:17 -0500

The last 3 weeks have seen the macro fundamentals of the G-10 major economies collapse at the fastest pace in almost 4 years and almost the biggest slump since Lehman. Despite a plethora of data showing that 'weather' is not to blame, US strategists, 'economists', and asset-gatherers are sticking to the meme that this is all because of the cold on the east coast of the US (and that means wondrous pent-up demand to come). However, as the New York Times reports, for the earth, it was the 4th warmest January on record.

Read the rest here: Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th "Warmest" January On Record | Zero Hedge

Is this sarcasm?

Sometimes it's hard to tell on the Internet.
The weather this and that for recent root cause of economic slow-down


Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th "Warmest" January On Record

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2014 20:17 -0500

The last 3 weeks have seen the macro fundamentals of the G-10 major economies collapse at the fastest pace in almost 4 years and almost the biggest slump since Lehman. Despite a plethora of data showing that 'weather' is not to blame, US strategists, 'economists', and asset-gatherers are sticking to the meme that this is all because of the cold on the east coast of the US (and that means wondrous pent-up demand to come). However, as the New York Times reports, for the earth, it was the 4th warmest January on record.

Read the rest here: Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th "Warmest" January On Record | Zero Hedge

See you found ZEROHEDGE Geau4.......very astute. Readers are the only people in the world who know whats really going on in the economy. Pass it along to everybody you can my friend........

Bookmark this as well >>> ( like Zero.....exceedingly well sourced )

The more I read on these sites, the less I feel inclined to debate economics with people in deep with the matrix, like this site.
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