Global Ice loss accelerating.

every one of the climate cuiltists. your hero the great Algore said that by the year 2020 that the entire state of fla and most of the east coast would be under water and that there would be no ice at either pole. Was he lying? or just stupid?

Even worse, Venice canals are running dry... which these "experts" say will soon be underwater...




and the data proves it and exposes the fudge....

"The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some other contribution to sea level rise that is not accounted for."


Even worse, Venice canals are running dry... which these "experts" say will soon be underwater...




and the data proves it and exposes the fudge....

"The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some other contribution to sea level rise that is not accounted for."



This is demonstrably untrue. Louisiana, where I grew up, has lost a shit-ton of coast line over the last few decades.
This is demonstrably untrue. Louisiana, where I grew up, has lost a shit-ton of coast line over the last few decades.

Coastline erosion, which is very common in river deltas, is not the same as sea level rise.
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This is demonstrably untrue. Louisiana, where I grew up, has lost a shit-ton of coast line over the last few decades.


soil/coastal erosion is actually different from OCEAN RISE...


Venice Italy, nope...

Statue of Liberty = nope

Hawaii 5-O beach = nope

The Co2 fraud is incredibly obvious and takes an IQ of 5 to understand....


soil/coastal erosion is actually different from OCEAN RISE...


Venice Italy, nope...

Statue of Liberty = nope

Hawaii 5-O beach = nope

The Co2 fraud is incredibly obvious and takes an IQ of 5 to understand....


You do you, and watch countries and coastlines disappear. Neither science nor I give a fuck, you brainwashed lizard-brained fucknut.
You do you, and watch countries and coastlines disappear. Neither science nor I give a fuck, you brainwashed lizard-brained fucknut.

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This is demonstrably untrue. Louisiana, where I grew up, has lost a shit-ton of coast line over the last few decades.
because of erosion, not sea rise. The marsh around NOLA has been sinking for decades. The sea is nor rising regardless of what the cultists preach.
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I understand that you do not believe sea level is rising. Is that correct?

Sea level has been rising steadily and predictably since the end of the last glacial period, approximately 10,000 years ago. We have been living in a warmer interglacial period for all of human civilization. Which is why glaciers no longer cover most of North American and land bridges between North America and Asia and Asia and Australia no longer exist. Everything we ever developed as a species, we developed during a period of steadily warming climate and steadily rising seas.

People, particularly uniformed people, occasionally equate the natural process of beach erosion, very common along shallow coastlines and river deltas, with sea level rise. In order to keep any discussion of climate change from devolving into a bunch of unfounded and highly speculative assertions, it is important to correct specious assertions such as pointing to changes on a local beach as evidence of increased rates of sea level change.
He's certainly not stupid but he's certainly not a climate scientist or a scientist of any persuasion. Gore did a good thing making so many people aware of this problem, but Gore himself would be the first person to tell you to go to the published scientists if you want to know something. And, the people that are lying to you are the people that want to keep the oil industry going because they earn their bread and butter from it, either working or investing. They have a quiet campaign going to fund researchers they believe will deliver reports favoring their cause and PR work with the right-wing media on the air and on the net. The CEOs have admitted it in testimony under oath before Congress. Read the article at this link. No evil computer models.

there is no man made climate change, never has been, never will be. The sun controls the climate of our planet, not human beings, we can pollute, and we do. But there is no proven link between pollution and climate. On that, why don't you libs work on pollution, a real problem?
there is no man made climate change, never has been, never will be. The sun controls the climate of our planet, not human beings, we can pollute, and we do. But there is no proven link between pollution and climate. On that, why don't you libs work on pollution, a real problem?
We have been and will continue to work on both.

Man made global warming (AGW) has been accepted by very close to every single climate scientist on the planet. The counter charge you're almost certain to make, that they are all lying to keep the grant money pouring in or that they are all left-wing liberals that want to destroy the world, are sadly laughable. AGW is as widely accepted as a scientific theory can be and the claims and positions of those who've been taken in by the fossil fuel industry's PR campaign with the cooperation of the right-wing media (involved once Exxon et al had succeeded in making it a political question) are all complete and utter failures.
We have been and will continue to work on both.

Man made global warming (AGW) has been accepted by very close to every single climate scientist on the planet. The counter charge you're almost certain to make, that they are all lying to keep the grant money pouring in or that they are all left-wing liberals that want to destroy the world, are sadly laughable. AGW is as widely accepted as a scientific theory can be and the claims and positions of those who've been taken in by the fossil fuel industry's PR campaign with the cooperation of the right-wing media (involved once Exxon et al had succeeded in making it a political question) are all complete and utter failures.
you are totally wrong, but you believe the lies so there is no point in my trying to educate you. you are a lost cause, a useful idiot for the cult leaders. You and they are not attacking pollution, if you were you would be all over China and India, the biggest world polluters by far. By the way, CO2 is not a pollutant, without it there would be no life at all on earth.
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you are totally wrong
Sorry, but almost every scientist on the planet disagrees with you there.
but you believe the lies so there is no point in my trying to educate you.
Then I'm curious why you keep typing.
you are a lost cause
Then I'm curious why you even bother posting here.
a useful idiot for the cult leaders
There is no cult on either side of this issuue, but the folks being useful idiots are those that have fallen for the pitches and propaganda of the fossil fuel industries and now reject essentially all science and believe an enormous and impossibly secure conspiracy has been taking place for decades without one shred of evidence or testimony to support the fantasy.
You and they are not attacking pollution
You have no idea what I am and am not doing. And governments - ours included - have been attacking pollution for decades - with the exception of course of the Trump administration since he considered controlling pollution too much of a burden on business.
if you were you would be all over China and India, the biggest world polluters by far.
In what way would I "be all over" them? I asked Oddball this question repeatedly but, of course, he never answered it. What do YOU think we should do about pollution and CO2 emissions from China and India? What are you so mad about the rest of us NOT having done?
By the way, CO2 is not a pollutant, without it there would be no life at all on earth.
Did you actually think I had not heard that line before? Do you actually think ANYONE on the board has not heard that line before?
Sea level has been rising steadily and predictably since the end of the last glacial period, approximately 10,000 years ag

Once you start "accepting" fudge and fraud as "data" you are lost.

Face it, neither Co2 nor Sun caused

Greenland to freeze while North America thawed

since both would do the same thing to both, not what happened. Until you can explain how Greenland froze while North America, thawed, you are lost...
The sun controls the climate of our planet

For the purposes of Earth climate change, the Sun is a constant, and did not melt NA and freeze Greenland at the same time.

As with JFK, those behind the fraud put out false "conspiracy theories" and the "solar cycle" is one of them.

Earth does not warm and cool as a whole. Ice ages are continent specific.
For the purposes of Earth climate change, the Sun is a constant, and did not melt NA and freeze Greenland at the same time.

As with JFK, those behind the fraud put out false "conspiracy theories" and the "solar cycle" is one of them.

Earth does not warm and cool as a whole. Ice ages are continent specific.
As I asked on the other thread, who do you believe has stated that the Earth warms and cools as a whole?




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