Global Warmers Stopped by Arctic Ice

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nobody cares about this artic ice crap after 20 years.....some internet junkies, a few scientists and academia. Nobody else. Even the dumbest of the dumb heard about The Boy Who Cried Wolf in their formative years.
The world's shipping companies care very much. Those interested in the mineral riches in the Arctic region care very much. And those who have a basic understanding of meteorology care very much. That you deny this to be the case is not doing your credibility any good.
Why would shipping companies care?
The above post was aimed at the comment I believe was from jc456 that asked why shipping companies would be interested in an open passage circumnavigating the pole.
The above post was aimed at the comment I believe was from jc456 that asked why shipping companies would be interested in an open passage circumnavigating the pole.
which ones are interested?
If you were a trucking company transporting material from NY to LA and someone found a secret magic tunnel that would let you do the trip in half the miles, do you think you might be interested? Are you not familiar with great circle routes? Get out your old globe and a piece of string. Now pick two locations in the north, but on opposite sides of the planet. Like Seattle and Krasnoyarsk. Hold one end of the string on Seattle and pull it taut towards Krasnoyarsk. Where does the string go? On a sphere, the shortest route between two points is always the shorter arc of the great circle that connects the two points - a great circle is one that cuts the world into two equal halves. The equator is a great circle - the only such latitude. But every longitude line is one.

So, do you now know why a shipping company would be interested in an open passageway around the North Pole?
If you were a trucking company transporting material from NY to LA and someone found a secret magic tunnel that would let you do the trip in half the miles, do you think you might be interested? Are you not familiar with great circle routes? Get out your old globe and a piece of string. Now pick two locations in the north, but on opposite sides of the planet. Like Seattle and Krasnoyarsk. Hold one end of the string on Seattle and pull it taut towards Krasnoyarsk. Where does the string go? On a sphere, the shortest route between two points is always the shorter arc of the great circle that connects the two points - a great circle is one that cuts the world into two equal halves. The equator is a great circle - the only such latitude. But every longitude line is one.

So, do you now know why a shipping company would be interested in an open passageway around the North Pole?
so you have no shipping company to link us all to. interesting.
So, you're a fucking idiot. Not interesting.

The primary cause of the global warming observed over the last 150 years is human emissions of greenhouse gases and deforestation.
So, you're a fucking idiot. Not interesting.

The primary cause of the global warming observed over the last 150 years is human emissions of greenhouse gases and deforestation.
Except you can't prove it. Ain't that hilarious. You can't even prove greenhouse process! LOL , rofl
Can you "PROVE" that no shipping companies are interested in shorter routes to their destinations? Can you even SUGGEST WHY they might not be interested?
The Gore Effect Strikes Again

A group of adventurers, sailors, pilots and climate scientists that recently started a journey around the North Pole in an effort to show the lack of ice, has been blocked from further travels by ice.

The Polar Ocean Challenge is taking a two month journey that will see them go from Bristol, Alaska, to Norway, then to Russia through the North East passage, back to Alaska through the North West passage, to Greenland and then ultimately back to Bristol. Their objective, as laid out by their website, was to demonstrate “that the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was permanently locked up now can allow passage through.”

There has been one small hiccup thus-far though: they are currently stuck in Murmansk, Russia because there is too much ice blocking the North East passage the team said didn’t exist in summer months, according to Real Climate Science.

Real Climate Science also provides a graph showing that current Arctic temperatures — despite alarmist claims of the Arctic being hotter than ever — is actually below normal.

The Polar Ocean Challenge team is not the first global warming expedition to be faced with icy troubles. In 2013, an Antarctic research vessel named Akademik Shokalskiy became trapped in the ice, the problem was so severe that they actually had to rescue the 52 crew members.

Global Warming Expedition Stopped In Its Tracks By Arctic Sea Ice

Your logic is funny.

Nothing states that there should be no ice there. You just wish it to be so.
So, you're a fucking idiot. Not interesting.

The primary cause of the global warming observed over the last 150 years is human emissions of greenhouse gases and deforestation.
Except you can't prove it. Ain't that hilarious. You can't even prove greenhouse process! LOL , rofl

But you can't prove it's not. And you can't prove that the greenhouse effect isn't happening.

Hence what are we in? A void of not knowing 100% what is happening.

That doesn't mean we can't see what's happening to a large degree, we're at like 90% of knowledge, and yet you're pretending if it's not 100% then it's 0%.
Precisely. And given that we're talking about the natural sciences, knowledge will never be 100%. The denier demand that it be so before taking action is just the cowards way of saying they don't want to take action. They believe it will hurt THEM too much and they don't give a shit about anyone else.
The Northwest Passage is wide open now, at least the southern route. The chart in post #134 links to the current daily ice map.

The Northeast Passage, no. But Northabout (the ship) is getting through anyways, creeping through along the coast.

Tracking - The Polar Ocean Challenge
So, you're a fucking idiot. Not interesting.

The primary cause of the global warming observed over the last 150 years is human emissions of greenhouse gases and deforestation.
Except you can't prove it. Ain't that hilarious. You can't even prove greenhouse process! LOL , rofl

But you can't prove it's not. And you can't prove that the greenhouse effect isn't happening.

Hence what are we in? A void of not knowing 100% what is happening.

That doesn't mean we can't see what's happening to a large degree, we're at like 90% of knowledge, and yet you're pretending if it's not 100% then it's 0%.
The mere fact you can't prove greenhouse gas does what you claim is all my evidence cause you have zip. Get it? I have sun and deserts also. Why does it cool at night in the deserts?
Precisely. And given that we're talking about the natural sciences, knowledge will never be 100%. The denier demand that it be so before taking action is just the cowards way of saying they don't want to take action. They believe it will hurt THEM too much and they don't give a shit about anyone else.
Fool you don't know what action to take cause you have no idea what is happening cause nothing is happening. Prove something is happening and you can't fool.
Come on people. Respond this way...

If CO2 is melting Arctic Sea Ice, why is Antarctic Sea Ice growing, setting 5 new all time record highs since O took office???
Poor LaDexter, unable to conceive that "ice" and "temperature" are different things.
Come on people. Respond this way...

If CO2 is melting Arctic Sea Ice, why is Antarctic Sea Ice growing, setting 5 new all time record highs since O took office???

"All time record highs"? Since the beginning of the Universe? Since the beginning of the planet? Since when?
So, you're a fucking idiot. Not interesting.

The primary cause of the global warming observed over the last 150 years is human emissions of greenhouse gases and deforestation.
Except you can't prove it. Ain't that hilarious. You can't even prove greenhouse process! LOL , rofl

But you can't prove it's not. And you can't prove that the greenhouse effect isn't happening.

Hence what are we in? A void of not knowing 100% what is happening.

That doesn't mean we can't see what's happening to a large degree, we're at like 90% of knowledge, and yet you're pretending if it's not 100% then it's 0%.
The mere fact you can't prove greenhouse gas does what you claim is all my evidence cause you have zip. Get it? I have sun and deserts also. Why does it cool at night in the deserts?

Can't prove greenhouse gas? Well, we can prove it. We can prove there's water vapor in the air, we can prove there's CO2 in the air.

We can also prove the greenhouse effect. If you compare the Earth with other planets, you see why the Earth is inhabited and others aren't.

As I said, we don't have nothing, we have 90% knowledge, or more.
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