Global Warmers Stopped by Arctic Ice

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Their objective, as laid out by their website,
What does that have to do with you getting busted for lying about everything?

Oh, you're deflecting. Please continue.

was to demonstrate “that the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was permanently locked up now can allow passage through.”

Please learn to read.
Please learn what "summer" is, and when the icepack usually opens. No wonder you fell for the nonsense. You simply have no idea of how the climate works.
Do tell us when summer starts.
June 21. And it ends September 21. Now, what is today's date? See. Still summer.

Now, it has been an interesting season.

For the past several years, it was the northeast passage that opened first, with the northwest not opening until September, and only just barely in 2013-14-15. This year, the opposite. The northwest passage is almost open now. The usual choke point, the ice in the Canadian islands, is melting out fast. If that ship had tried going around the opposite way, they would have done much better.
June 21. And it ends September 21. Now, what is today's date? See. Still summer.

Now, it has been an interesting season.

For the past several years, it was the northeast passage that opened first, with the northwest not opening until September, and only just barely in 2013-14-15. This year, the opposite. The northwest passage is almost open now. The usual choke point, the ice in the Canadian islands, is melting out fast. If that ship had tried going around the opposite way, they would have done much better.
In about 4 weeks the ice will begin growing again. Good luck on that voyage.
No, mid-September. So, 7 weeks.
You don't know much about arctic ice, do you?

Fig. 4.2. Time series of Northern Hemisphere sea ice extent anomalies in March (the month of maximum ice extent) and September (the month of minimum ice extent). The anomaly value for each year is the difference (in %) in ice extent relative to the mean values for the period 1981-2010. The black and red dashed lines are least squares linear regression lines. The slopes of these lines indicate ice losses of -2.6% and -13.4% per decade in March and September, respectively. Both trends are significant at the 99% confidence level.

Arctic Report Card - Sea Ice - Perovich, et al.

It is readily apparent that he knows far more than you do, you silly fuck. Why don't you at least do minimal research before proving yourself such an ignorant fool.
You don't know much about arctic ice, do you?

You're actually denying that Arctic sea ice reaches a minimum around mid-September.?

Wow. Even after I help you out, you still pooch it hard. It's impressive, how you manage to fail so completely at every topic.

But go on. Do tell us when the minimum is, and show us a source backing it up.
You don't know much about arctic ice, do you?

You're actually denying that Arctic sea ice reaches a minimum around mid-September.?

Wow. Even after I help you out, you still pooch it hard. It's impressive, how you manage to fail so completely at every topic.

But go on. Do tell us when the minimum is, and show us a source backing it up.
Hilarious. The moonbats want to argue 4 weeks vs 7 weeks and say it's terrible shipping can pass to promote more trade.
Ah, you're running away after you got called on your bull.

And nobody is surprised.
No, mid-September. So, 7 weeks.
You don't know much about arctic ice, do you?

Fig. 4.2. Time series of Northern Hemisphere sea ice extent anomalies in March (the month of maximum ice extent) and September (the month of minimum ice extent). The anomaly value for each year is the difference (in %) in ice extent relative to the mean values for the period 1981-2010. The black and red dashed lines are least squares linear regression lines. The slopes of these lines indicate ice losses of -2.6% and -13.4% per decade in March and September, respectively. Both trends are significant at the 99% confidence level.

Arctic Report Card - Sea Ice - Perovich, et al.

It is readily apparent that he knows far more than you do, you silly fuck. Why don't you at least do minimal research before proving yourself such an ignorant fool.
Oops, you dropped something.
You don't know much about arctic ice, do you?

You're actually denying that Arctic sea ice reaches a minimum around mid-September.?

Wow. Even after I help you out, you still pooch it hard. It's impressive, how you manage to fail so completely at every topic.

But go on. Do tell us when the minimum is, and show us a source backing it up.
Not my fault ice is blocking their voyage.
But, to some extent, it is your fault that the Arctic is still melting.
But, to some extent, it is your fault that the Arctic is still melting.
The shear ignorance and stupidly of this statement in the absence of any facts to prove it... Very telling... Your religion is showing..
I actually heard this from somebody on line at a store..........had no idea............laughed my balls off because I was thinking of the asshat AGW global warmers in here who look pretty fucking stoopid as usual.

These dopes have been posting up for months now that the ice is damn near gone in 2016.............what a bunch of fake phony frauds!!!:2up::boobies::boobies:

Do they maybe not understand what getting stuck in the ice means? IDK??!!:dunno:
I'm glad I can take part in saving millions of lives, thanks.

But you're pushing for warming, which will kill millions. Only some deranged religious nutters make the insane claim that warming will save lives.

That's why you're so dangerous.. Your religious fanaticism is not harmless, because it would kill so many.
I'm glad I can take part in saving millions of lives, thanks.

But you're pushing for warming, which will kill millions. Only some deranged religious nutters make the insane claim that warming will save lives.

That's why you're so dangerous.. Your religious fanaticism is not harmless, because it would kill so many.
Almost all weather related deaths are due to cold. I'm saving millions of lives.
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