Global Warmers Stopped by Arctic Ice

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Meanwhile, Antarctic sea ice has set 5 all time record highs since Obama took office... proving that the claim that CO2 is melting sea ice is 100% BS...
Since they left Murmansk days ago and are now many hundreds of miles out into the formerly ice covered Arctic Ocean and on course on their journey to sail around the formerly ice locked Arctic sea ice cap, WHO CARES about a slight delay because the wind was blowing some ice around for a few days?

Well, obviously only you demented denier cult dingbats who are desperately searching for some validation of your reality denying insanity.

They were never "stuck" in ice, just stopped at a port. Your lying sources, sponsored and funded by the fossil fuel industry, lied to you again, dumbass.
funny, you wrote delayed. delayed by what?
Nobody cares at this point, dumbass. The OP was bogus bullshit. The ship IS, IN FACT, ON COURSE TO CIRCLE THE THE FORMERLY ICE LOCKED ARCTIC OCEAN. Destroying your demented denier cult myths about the Arctic ice "recovering".
rolling on the floor laughing, omg, ohhhhhhhhh, now it isn't of any concern why they were delayed. haahahhahahahahahaahhaah wow. funny thunder.

Ah...more of that clueless laughter of morons who are too stupid to understand the situation.

And no, dumbass, since the ship is underway and on course and hundreds of miles out into the previously ice covered Arctic Ocean, your panty-twisting over a slight delay is absurd.

You fail again!
You said delay and you refuse to answer why. So fk off

Since they are underway and on course, why do imagine that the fact that they were delayed in Murmansk for a little over a week is so fucking important, JustCrazy? What difference do you think it makes? Please tell us. Or just run away., like you usually do when your bullshit gets debunked.

The OP of this thread is more bogus denier cult bullshit. The ship is on course to circle the entire north polar ocean, something previously impossible throughout human history.
LOL ahem why won't you say why they were delayed Chicken?
I think we need to call these people the Colonel Sanders believers..

They post up shit they haven't read and cant understand... Then run away when they are called out on it..
In 2015, the Northeast passage wasn't open until around August 18.

Both NSR Passages Open with Third Lowest Ice Extent Observed/2015.09.11

Anyone claiming "The models said it should be wide open now!" is lying their ass off. That would be Billy, and other deniers on this thread.

You don't have to be pathologically dishonest to be a denier ... oh wait, you really do. It's no longer possible for an honest person to be part of that cult.

You failed to read the article... AGAIN... They "were not expecting the ice extent or pack to be so thick".. My God Man.. quit deflecting your own ignorance on others..

So what? What does any of this "scientists stuck in the ice" crap mean? Nothing. The Arctic is melting. It hasn't stopped. It's not going to recover for centuries. If we live just a little longer, we'll get to see an ice-free Arctic ocean some summer.
You failed to read the article... AGAIN... They "were not expecting the ice extent or pack to be so thick".

Those are the worlds of the lying deniers at the Daily Caller who wrote the article, not any scientists.

That is, the 'effin morons on your side said something stupid and crazy, so now you're lying big and pretending someone else said it.

On the bright side, at least you're consistent at being a dishonest shitstain. You'll go far in your cult.
You failed to read the article... AGAIN... They "were not expecting the ice extent or pack to be so thick".

Those are the worlds of the lying deniers at the Daily Caller who wrote the article, not any scientists.

That is, the 'effin morons on your side said something stupid and crazy, so now you're lying big and pretending someone else said it.

On the bright side, at least you're consistent at being a dishonest shitstain. You'll go far in your cult.
Your facts are....oh wait, just more personal attacks so you don't have to discuss facts. That's "science" in the doomsdayers world.
The Arctic is melting. It hasn't stopped. It's not going to recover for centuries. If we live just a little longer, we'll get to see an ice-free Arctic ocean some summer.

Actually, the Arctic sea ice has been reducing for millions of years. Greenland, on the other hand, was a forest 1 million years ago, and continues to add its annual ice core. As the Arctic Ocean grows, the sea ice will shrink. But Greenland's ice will grow, and grow, and eventually sea ice in the Arctic will just coalesce around Greenland, and then start growing again.
You failed to read the article... AGAIN... They "were not expecting the ice extent or pack to be so thick".

Those are the worlds of the lying deniers at the Daily Caller who wrote the article, not any scientists.

That is, the 'effin morons on your side said something stupid and crazy, so now you're lying big and pretending someone else said it.

On the bright side, at least you're consistent at being a dishonest shitstain. You'll go far in your cult.
Your facts are....oh wait, just more personal attacks so you don't have to discuss facts. That's "science" in the doomsdayers world.

Okay, let's discuss some facts.

What happens to these people on the small sailboat is completely meaningless in any discussion of what's happening to the Arctic's ice. This is:



And please not that this PIOMAS graph is not one of volume anomaly, but total volume. Zero on that graph's vertical axis is NO ICE in the Arctic.
Your facts are....oh wait, just more personal attacks so you don't have to discuss facts. That's "science" in the doomsdayers world.

Okay, let's discuss some facts.

What happens to these people on the small sailboat is completely meaningless in any discussion of what's happening to the Arctic's ice. This is:

View attachment 82751


And please not that this PIOMAS graph is not one of volume anomaly, but total volume. Zero on that graph's vertical axis is NO ICE in the Arctic.
When was there zero ice in the Arctic?
Just how stupid does one have to be to claim CO2 inspired "global warming" is melting Arctic Sea ice... while the Antarctic Sea ice is growing....

Thread summary:

Weatherman claimed scientists were iced in, and had predicted massive melt. And a bunch of deniers hopped on the stupid train. Some of 'em added a fake story about how an icebreaker had to be called.

Except they weren't iced in.

And none of them were scientists. Just sailors.

And they hadn't predicted massive melt.

And there was no icebreaker.

That is, the denier pack lied about everything. Again. Same old same old.

Now, here's a thought. One could be rational, and do a bit of research. I know, such a concept is completely alien to deniers, who only repeat what their cult tells them. When they recover from their fainting spell, they might want to read this.
Partly checked the new ice charts on we still have no chance of getting through yet, not past the cape or through the Laptev sea. Nikolai, Our Russian Captain who is very familiar with this route, impresses on me that this is a very unusual year and normally clear, Not what I want to hear. We are under sail, so saving fuel, and will find a small island to shelter until we get improvements. We are still 5 days from the ice, so lets hope for some southerly winds to push the ice from shore.
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Meanwhile, highly correlated satellite and balloon data continues to show precisely no warming in the atmosphere...
How many times do you think you've delivered that idiotic line to us? "Highly correlated"?

What is this?


RATPAC is balloon data Whizzo.

Isn't it time now to bring up your fantasy court case?
Thread summary:

Weatherman claimed scientists were iced in, and had predicted massive melt. And a bunch of deniers hopped on the stupid train. Some of 'em added a fake story about how an icebreaker had to be called.

Except they weren't iced in.

And none of them were scientists. Just sailors.

And they hadn't predicted massive melt.

And there was no icebreaker.

That is, the denier pack lied about everything. Again. Same old same old.

Now, here's a thought. One could be rational, and do a bit of research. I know, such a concept is completely alien to deniers, who only repeat what their cult tells them. When they recover from their fainting spell, they might want to read this.
Partly checked the new ice charts on we still have no chance of getting through yet, not past the cape or through the Laptev sea. Nikolai, Our Russian Captain who is very familiar with this route, impresses on me that this is a very unusual year and normally clear, Not what I want to hear. We are under sail, so saving fuel, and will find a small island to shelter until we get improvements. We are still 5 days from the ice, so lets hope for some southerly winds to push the ice from shore.
Their objective, as laid out by their website, was to demonstrate “that the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was permanently locked up now can allow passage through.”

Please learn to read.
How many times do you think you've delivered that idiotic line to us? "Highly correlated"?

What is this?


RATPAC is balloon data Whizzo.

Isn't it time now to bring up your fantasy court case?
Fantastic news. Since most weather related deaths are cold related, millions of lives will be saved now.
Their objective, as laid out by their website,
What does that have to do with you getting busted for lying about everything?

Oh, you're deflecting. Please continue.

was to demonstrate “that the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was permanently locked up now can allow passage through.”

Please learn to read.
Please learn what "summer" is, and when the icepack usually opens. No wonder you fell for the nonsense. You simply have no idea of how the climate works.
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