Global Warming. Here's the thing.

To be honest, when I considered the construction of a wind turbine, I wasn't taking it back to the iron ore. Why should I? Will that steel go unused if not put into a turbine? Did they not even mine it till the wind turbine manufacturer had paid them for it? You forgot to include the CO2 foot print of that mining operation. Why don't you tell us the total coal consumption of a 3GW wind turbine compared to a 3GW coal fired power planet over, say, ten years. And then you can apologize for having tried to give us the impression that there was no value in alternative energy technology.
"To be honest", you, crick, have never considered and educated yourself on any aspect of green, clean, renewable, alternative energy.

Why should you not take it back to Iron Ore? Will that steel go unused? Uh, do we really have to state the obvious, that steel would not be manufactured if it was not needed for wind turbines!!!!

an apology? where is yours? for stating no coal is used?

you demand references, proof, without providing any for what you assert! Where are your references, show us the reference that shows steel lies on the ground, unused, until somebody buys it vs it is manufactured as needed!

References? You demand references, where is your reference comparing a coal plant to a wind turbine.
So, what is it you think you've shown us about AGW? Besides the fact that I occasionally make mistakes. Oh, wait, that doesn't have anything to do with AGW, does it.
You are right Crick, I have not shown anybody anything about AGW. That was not my intention. I showed everybody something about Crick.

1. I showed that Crick believes, but does not know. As you believe no coal is consumed
manufacturing wind turbines, you wrongly believe AGW is a problem.

2. In simply believing Crick has never ever researched and studied and understood alternative
green renewable energy.

3. Crick will never admit his lack of knowledge, crick dismisses the lack of knowledge as a
simple mistake, like not crossing a "t" or dotting an "i".

care for more?
How is it that all you deniers think every single scientist involved in climate research is a money-hungry amoral monster but that the oil industry is manned enitrely with angels incarnate?

Because they are.
Why don't you tell us the total coal consumption of a 3GW wind turbine compared to a 3GW coal fired power planet over, say, ten years.
For arguments sake, I will pretend Crick built a 3gw wind turbine and we will compare it to a 3gw coal power plant.

But, we will do it over the life of the two different sources.

My coal plant lasts 70 years, the wind turbine was scrapped before it reached 10 years old so again no comparison
Why don't you tell us the total coal consumption of a 3GW wind turbine compared to a 3GW coal fired power planet over, say, ten years.
That last comparison, although fair, was too easy. So let us do this, we will pretend Crick has a 3gw wind turbine and that crick is the name of the company that owns it. The Crick industry will be responsible for everything having to do with the wind turbine. We will again compare it to the Elektra Coal company.

As soon as the the Crick industry installs the wind turbine Crick industry sells all it's tax credits for $100 million dollars to the Koch brothers. Crick pays off the early important investors, then crick takes a multimillion dollar bonus for his good deed and afterwards, bankrupts Crick industry.

Again I can not compare the companies because Crick industries went bankrupt after getting rich off a taxpayer subsidy.

And that is how we stop Glogal Warming, ha, ha, ha!
How is it that all you deniers think every single scientist involved in climate research is a money-hungry amoral monster but that the oil industry is manned enitrely with angels incarnate?

The oil industry produces a useful product that people actually want to use.
Climate researchers produce.......Nobel, that's not it........
What if there is nothing to human caused global warming, but we did something about it anyway. What's the worst that could happen. We live more equitably within our ecological environment. But what is the worst that can happen if human caused global warming is real. As I think it is. And accelerating. As I think it is also. The worst is that humans don't have long for this planet. You decide. Which approach is best.

You idiot. All this Environmental Wacko shit proposed for the AGW scam will wreck the economy of any industrial nation on earth and will flow down poverty to the non industrialized nations.

Global climate change is real and has been since earth was created. AGW is nothing more than a destructive scam perpetrated by Left Wingers to destroy industrialized economies. It also has a component of increased government control and redistribution of wealth. Just look at the infamous Paris Climate Accord as an example.

If you just happen to be one of these stupid uneducated Moon Bats who is so damn naive as to think we can have an industrialized economy and not put out any pollution then you are one moronic individual.
Would you rather have one coal plant that supplies a large city with power for a 100 years,
or would you rather have millions of wind turbines, starting with thousands, but continually building 7 days a week, manufacturing 24/7 for a 100 years, until millions were built and destroyed.

One coal plant or
Millions of wind turbines manufactured continually, for a 100 years?

Seems to me, the solution to AGW is to destroy the world.
Renewables, clean, green, energy, does not exist.

First you must burn billions of tons of fossil fuels to build, literally forever. Hence, your solution is greater than the problem and will accelerate our demise.

Global Warming is about money, the trillions it will cost, and the trillions everyone who participates will pocket.

Political Greed, nothing more, and the naive ignorant masses that believe

You seem to be all over the place. But renewables do exist. You must know that. So why did you say it. Also, I looked into solar panels some time ago. From the last I heard, they last around 24 years. And their energy output in one to four years will produce enough energy to create them. That is from mining the raw materials they are made of to the finished product. Which sounds pretty damn efficient to me. Also, that equation leaves 20 years of absolutely free energy. As for greed, probably no industry makes as much money as the energy industry. And they in turn elect our political leaders. That is the biggest problem when it comes to renewables.
You idiot. All this Environmental Wacko shit proposed for the AGW scam will wreck the economy of any industrial nation on earth and will flow down poverty to the non industrialized nations.

Global climate change is real and has been since earth was created. AGW is nothing more than a destructive scam perpetrated by Left Wingers to destroy industrialized economies. It also has a component of increased government control and redistribution of wealth. Just look at the infamous Paris Climate Accord as an example.

If you just happen to be one of these stupid uneducated Moon Bats who is so damn naive as to think we can have an industrialized economy and not put out any pollution then you are one moronic individual.

You know, for who knows exactly how many thousands of years, humans have existed without cars, petroleum, coal fired or nuclear powered power plants etc. And for the most part, they got along just fine. Even thriving. You think it would be the end of the world if most of the industry you know took a hit? You can't be that stupid. I seriously doubt anybody can really be that stupid. So I must assume some polluter is paying you to say what you say. Ever consider the Mafia trade? But these days we have the ability to create all that we need to make us comfortable with green energy.

Also, I'm tired of having my thread sidetracked. The point of my thread is the point of my thread. If there is nothing to global warming of any kind, but we did something about it anyway, the worst that can happen is that we live more equitably within our environmental system. But if human caused global warming does exist, which it does, the worst that can happen from doing nothing about is the destruction of the planet. And that happening probably a LOT sooner than you imagine. There is an old saying that says, "It's better to be safe than sorry." What is your take on that saying.
You seem to be all over the place. But renewables do exist. You must know that. So why did you say it. Also, I looked into solar panels some time ago. From the last I heard, they last around 24 years. And their energy output in one to four years will produce enough energy to create them. That is from mining the raw materials they are made of to the finished product. Which sounds pretty damn efficient to me. As for greed, probably no industry makes as much money as the energy industry. And they in turn elect our political leaders. That is the biggest problem when it comes to renewables.

Also, that equation leaves 20 years of absolutely free energy.

Sounds awesome!!!

How long do they take to pay for themselves?

As for greed, probably no industry makes as much money as the energy industry.

Really? What's energy's profit margin?
Would you rather have one coal plant that supplies a large city with power for a 100 years,
or would you rather have millions of wind turbines, starting with thousands, but continually building 7 days a week, manufacturing 24/7 for a 100 years, until millions were built and destroyed.

One coal plant or
Millions of wind turbines manufactured continually, for a 100 years?

Seems to me, the solution to AGW is to destroy the world.

Fuck wind. We could supply many times the world's energy needs just here in the U.S. with solar panels. Also, coal fired power plants only have a lifespan of 40 years. It is about the same for nuclear power plants. Though apparently they can or have no choice but to push that lifespan to 60 years beyond what they were designed to do. Also, nuclear power plants produce waste that will remain dangerous for far longer than humans have even existed. Worst of all is the damaged core of Chernobyl. It is expected to remain dangerous for about the next 4.5 billion years.
Also, coal fired power plants only have a lifespan of 40 years. It is about the same for nuclear power plants.
no, coal plants have a life that is easily 50 years and beyond. One was just dismantled that was 70 years old.

and that is technology built without the aid of computers
Fuck wind. We could supply many times the world's energy needs just here in the U.S. with solar panels. Also, coal fired power plants only have a lifespan of 40 years. It is about the same for nuclear power plants. Though apparently they can or have no choice but to push that lifespan to 60 years beyond what they were designed to do. Also, nuclear power plants produce waste that will remain dangerous for far longer than humans have even existed. Worst of all is the damaged core of Chernobyl. It is expected to remain dangerous for about the next 4.5 billion years.

Worst of all is the damaged core of Chernobyl.

I know, commies suck.

It is expected to remain dangerous for about the next 4.5 billion years.

Your math sucks worse than commies.
a lifespan of 40 years. It is about the same for nuclear power plants. Though apparently they can or have no choice but to push that lifespan to 60 years beyond what they were designed to do. Also, nuclear power plants produce waste that will remain dangerous for far longer than humans have even existed. Worst of all is the damaged core of Chernobyl. It is expected to remain dangerous for about the next 4.5 billion years.
Also, that equation leaves 20 years of absolutely free energy.

Sounds awesome!!!

How long do they take to pay for themselves?

As for greed, probably no industry makes as much money as the energy industry.

Really? What's energy's profit margin?

You know, the government produces something that can accomplish a LOT. The military. If we had something like a military organization that did nothing but produce solar panels, place and maintain them along with whatever secondary electronics they may require all for free, it wouldn't cost the U.S. much. (And certainly nothing compared what destroying the planet would cost) Also, doesn't the government already provide not only the military, but police, jails, firefighters, schools, etc? Humans have the ability to do anything they want. Maybe if we started getting our politicians through a more democratic lottery system rather than a corrupt election system, maybe things that need to be done would be done.

As for energy's profit margin, it is enough of a profit margin to go to war over. It is enough of a profit margin to give coal companies in Appalachian mountains (and probably other areas) the political clout to simply plow off the tops of mountains to get at coal rather than hire miners. Also, our government is ZOG. Probably the biggest reason we still use oil to the degree we do is that as long as oil is important, the Middle East is important. As long as the Middle East is important, israel is "important."
Worst of all is the damaged core of Chernobyl.

I know, commies suck.

It is expected to remain dangerous for about the next 4.5 billion years.

Your math sucks worse than commies.

Look it up for yourself.
You know, the government produces something that can accomplish a LOT. The military. If we had something like a military organization that did nothing but produce solar panels, place and maintain them along with whatever secondary electronics they may require all for free, it wouldn't cost the U.S. much. (And certainly nothing compared what destroying the planet would cost) Also, doesn't the government already provide not only the military, but police, jails, firefighters, schools, etc? Humans have the ability to do anything they want. Maybe if we started getting our politicians through a more democratic lottery system rather than a corrupt election system, maybe things that need to be done would be done.

As for energy's profit margin, it is enough of a profit margin to go to war over. It is enough of a profit margin to give coal companies in Appalachian mountains (and probably other areas) the political clout to simply plow off the tops of mountains to get at coal rather than hire miners. Also, our government is ZOG. Probably the biggest reason we still use oil to the degree we do is that as long as oil is important, the Middle East is important. As long as the Middle East is important, israel is "important."

As for energy's profit margin, it is enough of a profit margin to go to war over.

Sounds awful!!!!!

But how much?

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