Global warming is speeding up.

This forum, like most others, is a carnival for idiots who only want to think happy thoughts. Or pretend that they have some intelligence. Which in fact lies outside this fish bowl. Where they dare not tread. There are a few around here who seem to have some intelligence. Though the only reason they're here is because there is no place else to go that isn't just the same.

Indeed, and you are just the latest in a long line of morons who comes in spewing bullshit, and not presenting evidence..

Typical anti science denier you are.
and the solution, to trash all automobiles, and build new electric vehicles, and then to provide everybody with two charging stations, all that manufacturing creates even more CO2 uses more fossil fuels, and we are to believe creating more pollution is the solution to polluting?

You know, it is possible to convert standard cars to electric cars. Some people actually do so. As for our economy, I heard something from an intelligent person decades ago. He said that our who economy is based on waste. In all the years since, I have only found that to be true.
So what. It exists in the atmosphere in such vanishingly small amounts it has no effect on global temperature. Water vapor is by far the dominant GHG on this planet.

I will tell you of a statistic that I looked up long ago. Each year all the volcanoes on earth release about 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere. Each year the activities of humans release around 32.3 billion tons. Now this is where you tell me that it somehow doesn't matter. Also, methane is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. I will again show you a graph of that for you to disbelieve. Astonishingly, despite all the methane that is released from melting tundra or shallow sea methane hydrate ice, about 60 percent of what is shown is due to the activities of humans. Is it any wonder to anybody with a brain that human caused global warming is accelerating?

I will tell you of a statistic that I looked up long ago. Each year all the volcanoes on earth release about 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere. Each year the activities of humans release around 32.3 billion tons. Now this is where you tell me that it somehow doesn't matter. Also, methane is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. I will again show you a graph of that for you to disbelieve. Astonishingly, despite all the methane that is released from melting tundra or shallow sea methane hydrate ice, about 60 percent of what is shown is due to the activities of humans. Is it any wonder to anybody with a brain that human caused global warming is accelerating?

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oooooh, geee. That's a scary number. Funny how you forgot about all of the other natural sources of CO2 production. The total amount of NATURAL CO2 production is over 750 BILLION tons. So man is responsible for less than 10% of the TOTAL CO2 production, per year.

Huh, based on your LIE then, mankind isn't producing very much CO2 at all.
You said the Chinese pay their workers a low wage.
It’s called supply and demand. If they could get more they would. Not sure why you’re on your high horse. You sound like a pompous ass. If you want to compare resumes, PM me.

They have a good supply of slaves. I am against the U.S. having a slavery based economy. We should make what we use here. Also, from what I hear, many Chinese move to cities from the country side. Why? Probably because they get more in creature comforts. Who creates the apartments they live in? The state. Who pays them to go to college to become an engineer, doctor or whatever? The state. Sure, they get paid a low wage. But the state provides much of what thy want. Do they do that here? No. Why? Because many people around here, (namely, the wealthy) would call it slavery. Next, I could give you my resume. But even in a PM, it would only get me banned. My main hobby is to make minced meat out of those who shake their Bo Peep diplomas at me.
Indeed, and you are just the latest in a long line of morons who comes in spewing bullshit, and not presenting evidence..

Typical anti science denier you are.

I told you a CO2 statistic. I told you a methane statistic. I showed you a methane graph. As I predicted, it did no good. Also, I'm not sure what you're getting at with "anti science denier." If you mean that I deny those who are anti science, I am that.
They have a good supply of slaves. I am against the U.S. having a slavery based economy. We should make what we use here. Also, from what I hear, many Chinese move to cities from the country side. Why? Probably because they get more in creature comforts. Who creates the apartments they live in? The state. Who pays them to go to college to become an engineer, doctor or whatever? The state. Sure, they get paid a low wage. But the state provides much of what thy want. Do they do that here? No. Why? Because many people around here, (namely, the wealthy) would call it slavery. Next, I could give you my resume. But even in a PM, it would only get me banned. My main hobby is to make minced meat out of those who shake their Bo Peep diplomas at me.
So you’re a Trump guy. America First!
so is water, only problem water is harder to tax

You lost me there. Who would want to tax water. (Though it has been done) Also, 70% of our planet is covered by water. If it heats up, it's a bad thing for the rest of our planet.
oooooh, geee. That's a scary number. Funny how you forgot about all of the other natural sources of CO2 production. The total amount of NATURAL CO2 production is over 750 BILLION tons. So man is responsible for less than 10% of the TOTAL CO2 production, per year.

Huh, based on your LIE then, mankind isn't producing very much CO2 at all.

One thing is absolutely without any doubt. (Except for those who are stupid or criminals) What CO2 we are producing that is beyond what the planet naturally produces is making a hell of an impact.
I told you a CO2 statistic. I told you a methane statistic. I showed you a methane graph. As I predicted, it did no good. Also, I'm not sure what you're getting at with "anti science denier." If you mean that I deny those who are anti science, I am that.

Yes, you presented a FALSE statistic. You lied when you tried to imply that man produced far more CO2 than the rest of the world does naturally. You intentionally cherry picked only the volcanic data when the vast majority of CO2 comes from other sources, which you conveniently ignored. You are the typical brain dead propagandist who resorts to lies when you have no evidence to support your bullshit.
One thing is absolutely without any doubt. (Except for those who are stupid or criminals) What CO2 we are producing that is beyond what the planet naturally produces is making a hell of an impact.

Really? PROVE it. You have ZERO empirical data to support that claim. Not one bit. That's why you resort to lying about the production percentages.
You lost me there. Who would want to tax water. (Though it has been done) Also, 70% of our planet is covered by water. If it heats up, it's a bad thing for the rest of our planet.
Sorry, I lost you quoting your post, you stated CO2 is a greenhouse gas, so is water. I figured as long as you are naming greenhouse gases water should be included.
You know, it is possible to convert standard cars to electric cars. Some people actually do so. As for our economy, I heard something from an intelligent person decades ago. He said that our who economy is based on waste. In all the years since, I have only found that to be true.
Certainly, one can not argue that our economy is based on waste, if one is to look at Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, and Electric Cars.
So you’re a Trump guy. America First!

Both democrats and republicans suck ass. That aside, I say America first, last and everything in between. A White America that is. Because all the latinos coming here aren't doing so because they made their home countries so pleasant. We aren't importing ragheads by the thousands because they made their home countries so pleasant. And there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. You will probably call these things "racist." I call them truth. Because they are true. They couldn't get any more true.
Both democrats and republicans suck ass. That aside, I say America first, last and everything in between. A White America that is. Because all the latinos coming here aren't doing so because they made their home countries so pleasant. We aren't importing ragheads by the thousands because they made their home countries so pleasant. And there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. You will probably call these things "racist." I call them truth. Because they are true. They couldn't get any more true.
You are entitled to your opinion. So are you a Trump guy? I am all for immigration (legal) and for capitalism. Multiculturalism doesn’t work. Destroyed Rome and will destroy Europe. Hence you saw Brexit. The US is a work in progress. Racism is evil.
"Slave masters?" What kind of stupid drivel is that? I don't think you think much actually, seems you prefer hysterics.

Well I asked you if you employed wage slaves to make the money you claim. I didn't get a straight answer. So I said what I said.
I'm an actual real scientist. I require evidence. You only provide opinion. Do you understand the difference between factual data and opinion? Apparently not.

That makes you pretty useless.

If you're a scientist and still deny the reality of human caused global warming, you're not a very good scientist. Or possibly one who gets paid by polluters to sling some scientific bullshit around.
You know, it is possible to convert standard cars to electric cars. Some people actually do so. As for our economy, I heard something from an intelligent person decades ago. He said that our who economy is based on waste. In all the years since, I have only found that to be true.
so, you find that our whole economy is based on waste except when we produce electric cars which use more natural resources and provide us with less practicality?

Our economy is based on waste except when it comes to Wind Turbines which use more natural resources while providing a fraction of the power that traditional power plants provide with the same amount of material?

Our economy is based on waste except when it comes to covering hundreds of square miles of the earth with solar panels, which like Wind Turbines, use more natural resources to construct while providing a fraction of the power of traditional power plants.

I guess you are free to contradict yourself and make exceptions to support your opinion.

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