Global warming is speeding up.

Any solar radiation that is converted into electricity is solar radiation that doesn't heat the surface of the planet.
Well that's false and made up. Notice that, when we look at Earth from outer space, it does not look like a black hole.
Wow! Have you told the people who discovered and taught us that ... that? Won't they be surprised!
Like I said, they shouldn't be surprised. It's not even a controversy. The oxygen isotope curve is well established for the Cenozoic and accepted by everyone.

You do know what the oxygen isotope curve is and used for, right?

Same method. Markets are global now. Ironically, it is China that has made solar energy as economical as it is today, through heavy subsidy.
I have a very good friend who lives in Mumbai. A great number of the population is very old school. If you can make it work globally, I am all for it.
Like I said, they shouldn't be surprised. It's not even a controversy. The oxygen isotope curve is well established for the Cenozoic and accepted by everyone.
It's almost as if the people who discovered and taught us all of that probably know it already, and you just don't actually know what you are talking about.
There isn't a problem. A problem would look like a two mile thick sheet of ice covering all of Canada and parts of the US, Europe and Asia which displaces 250 million people.

Accelerating human caused global warming, droughts, forest fires, desertification, food wars, overpopulation, mass "migrations" (invasions) of people, lakes drying up, toxic pollution, etc. Those are the real problems. And they're happening right now.
The average Chinese makes around $3.00 an hour. The average American makes around $19.00 an hour. The U.S. has fairly high environmental standards. China's are lax or nonexistent. The last time I checked, every year our trade imbalance with China alone was anywhere from 300 billion to 700 billion. That is money that leaves our pockets and never comes back. Is any of this slavery enough for you?
So you were talking about supply and demand. Understood. So what is your solution? Enforce buy American or force China to raise their min wage, which they won’t?
Accelerating human caused global warming, droughts, forest fires, desertification, food wars, overpopulation, mass "migrations" (invasions) of people, lakes drying up, toxic pollution, etc. Those are the real problems. And they're happening right now.
The only human caused global warming is from urbanization (concrete) and deforestation. But there's no money in that so they made up CO2.
Well, we both know your fantasies require fantasies to support them, so fantasize away.
transition to icehouse.png

The earth's climate is not controlled by CO2. CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas. The earth's climate is controlled by it's distribution of land mass and how that affect circulation (atmosphere and ocean).
Not quite as the average age there is 27. They are old school not old. Big difference. I ll Take a 60% guarantee
And they can do simple math. If alternatives are more economical, they will be compelled.

Unless you are saying they ride goats around for transportation old school.
I thought you said the science wasn't settled.
Sorry ding, you know I ignore your childish little vague games where you say undefined things, then it's everyone else's problem for misunderstanding. Go ahead and be very specific.

But you can't, since you know less than nothing about this topic.
And they can do simple math. If alternatives are more economical, they will be compelled.

Unless you are saying they ride goats around for transportation old school.
It’s not so easy to have them give up their motorcycles and ACs. In terms of the poor, about 600mil barely have access to running water and poop outside
Oh look, a chart that you don't understand and that doesn't support your lies about scientists being liars. We are all very impressed.

Ding, you can stop wasting your time. You know fuck all about any of this. Publish your research, or shut the fuuuuuuck up already.
Of course I understand it. You are the one who doesn't understand it. Would you like for me to explain it to you so you won't be ignorant about it?

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