Global warming is speeding up.

Are you really this stupid? I guess so.
Can you explain what you disagreed with and why?

Show me from what I wrote why I am that stupid. If you can't then maybe it's you that's the stupid one.
I saw some climate scientist saying this on the news last night. That the earth is not just getting warmer, but the rate at which it is getting warmer is accelerating. Though this isn't news to me. The only question is how bad will things get before people start doing something about it. I am reminded of a lyric by Janis Joplin. "Freedom's (survival) just another word for nothing left to lose." I wouldn't expect our corporate government to do much. I also saw on the news last night that Biden signed some mandate or something saying that by the year 2050, all cars are going to have to be electric. But the way things are looking, it is doubtful there will be any people around to drive them. And they're supposed to have all electric cars in the U.S. But what about the rest of the increasingly overpopulating and "migrating" world.
I like warm weather
The folks in Europe probably like warm weather as well, but they weren't too crazy about hitting 120F the other day.

I'd like the Earth to stop warming. I'd like the oceans to stop rising. I'd like the oceans to stop acidifying.
The folks in Europe probably like warm weather as well, but they weren't too crazy about hitting 120F the other day.

I'd like the Earth to stop warming. I'd like the oceans to stop rising. I'd like the oceans to stop acidifying.
Then why aren't you protesting urbanization and deforestation.
Well, not so much for you or me. More for our grandkids. Our generation will be viewed as an embarrassing failure on climate change, while our grandkids and their grandkids pay the price for the poor decisions we are making for them right now.
As we have also screwed up the debt that we burdened them with. I agree with you. Our divisive nature has led us to this.
As we have also screwed up the debt that we burdened them with. I agree with you. Our divisive nature has led us to this.
Yes that too. What an embarrassment for this country. I doubt the founding fathers thought individual liberties would translate to "too fucking dumb for mafs".
Yes that too. What an embarrassment for this country. I doubt the founding fathers thought individual liberties would translate to "too fucking dumb for mafs".
We actually agree. The world is ending…
Until we put country over party it’s unlikely that we will make improvements so that to your point our grand kids have a better world than we do.
It does no good pointing at extremes.

You didn't want warming to be reversed, rapidly?

And retreating glaciers aren't good either.

So the only thing that works is an unchanging climate?

Reversing human caused global warming rapidly isn't an extreme. It's a dire necessity. Next, it is the rate at which our climate is changing that's the problem. But an unchanging climate would be good too. That is to the degree that humans are doing it goes. There isn't a lot we can do about nature.
Reversing human caused global warming rapidly isn't an extreme.

How much warming in the last 100 years is human caused?
How much is natural?

Next, it is the rate at which our climate is changing that's the problem.

What is the rate?
What rate would be ok?

But an unchanging climate would be good too.

How much should we spend to stop the climate from ever changing?
How will we know we've succeeded?
Wrong. The point is there is ZERO evidence that man is doing anything. ZERO. But even if he were, there is no cause for panic as the global warming cult members are wont to do. We have plenty of paleontological evidence that shows nothing bad happened back then. We have historical data that when it is warmer it is better. Every time the climate has been warm over the last three thousand years, there has been civilization advancements. Every. Single. Time. Roman warming period, Medieval warming period, etc. When it has been cold, it is the opposite, the 6th century climate catastrophe brought us the Dark Ages, as an example. This is all verifiable fact.

You trot out computer model derived fiction and somehow think it is meaningful.

It isn't. Computer models do NOT give us facts. They give us fiction.

Learn the difference.

There is nothing but evidence. Tons of it. But for a cultist, the evidence doesn't exist. They think that lying and pretending is the way to go. It isn't. Next, what I talk about for the most part are direct measurements. Not computer models.

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