Global warming is speeding up.

Global warming is not slowing down due to the exponential rate of increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. Temperature is still rising at an accelerating rate. Perhaps Reiny will tell you not to trust your eyes:

View attachment 532458
What exponential rate of CO2 increase in the atmosphere are you talking about. Do you know what exponential means? Have you ever even looked at the data? Because I have and it's linear.

Global warming is not slowing down due to the exponential rate of increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. Temperature is still rising at an accelerating rate. Perhaps Reiny will tell you not to trust your eyes:

View attachment 532458
Ok. what is the rate of acceleration of the temperature? Please show me your calculations because I don't believe you know what the word acceleration means. Don't forget to include the units which should be something like deg F of deg C per year per year.
So your another conspiracy nut with a dictionary of words to justify it.

Got it.

These are all words common in the subject material ... you are unfamiliar with the subject material, thus these words are unfamiliar to you ... that math equation is understandable to high school children ... why don't you understand it? ...

The thread pinned to the top of this forum has all this information ... avail yourself ...
Global warming is not slowing down due to the exponential rate of increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. Temperature is still rising at an accelerating rate. Perhaps Reiny will tell you not to trust your eyes:

View attachment 532458

Hey Liar ... you posted a chart showing temperature, not CO2 concentration ... do Ocean Engineers not know the difference? ...
Hey Liar ... those red dots are ±0.5ºC ... not the ±0.05ºC you're claiming ... do Ocean Engineers not know what instrumentation error is? ...
Hey STUPID ... your chart shows temperatures going down between 1940 and 1980 ... do all Ocean Engineers lie like you? ...
What exponential rate of CO2 increase in the atmosphere are you talking about. Do you know what exponential means? Have you ever even looked at the data? Because I have and it's linear.

View attachment 532483

We're up to 40 gigatonnes emissions now ... 104% of the world's scientists agree !!! ...

The Mauna Loa Observatory is reporting 2.5 ppm increase in CO2 concentrations per year ... that's less than 20 gigatonnes per year ... over half human emissions are simply disappearing, my guess is plants are responsible, and it's them who are trying to kill us ... imagine the horrors of our own food over-running our agricultural lands ... farmers have enough problems without surplus crop crashing prices ... think corn 1986 ...

So ... strictly speaking ... these are polynomial equations we're using ... and specifically the forces involved follow quadratic acceleration curves ... y=x^2 ... exponential equations are a little different ... y= 2^x ... they look the same and are very close, and among lay-folk the terms are interchangeable ... the difference is only really important to, well, you know, ocean engineers ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

God, I kill me ...
Hey Liar ... you posted a chart showing temperature, not CO2 concentration ... do Ocean Engineers not know the difference? ...
Hey Liar ... those red dots are ±0.5ºC ... not the ±0.05ºC you're claiming ... do Ocean Engineers not know what instrumentation error is? ...
Hey STUPID ... your chart shows temperatures going down between 1940 and 1980 ... do all Ocean Engineers lie like you? ...
Well... he does believe that carbon emissions are increasing exponentially and that temperature is rising at an accelerating rate so we know he doesn't know what exponential and acceleration means.

Right Crick ?
Well. . . all I can say, regardless of whether or not climate change is speeding up, or whether or not humans may be contributing a bit to it or not. . .

This latest bit of bad new, should convince any rational sober thinking person of the sheer stupidity and insanity of electric vehicles. :heehee:

I can tell you, if I lived down in that area, I would prefer a full tank of gas than an EV. :auiqs.jpg:

Well. . . all I can say, regardless of whether or not climate change is speeding up, or whether or not humans may be contributing a bit to it or not. . .

This latest bit of bad new, should convince any rational sober thinking person of the sheer stupidity and insanity of electric vehicles. :heehee:

I can tell you, if I lived down in that area, I would prefer a full tank of gas than an EV. :auiqs.jpg:

Gas stations are all closed down there ... the tanks are full but no electricity to run the pumps ... yet ...

Good thing folks who live there are used to this ... a week's worth of clean water, food and medicine ... leave the streets empty for the clean up crews ...

I think you've missed the point ... the solution isn't replacing gasoline cars with electric cars ... the solution is getting rid of cars ... and airline travel ... and eating meat ... but ask the Hystericals to ditch their A/C, they get hysterical ... they want China to get rid of their cars first ...
Gas stations are all closed down there ... the tanks are full but no electricity to run the pumps ... yet ...

Good thing folks who live there are used to this ... a week's worth of clean water, food and medicine ... leave the streets empty for the clean up crews ...

I think you've missed the point ... the solution isn't replacing gasoline cars with electric cars ... the solution is getting rid of cars ... and airline travel ... and eating meat ... but ask the Hystericals to ditch their A/C, they get hysterical ... they want China to get rid of their cars first ...
Why stop there? Ditch urbanization, stop deforestation and move back into the jungle and become one with nature.

Forget the fact that civilization was built to protect us from nature.
Well, then please explain your choice of words when you claimed that emissions were increasing exponentially and that the rise in temperature is accelerating. Because either you don't know what those words mean or you are being overly dramatic in your use of hyperbole.
Why stop there? Ditch urbanization, stop deforestation and move back into the jungle and become one with nature.

Forget the fact that civilization was built to protect us from nature.

Spot-on correct ... throw in killing off 90% of the male population and strip everyone down to their birthday suit ... nature is our friend ...

We are stardust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

Oh, and you get a `Horsefeathers` ... humans settled in communities for the brewing of beer ... even agriculture came after ... yeesh, it's like you don't know what makes us human ...
Spot-on correct ... throw in killing off 90% of the male population and strip everyone down to their birthday suit ... nature is our friend ...

We are stardust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

Oh, and you get a `Horsefeathers` ... humans settled in communities for the brewing of beer ... even agriculture came after ... yeesh, it's like you don't know what makes us human ...
Where do I sign up!!!!
Well, then please explain your choice of words when you claimed that emissions were increasing exponentially and that the rise in temperature is accelerating. Because either you don't know what those words mean or you are being overly dramatic in your use of hyperbole.
Where do you see a problem?
Do you not know how to use Google? I have put up hundreds of such plots. Have you never looked at them?
Do you not know how to use Google? I have put up hundreds of such plots. Have you never looked at them?
I posted the emission plot on this page. It was even addressed specifically to you. Carbon emissions are not exponential. Which is why I asked you to post it. Because you can't post exponential carbon emissions when carbon emissions are linear. Like I said before, apparently you don't know what exponential means or you have never actually looked at the data. Which is it?

Here... I'll post it again...

There is a reason it is called the "Keeling CURVE". I can't say I appreciate the dishonesty explicit in such blatant cherry picking.

There is a reason it is called the "Keeling CURVE". I can't say I appreciate the dishonesty explicit in such blatant cherry picking.

View attachment 533645
And it's a function of carbon emissions, right?

Do you have any idea why from the year to 2000 to 2018 that curve is linear? Do you suppose that it's because carbon emissions have been linear?

So wouldn't you say it was dishonest of you to describe that as exponential?

How would you describe our carbon emissions for the last 20 years?

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