Global Warming Liars

Higher CO2 causes more water vapor which makes it warmer and causes more water vapor?

We're doomed!!!
Well, no. Positive feedback doesn't mean unbounded feedback.

For example, 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 ... -> 2. That's an infinite positive feedback sequence, but it's bounded.

This is basic stuff, and deniers all fail at it.
Well, no. Positive feedback doesn't mean unbounded feedback.

For example, 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 ... -> 2. That's an infinite positive feedback sequence, but it's bounded.

This is basic stuff, and deniers all fail at it.

Well, no. Positive feedback doesn't mean unbounded feedback.

How else are we gonna get to runaway global warming?

We have less than 9 years left............
Marx's ideas have failed everywhere they have been tried. Didn't you know that?

That's bad thinking, you need to reassess your approach to critiquing Marxism. It's a disingenuous assertion that Marxism has failed.
The shear length of this post speaks to your lying tongue ...
Chem Engineer posted a number of purported statements and factoids without links as I thought this forum required. I was providing refutation for all of them. If you can't handle the traffic, stay off the fucking road child. This reminds me of the earlier contention from a different denier that no evidence of a crime was evidence of a crime.
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What are your 3 favorite Marxism success stories?
Nations that identify as having a Marxist, socialist economy and political system are like flowers growing in a field of weeds that are trying to strangle them to death. Every single Marxist success story is always accompanied by economic sanctions, embargoes, threats, coups, and wars with major capitalist powers like the United States. However, the rationale behind your question is flawed. I've already explained why in previous posts but nevertheless I'll be repetitive and I'll say it again.

Just because an economic system or mode of production, wasn't successful in the past or in the present, doesn't imply that it won't be in the future when material conditions permit. That's the first point. Secondly, on what grounds do you pretend that an economic system or mode of production has to replace its predecessors overnight, in one definitive, victorias, instant swoop? Capitalism didn't replace chattel slavery and feudalism overnight, it took centuries for the merchants to overpower the kings and nobles of Europe and become industrialists. Material conditions and technology had to be developed that allowed merchants to industrialize and establish republics in place of absolute monarchies. To continue with this line of rhetoric, this polemic that socialism failed hence it will ALWAYS FAIL, and hence it will supposedly never replace capitalism, is just misleading at best, if not dishonest. As uncle joe says...


"How many pushups you want to do here pal?"
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Nations that identify as having a Marxist, socialist economy and political system are like flowers growing in a field of weeds that are trying to strangle them to death. Every single Marxist success story is always accompanied by economic sanctions, embargoes, threats, coups, and wars with major capitalist powers like the United States. However, the rationale behind your question is flawed. I've already explained why in previous posts but nevertheless I'll be repetitive and I'll say it again.

Just because an economic system or mode of production, wasn't successful in the past or in the present, doesn't imply that it won't be in the future when material conditions permit. That's the first point. Secondly, on what grounds do you pretend that an economic system or mode of production has to replace its predecessors overnight, in one definitive, victorias, instant swoop? Capitalism didn't replace chattel slavery and feudalism overnight, it took centuries for the merchants to overpower the kings and nobles of Europe and become industrialists. Material conditions and technology had to be developed that allowed merchants to industrialize and establish republics in place of absolute monarchies. To continue with this line of rhetoric, this polemic that socialism failed hence it will ALWAYS FAIL, and it hasn't been able to replace capitalism yet, is just misleading at best, if not dishonest. As uncle joe says...

Nations that identify as having a Marxist, socialist economy and political system are like flowers growing in a field of weeds that are trying to strangle them to death.

Yeah, Marxist flowers smell like shit. No one wants them growing in their country.

Every single Marxist success story is always accompanied by economic sanctions, embargoes, threats, coups, and wars with major capitalist powers like the United States.

You can't even come up with 1 success story? Hilarious!

However, the rationale behind your question is flawed.

I know. "Marxist" and "success" don't go together.

Just because an economic system or mode of production, wasn't successful in the past or in the present, doesn't imply that it won't be in the future when material conditions permit.

When will "material conditions permit"?

Secondly, on what grounds do you pretend that an economic system or mode of production has to replace its predecessors overnight, in one definitive, victorias, instant swoop?

Overnight? Instant?

Marx wrote his crap over 150 years ago.
Russia tried it over 100 years ago. Russia still sucks today.
What happened to Marxism's inevitable victory over capitalism?

You're going backward. And I don't mean just the economies of Cuba and North Korea. LOL!
Nations that identify as having a Marxist, socialist economy and political system are like flowers growing in a field of weeds that are trying to strangle them to death.

Yeah, Marxist flowers smell like shit. No one wants them growing in their country.

Every single Marxist success story is always accompanied by economic sanctions, embargoes, threats, coups, and wars with major capitalist powers like the United States.

You can't even come up with 1 success story? Hilarious!

However, the rationale behind your question is flawed.

I know. "Marxist" and "success" don't go together.

Just because an economic system or mode of production, wasn't successful in the past or in the present, doesn't imply that it won't be in the future when material conditions permit.

When will "material conditions permit"?

Secondly, on what grounds do you pretend that an economic system or mode of production has to replace its predecessors overnight, in one definitive, victorias, instant swoop?

Overnight? Instant?

Marx wrote his crap over 150 years ago.
Russia tried it over 100 years ago. Russia still sucks today.
What happened to Marxism's inevitable victory over capitalism?

You're going backward. And I don't mean just the economies of Cuba and North Korea. LOL!
Those nations you mentioned are heavily sanctioned. I could spend an hour here providing you with all of the success stories and stats, but you will dismiss it all with a simple wave of your magical capitalist wand, flippantly dismissing everything I present you with. The flower analogy that I gave in my last post is very applicable. The weeds that are always trying to strangle the socialist flowers are the capitalists, primarily the US and its allies. As advanced technology contines to replace wage labor and unemployment increases there will be a moment where it will become obvious that we have to adopt socialism (a non-profit oriented mode of production focused on meeting our needs, rather than our greed). Socialism and the communism that follows it, is inevitable.
Those nations you mentioned are heavily sanctioned. I could spend an hour here providing you with all of the success stories and stats, but you will dismiss it all with a simple wave of your magical capitalist wand, flippantly dismissing everything I present you with. The flower analogy that I gave in my last post is very applicable. The weeds that are always trying to strangle the socialist flowers are the capitalists, primarily the US and its allies. As advanced technology contines to replace wage labor and unemployment increases there will be a moment where it will become obvious that we have to adopt socialism (a non-profit oriented mode of production focused on meeting our needs, rather than our greed). Socialism and the communism that follows it, is inevitable.

Those nations you mentioned are heavily sanctioned.

The pinnacle of human development, the inevitable historical evolution of mankind can
be stopped by the decadent, corrupt capitalist economies simply deciding not to play?

Why is Marxism so fragile?

The flower analogy that I gave in my last post is very applicable.

More like your piles of Marxist shit kept killing the flowers and we stopped letting you in the garden.

Socialism and the communism that follows it, is inevitable.


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