Global Warming Pie Chart

Lies are all they have. :eusa_boohoo:

Why would we lie about this? What reason would ordinary people have to lie about climate change? Why would scientists lie about this? They're not the guys making the money selling fossil fuels. That would be the oil companies, big government and heavy industry - the big three.

Conservatives politicians lie, and the corporations lie and people like you never stop to question their lies because you want to believe them.

Just ask yourself who has the most to gain financially, and those are the guys who are usually lying. Liberals have nothing to gain her. The status quo does. That's how you know who's lying.

Why would the fossil industry lie? Because you are going to save the world by not using energy, really? How much cooler will it be if we throw a giant "carbon" tax onto your electric bill? Who has become famously wealthy jetting around in his private jet, made famous by lying and scaring people like YOU. Al Gore has been shown to be the liar but in true liberal fashion you accuse others of what your side does. Why would the global warmest lie? Because they are so invested in the BS that they can't back out. They make their money spreading the manure. THAT is the only way the GW fearist make money. The utility companies make their money selling a product that YOU use. If you don't like what they do then shut your computer off and sit in the cold and dark. At least then you would be somewhat consistant, until then you rants are just plain BS.

Warmth brings life, cold brings death.
Why would we lie about this? What reason would ordinary people have to lie about climate change? Why would scientists lie about this? They're not the guys making the money selling fossil fuels. That would be the oil companies, big government and heavy industry - the big three.

Conservatives politicians lie, and the corporations lie and people like you never stop to question their lies because you want to believe them.

Just ask yourself who has the most to gain financially, and those are the guys who are usually lying. Liberals have nothing to gain her. The status quo does. That's how you know who's lying.

Why would we lie about this?

Big government lovers would love bigger government.

Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You flap yap, yet never give a thing other than nonsense statements in support of your position. This is a scientific subject, so give us some science from real scientists, instead of your constant silly prattle.

Save the world, and us, turn you computer off.
So you have stopped driving your car or using any and and ALL fossil fuels.

You have allowed your home to be put on the smart grid so that the heating and cooling can be controlled from the grid itself.

You have converted EVERYTHING you can to solar and wind power.

You ride bicycles everywhere you go.

No, you you've done none of it, you are a hypocrite.

Lies are all they have. :eusa_boohoo:

Why would we lie about this? What reason would ordinary people have to lie about climate change? Why would scientists lie about this? They're not the guys making the money selling fossil fuels. That would be the oil companies, big government and heavy industry - the big three.

Conservatives politicians lie, and the corporations lie and people like you never stop to question their lies because you want to believe them.

Just ask yourself who has the most to gain financially, and those are the guys who are usually lying. Liberals have nothing to gain her. The status quo does. That's how you know who's lying.

Roo, that is exactly the kind of brain dead idiocy one expects from people who haven't the slightest idea of what the subject is.
So you have stopped driving your car or using any and and ALL fossil fuels.

You have allowed your home to be put on the smart grid so that the heating and cooling can be controlled from the grid itself.

You have converted EVERYTHING you can to solar and wind power.

You ride bicycles everywhere you go.

No, you you've done none of it, you are a hypocrite.

Lies are all they have. :eusa_boohoo:

Why would we lie about this? What reason would ordinary people have to lie about climate change? Why would scientists lie about this? They're not the guys making the money selling fossil fuels. That would be the oil companies, big government and heavy industry - the big three.

Conservatives politicians lie, and the corporations lie and people like you never stop to question their lies because you want to believe them.

Just ask yourself who has the most to gain financially, and those are the guys who are usually lying. Liberals have nothing to gain her. The status quo does. That's how you know who's lying.

And they are using a hamster driven PC to post, in the dark.
Why would we lie about this?

Big government lovers would love bigger government.

Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You flap yap, yet never give a thing other than nonsense statements in support of your position. This is a scientific subject, so give us some science from real scientists, instead of your constant silly prattle.

Save the world, and us, turn you computer off.

Grow up and use that device in front of you for real research. That is, if you are intelligent enough to use google.
Why would we lie about this? What reason would ordinary people have to lie about climate change? Why would scientists lie about this? They're not the guys making the money selling fossil fuels. That would be the oil companies, big government and heavy industry - the big three.

Conservatives politicians lie, and the corporations lie and people like you never stop to question their lies because you want to believe them.

Just ask yourself who has the most to gain financially, and those are the guys who are usually lying. Liberals have nothing to gain her. The status quo does. That's how you know who's lying.

Why would we lie about this?

Big government lovers would love bigger government.

Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You flap yap, yet never give a thing other than nonsense statements in support of your position. This is a scientific subject, so give us some science from real scientists, instead of your constant silly prattle.

Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You don't want bigger government to boost CAFE standards? Outlaw coal?
Waste money on Solyndra? Force public utilities to buy renewable power at much higher prices? Boost ethanol levels in fuel? Raise the price of gas to $9 a gallon?

What do you want the government to force us to do? Spell it out.
Put a sock in it pops, you want to scream about it, but you don't want to actually DO anything about it yourself.

You people are the worst kind of hypocrites.

Stupid people lived through Global Cooling, Acid Rain, the Population Bomb.....and now buy this crock.

You qualify.

So you have stopped driving your car or using any and and ALL fossil fuels.

You have allowed your home to be put on the smart grid so that the heating and cooling can be controlled from the grid itself.

You have converted EVERYTHING you can to solar and wind power.

You ride bicycles everywhere you go.

No, you you've done none of it, you are a hypocrite.

Why would we lie about this? What reason would ordinary people have to lie about climate change? Why would scientists lie about this? They're not the guys making the money selling fossil fuels. That would be the oil companies, big government and heavy industry - the big three.

Conservatives politicians lie, and the corporations lie and people like you never stop to question their lies because you want to believe them.

Just ask yourself who has the most to gain financially, and those are the guys who are usually lying. Liberals have nothing to gain her. The status quo does. That's how you know who's lying.

Roo, that is exactly the kind of brain dead idiocy one expects from people who haven't the slightest idea of what the subject is.
Lies are all they have. :eusa_boohoo:

Why would we lie about this? What reason would ordinary people have to lie about climate change? Why would scientists lie about this? They're not the guys making the money selling fossil fuels. That would be the oil companies, big government and heavy industry - the big three.

Conservatives politicians lie, and the corporations lie and people like you never stop to question their lies because you want to believe them.

Just ask yourself who has the most to gain financially, and those are the guys who are usually lying. Liberals have nothing to gain her. The status quo does. That's how you know who's lying.

Why would the fossil industry lie? Because you are going to save the world by not using energy, really? How much cooler will it be if we throw a giant "carbon" tax onto your electric bill? Who has become famously wealthy jetting around in his private jet, made famous by lying and scaring people like YOU. Al Gore has been shown to be the liar but in true liberal fashion you accuse others of what your side does. Why would the global warmest lie? Because they are so invested in the BS that they can't back out. They make their money spreading the manure. THAT is the only way the GW fearist make money. The utility companies make their money selling a product that YOU use. If you don't like what they do then shut your computer off and sit in the cold and dark. At least then you would be somewhat consistant, until then you rants are just plain BS.

Warmth brings life, cold brings death.

Damn. You are that fucking dumb.

Kid, show me some real scientists that are publishing in this field that state that the warming is not happening, or that it is beneficial.

You cannot, because you haven't even done the most basic research on this subject.
Why would we lie about this?

Big government lovers would love bigger government.

Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You flap yap, yet never give a thing other than nonsense statements in support of your position. This is a scientific subject, so give us some science from real scientists, instead of your constant silly prattle.

Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You don't want bigger government to boost CAFE standards? Outlaw coal?
Waste money on Solyndra? Force public utilities to buy renewable power at much higher prices? Boost ethanol levels in fuel? Raise the price of gas to $9 a gallon?

What do you want the government to force us to do? Spell it out.

Damn, just when I think that you cannot say anything more stupid, you fool me again. The government does not set the price of gasoline. The oil companies do. And the market. If the price is higher in South America or Asia, that is where the gasoline and oil produced in the US will go.
Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You flap yap, yet never give a thing other than nonsense statements in support of your position. This is a scientific subject, so give us some science from real scientists, instead of your constant silly prattle.

Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You don't want bigger government to boost CAFE standards? Outlaw coal?
Waste money on Solyndra? Force public utilities to buy renewable power at much higher prices? Boost ethanol levels in fuel? Raise the price of gas to $9 a gallon?

What do you want the government to force us to do? Spell it out.

Damn, just when I think that you cannot say anything more stupid, you fool me again. The government does not set the price of gasoline. The oil companies do. And the market. If the price is higher in South America or Asia, that is where the gasoline and oil produced in the US will go.

Obama's energy secretary didn't say we needed to make gas $7-$9 a gallon?

What do you want the government to force us to do? Spell it out.
Pops.....go get em...prove these guys wrong.

Scientists questioning the accuracy of IPCC climate projections

Scientists in this section have made comments that it is not possible to project global climate accurately enough to justify the ranges projected for temperature and sea-level rise over the next century. They may not conclude specifically that the current IPCC projections are either too high or too low, but that the projections are likely to be inaccurate due to inadequacies of current global climate modeling.
Freeman Dyson, professor emeritus of the School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study; Fellow of the Royal Society [9]
Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan professor of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and member of the National Academy of Sciences[10]
Nils-Axel Mörner, retired head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department at Stockholm University, former chairman of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (1999–2003), and author of books supporting the validity of dowsing[11]
Garth Paltridge, retired chief research scientist, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research and retired director of the Institute of the Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, visiting fellow ANU[12]
Philip Stott, professor emeritus of biogeography at the University of London[13]
Hendrik Tennekes, retired director of research, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute [14]


Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You flap yap, yet never give a thing other than nonsense statements in support of your position. This is a scientific subject, so give us some science from real scientists, instead of your constant silly prattle.

Dumb ass, what the hell does 'big government' have to do with retreating glaciers, melting icecaps and sea ice, as well as an acidifying ocean?

You don't want bigger government to boost CAFE standards? Outlaw coal?
Waste money on Solyndra? Force public utilities to buy renewable power at much higher prices? Boost ethanol levels in fuel? Raise the price of gas to $9 a gallon?

What do you want the government to force us to do? Spell it out.

Damn, just when I think that you cannot say anything more stupid, you fool me again. The government does not set the price of gasoline. The oil companies do. And the market. If the price is higher in South America or Asia, that is where the gasoline and oil produced in the US will go.
Big government lovers would love bigger government.

Ah yes, the myth that liberals love big government. If we loved big government, we'd all vote for the conservatives because those guys expand government like nobody else. Every conservative program has to have a means test, which means more government workers to screen those applications.

Every government program must be regularly scrutinized to ensure there is no fraud because we all know how people like to cheat the system. So more workers doing nothing really, but adding to the government payroll.

Check out the size of the cabinet under Republican presidents and under Democrats. Republicans talk about wanting small government, but in reality, ever time they're in office, they expand the government. Same with the Conservatives in Canada. The Conservatives have much larger cabinets, more cabinet ministers, and more government departments.

I really would like smaller government. I can see lots of places where the government could cut back without losing essential services, but public accountability is expensive.
Why would we lie about this? What reason would ordinary people have to lie about climate change? Why would scientists lie about this? They're not the guys making the money selling fossil fuels. That would be the oil companies, big government and heavy industry - the big three.

Conservatives politicians lie, and the corporations lie and people like you never stop to question their lies because you want to believe them.

Just ask yourself who has the most to gain financially, and those are the guys who are usually lying. Liberals have nothing to gain her. The status quo does. That's how you know who's lying.

Why would the fossil industry lie? Because you are going to save the world by not using energy, really? How much cooler will it be if we throw a giant "carbon" tax onto your electric bill? Who has become famously wealthy jetting around in his private jet, made famous by lying and scaring people like YOU. Al Gore has been shown to be the liar but in true liberal fashion you accuse others of what your side does. Why would the global warmest lie? Because they are so invested in the BS that they can't back out. They make their money spreading the manure. THAT is the only way the GW fearist make money. The utility companies make their money selling a product that YOU use. If you don't like what they do then shut your computer off and sit in the cold and dark. At least then you would be somewhat consistant, until then you rants are just plain BS.

Warmth brings life, cold brings death.

Damn. You are that fucking dumb.

Kid, show me some real scientists that are publishing in this field that state that the warming is not happening, or that it is beneficial.

You cannot, because you haven't even done the most basic research on this subject.

Why did they use the word optimum when they called some periods "climatic optimums"?
Freewill, that's very cultlike behavior of you, fixating on some member of the opposition to demonize.

Here on the rational side, no one cares about Gore, being he's not a scientist. We look at the science, not the personalities. It's only the denialist cultists who go obsessive over individuals, such as Gore or Hansen or Mann. Get 'em talking long enough, and you'll find the denialist cultists want the gulag for anyone doing science that disagrees with their politics. Scratch a denialist, find a Soviet.

I shouldn't really say "denialist cultists", being the cult is the right-wing fringe in general. Denialism is just one of many crank beliefs that the right wing fringe cult is kind of ordered to embrace. They'll tell you Hitler was a leftist, DDT is harmless, abiotic oil exists in vast quantities, supply side economics didn't really fail hard, Obama is a socialist, AGW is a socialist plot ... the list of batshit crazy stupidity goes on and on. Denialism is a purely political belief, embraced only by a small fringe in areas dominated by the corporate conservative English-speaking media. That is, the USA, Canada, UK and Australia. Though after last summer in Australia, denialism appears to have gone down the shitter there.

In contrast, AGW science is global and crosses all political boundaries. It's science-driven instead of politics-driven. It's not that science is liberal, it's that both science and liberalism are based on rationality, hence why most scientists now self-identify as liberal. (The batshit crazy cult, of course, will declare scientists across the globe are all in it only for the funding.)
Big government lovers would love bigger government.

Ah yes, the myth that liberals love big government. If we loved big government, we'd all vote for the conservatives because those guys expand government like nobody else. Every conservative program has to have a means test, which means more government workers to screen those applications.

Every government program must be regularly scrutinized to ensure there is no fraud because we all know how people like to cheat the system. So more workers doing nothing really, but adding to the government payroll.

Check out the size of the cabinet under Republican presidents and under Democrats. Republicans talk about wanting small government, but in reality, ever time they're in office, they expand the government. Same with the Conservatives in Canada. The Conservatives have much larger cabinets, more cabinet ministers, and more government departments.

I really would like smaller government. I can see lots of places where the government could cut back without losing essential services, but public accountability is expensive.

Ah yes, the myth that liberals love big government.

Myth? Man, you guys are funny tonight.

I really would like smaller government.

In what areas? How much smaller?
How very intellectual of you ;)

You are projecting kid.
You have one defense, you scream "Nuh-Uh"!!!
No matter what is said.

Mann is STILL one of the most quoted "scholars" on the subject today, you just aren't very smart kid.

Freewill, that's very cultlike behavior of you, fixating on some member of the opposition to demonize.

Here on the rational side, no one cares about Gore, being he's not a scientist. We look at the science, not the personalities. It's only the denialist cultists who go obsessive over individuals, such as Gore or Hansen or Mann. Get 'em talking long enough, and you'll find the denialist cultists want the gulag for anyone doing science that disagrees with their politics. Scratch a denialist, find a Soviet.

I shouldn't really say "denialist cultists", being the cult is the right-wing fringe in general. Denialism is just one of many crank beliefs that the right wing fringe cult is kind of ordered to embrace. They'll tell you Hitler was a leftist, DDT is harmless, abiotic oil exists in vast quantities, supply side economics didn't really fail hard, Obama is a socialist, AGW is a socialist plot ... the list of batshit crazy stupidity goes on and on. Denialism is a purely political belief, embraced only by a small fringe in areas dominated by the corporate conservative English-speaking media. That is, the USA, Canada, UK and Australia. Though after last summer in Australia, denialism appears to have gone down the shitter there.

In contrast, AGW science is global and crosses all political boundaries. It's science-driven instead of politics-driven. It's not that science is liberal, it's that both science and liberalism are based on rationality, hence why most scientists now self-identify as liberal. (The batshit crazy cult, of course, will declare scientists across the globe are all in it only for the funding.)
Freewill, that's very cultlike behavior of you, fixating on some member of the opposition to demonize.

Here on the rational side, no one cares about Gore, being he's not a scientist. We look at the science, not the personalities. It's only the denialist cultists who go obsessive over individuals, such as Gore or Hansen or Mann. Get 'em talking long enough, and you'll find the denialist cultists want the gulag for anyone doing science that disagrees with their politics. Scratch a denialist, find a Soviet.

I shouldn't really say "denialist cultists", being the cult is the right-wing fringe in general. Denialism is just one of many crank beliefs that the right wing fringe cult is kind of ordered to embrace. They'll tell you Hitler was a leftist, DDT is harmless, abiotic oil exists in vast quantities, supply side economics didn't really fail hard, Obama is a socialist, AGW is a socialist plot ... the list of batshit crazy stupidity goes on and on. Denialism is a purely political belief, embraced only by a small fringe in areas dominated by the corporate conservative English-speaking media. That is, the USA, Canada, UK and Australia. Though after last summer in Australia, denialism appears to have gone down the shitter there.

In contrast, AGW science is global and crosses all political boundaries. It's science-driven instead of politics-driven. It's not that science is liberal, it's that both science and liberalism are based on rationality, hence why most scientists now self-identify as liberal. (The batshit crazy cult, of course, will declare scientists across the globe are all in it only for the funding.)

DDT is harmless

Sure wasn't harmless to those malaria carrying mosquitos.
What did it do to people?
Too funny :)

This sums it up perfectly...

"We are "smarter" than you because we say we are, you just aren't intelligent enough to understand that we know best."

Please do not procreate.

Freewill, that's very cultlike behavior of you, fixating on some member of the opposition to demonize.

Here on the rational side, no one cares about Gore, being he's not a scientist. We look at the science, not the personalities. It's only the denialist cultists who go obsessive over individuals, such as Gore or Hansen or Mann. Get 'em talking long enough, and you'll find the denialist cultists want the gulag for anyone doing science that disagrees with their politics. Scratch a denialist, find a Soviet.

I shouldn't really say "denialist cultists", being the cult is the right-wing fringe in general. Denialism is just one of many crank beliefs that the right wing fringe cult is kind of ordered to embrace. They'll tell you Hitler was a leftist, DDT is harmless, abiotic oil exists in vast quantities, supply side economics didn't really fail hard, Obama is a socialist, AGW is a socialist plot ... the list of batshit crazy stupidity goes on and on. Denialism is a purely political belief, embraced only by a small fringe in areas dominated by the corporate conservative English-speaking media. That is, the USA, Canada, UK and Australia. Though after last summer in Australia, denialism appears to have gone down the shitter there.

In contrast, AGW science is global and crosses all political boundaries. It's science-driven instead of politics-driven. It's not that science is liberal, it's that both science and liberalism are based on rationality, hence why most scientists now self-identify as liberal. (The batshit crazy cult, of course, will declare scientists across the globe are all in it only for the funding.)
Well Toddster, once again you prove your general ignorance in all fields.

The Black And White Numbers ? Democrats Are Better Than Republicans | Addicting Info

1.Debt and Deficit. In the past 17 Presidential terms, nine were GOP led and eight Democratic. Of nine GOP Presidents, six added to debt/GDP and deficit/GDP as a percent. The only three that did not, had a Democratic House and Senate. Of eight Democrats, each one, reduced deficit/GDP and debt/GDP as a percent. That is 66 years of rhetoric of fiscal responsibility with zero net results for GOP. What makes matters even worse, is the fact that the president who added a historical 20.7% to the debt has one unique aspect of his presidency – President G. W. Bush had a GOP majority House and Senate.

2.Spending. The Republican Party often talks about financial responsibility, but did you know that since 1978-2011, spending has gone up 9.9% under Democrats versus 12.1% under GOP.

3.Federal Debt. Republicans love to tell us how they will not close tax loopholes on millionaires and billionaires, yet never bring to our attention that from 1978-2011 debt went up 4.2% under Democrats versus 36.4% under the GOP.
Well Toddster, once again you prove your general ignorance in all fields.

The Black And White Numbers ? Democrats Are Better Than Republicans | Addicting Info

1.Debt and Deficit. In the past 17 Presidential terms, nine were GOP led and eight Democratic. Of nine GOP Presidents, six added to debt/GDP and deficit/GDP as a percent. The only three that did not, had a Democratic House and Senate. Of eight Democrats, each one, reduced deficit/GDP and debt/GDP as a percent. That is 66 years of rhetoric of fiscal responsibility with zero net results for GOP. What makes matters even worse, is the fact that the president who added a historical 20.7% to the debt has one unique aspect of his presidency – President G. W. Bush had a GOP majority House and Senate.

2.Spending. The Republican Party often talks about financial responsibility, but did you know that since 1978-2011, spending has gone up 9.9% under Democrats versus 12.1% under GOP.

3.Federal Debt. Republicans love to tell us how they will not close tax loopholes on millionaires and billionaires, yet never bring to our attention that from 1978-2011 debt went up 4.2% under Democrats versus 36.4% under the GOP.

It's true, Bush spent way too much.
Added $5 trillion to the debt in 8 years.
Obama makes Bush look like a penny pincher.

You never said, what do you want the government to force us to do, to reduce CO2?

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