Global Warming Pie Chart

Has the planet ever warmed without 7 billion people burning fossil fuels?

Wow...just wow.

It just takes the breath away that here we are in 2013, and there are STILL people out there who don't understand that climate changes only when something MAKES it changes.

Yes, Todd, the planet has warmed before - and we know when and what caused it, just as we do now.

Why would you think there could only be one possible reason??!!

Your lack of knowledge on this topic is something you really could improve, you know. Ignorance is not an excuse.
Has the planet ever warmed without 7 billion people burning fossil fuels?

Wow...just wow.

It just takes the breath away that here we are in 2013, and there are STILL people out there who don't understand that climate changes only when something MAKES it changes.

Yes, Todd, the planet has warmed before - and we know when and what caused it, just as we do now.

Why would you think there could only be one possible reason??!!

Your lack of knowledge on this topic is something you really could improve, you know. Ignorance is not an excuse.

Yes, Todd, the planet has warmed before - and we know when and what caused it

Really? What caused all the previous warm periods?

Why would you think there could only be one possible reason??!!

Warmists feel that man is responsible for any warming now. I think they might be wrong.
Todd -

Please go and do some research on your own. That way maybe - just maybe - you will actually learn something.

I know you have this sthick about 'check out how ignorant I am', but trust me dude - it is not great material.
You would think that most educated people would look at a central authoritarian government and appreciate how often that government has been wrong; how many times it has initiated policies that have had disastrous results. And now that central authoritarian government is pushing a doctrine of anthropogenic global warming that, from all reasonable perspectives, is being used to greatly increase the power of government as well as enrich certain powerful constituencies who in turn enrich those in government.

If there was no other considerations to be factored into the equation, that alone should give freedom loving Americans pause for thought.

The headlong rush by some to throw their livelihoods, their futures, their liberties, and their choices at the feet of pro-AGW environmentalism is simple mind boggling.
Todd -

Please go and do some research on your own. That way maybe - just maybe - you will actually learn something.

I know you have this sthick about 'check out how ignorant I am', but trust me dude - it is not great material.

I've done research, that's why I don't want to spend trillions to reduce global temps by 0.2 degrees in 2080.
Todd -

Please go and do some research on your own. That way maybe - just maybe - you will actually learn something.

I know you have this sthick about 'check out how ignorant I am', but trust me dude - it is not great material.

I've done research, that's why I don't want to spend trillions to reduce global temps by 0.2 degrees in 2080.

You have to understand Todd that those who embrace AGW without question, without any reservations, without any interest in checking out any theories that would shake their confidence, are also incapable of seeing a rhetorical question. :)

Why Climate Deniers Have No Scientific Credibility - In One Pie Chart | DeSmogBlog


Your racial postscript references undermine your credibility.
Why? He's quoting racist posters on USMB.

Does that upset you?
Foxfyre -

Yes, AGW is a cult that somehow fooled scientists and conservative politicians around the world. In fact, the only two people to see through the cult were two supermarket shelf-stackers like you and Todd.

Cults are, by and large, 20 people in a darkened room whispering about secret knowledge. That sounds a lot more like Deniers than it does modern science, I think.
features the skeptical voices of over
1,000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists,
who have now turned against the UN IPCC.
Open Letter to American Physical Society | Climate Physics
As physicists who are familiar with the science issues, and as current and past members of the American Physical Society, we the undersigned urge the Council to revise its current statement* on climate change as follows, so as to more accurately represent the current state of the science:

Greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, accompany human industrial and agricultural activity. While substantial concern has been expressed that emissions may cause significant climate change, measured or reconstructed temperature records indicate that 20th 21st century changes are neither exceptional nor persistent, and the historical and geological records show many periods warmer than today. In addition, there is an extensive scientific literature that examines beneficial effects of increased levels of carbon dioxide for both plants and animals.

Studies of a variety of natural processes, including ocean cycles and solar variability, indicate that they can account for variations in the Earth’s climate on the time scale of decades and centuries. Current climate models appear insufficiently reliable to properly account for natural and anthropogenic contributions to past climate change, much less project future climate.

Recent observations of phenomena such as glacial retreats, sea- level rise and the migration of temperature-sensitive species are not evidence for abnormal climate change, for none of these changes has been shown to lie outside the bounds of known natural variability.

The average rate of warming of 0.1 to 0. 2 degrees Celsius per decade recorded by satellites during the late 20th century falls within known natural rates of warming and cooling over the last 10,000 years.

UN Climate Conference Taking the World in Entirely the Wrong Direction
Leading scientists, including some senior IPCC representatives, acknowledge that today's computer models cannot predict climate. Consistent with this, and despite computer projections of temperature rises, there has been no net global warming since 1998. That the current temperature plateau follows a late 20th-century period of warming is consistent with the continuation today of natural multi-decadal or millennial climate cycling.
In stark contrast to the often repeated assertion that the science of climate change is "settled," significant new peer-reviewed research has cast even more doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global warming. But because IPCC working groups were generally instructed (see wg1_timetable_2006-08-14.pdf) to consider work published only through May, 2005, these important findings are not included in their reports; i.e., the IPCC assessment reports are already materially outdated.

German scientists reject man-made global warming - About Us & Contact
NASA proved GW stopped 16 years ago... What more is needed to be debated on the subject? Man had little to nothing to do with it getting warmer, science have proven that countless times.

When in the entire history of the planet have there been 7 billion people burning fossil fuels 24*7?


The impact on the planet is obvious to those who have the eyes to see.

Has the planet ever warmed without 7 billion people burning fossil fuels?

Let me google that for you
Depotoo -

1,000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists,
who have now turned against the UN IPCC.

Yes, this has been the subject of much humour and entertainment here before!

I suggest you do a little research into how many of the names on the "report" still want to be part of it, and then update your post.

I am amazed again how gullible people are!

Also note that one of your sources is a right wing politician. I won't tell you which one - you figure it out.
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NASA proved GW stopped 16 years ago... What more is needed to be debated on the subject? Man had little to nothing to do with it getting warmer, science have proven that countless times.

When in the entire history of the planet have there been 7 billion people burning fossil fuels 24*7?


The impact on the planet is obvious to those who have the eyes to see.

So, what were the causes of the Minoan, Roman, And Medieval Warming Periods? Throw in the Holocene Thermal Max for good measure.

Let me google that for you.
Foxfyre -

Yes, AGW is a cult that somehow fooled scientists and conservative politicians around the world. In fact, the only two people to see through the cult were two supermarket shelf-stackers like you and Todd.

Cults are, by and large, 20 people in a darkened room whispering about secret knowledge. That sounds a lot more like Deniers than it does modern science, I think.

Really? It seems to me a cultist would not question but blindly follows the dictates of the dictator or cult leader.

It seems to me that those who question the dictates of the dictator or cult leader are not the cultists.

Skeptics are for looking at ALL the available data, informed opinions, and research out there and consider healthy skepticism to be the scientific way so to speak. The cultists insult those who dare challenge the politically correct dictates of the cult leaders and try to demonize or marginalize them.

Hmmm. I wonder which category I would put Todd in?

I wonder which category I would put Saigon in?
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Depotoo -

1,000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists,
who have now turned against the UN IPCC.

Yes, this has been the subject of much humour and entertainment here before!

I suggest you do a little research into how many of the names on the "report" still want to be part of it, and then update your post.

I am amazed again how gullible people are!

oh please, get real here. Just as the left has always done, they find ways to belittle those that go against their grain.
I have alredy reasearched it my dear. Now let's get past that one link and shall you ptry to make excuses for the others as well?

One thing that bugs me more than anything is the fact climate change is real, yet it is being pushed as being catastrophic, for great financial gain for some, as being all man made and we must charge everyone carbon credits, taxes, etc. and this will save the world! There are cycles that are natural of which is always occurring.

Let's pretend for just one moment that indeed global warming is all man made. Now you tell me how, when there are billions on this earth that need energy to survive, we get these billions to not use energy to survive? How do we stop forests from burning? How do we stop all volcanoes from ever erupting? How do we stop the sun from heating and adding to this man-made global warming? How do we stop the earth from shifting on its axis? How do we stop the earths natural methane production? I believe many in their warped pseudo enviro minds wishes that we could just extinguish as much of mankind as we can to prevent their fears from coming true, but don't ask them to be one that is, as they must survive so they can save the rest of man-kind from themselves.
Or do we study how to adapt for the inevitable?

Let's pretend for just a moment that we do find only clean energy sources that reduce greenhouse levels. What happens when an ice age returns? Do we suddenly return to dirty sources to hope to stall its return?
Or do we study how to adapt to the inevitable?

Rather than concentrating on making billions for others in their scheme, what we should be doing is studying how to adapt when areas that are frozen turn green and areas that are green turn frozen as has happened throughout the time of the earth. (It also always amazes me how nothing is mentioned of the ice growing in places such as the antartic, only of the melting ice in the artics.) Whether it happens within our lifetimes or in another thousands of years, that should be our focus.
Depotoo -

1,000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists,
who have now turned against the UN IPCC.

Yes, this has been the subject of much humour and entertainment here before!

I suggest you do a little research into how many of the names on the "report" still want to be part of it, and then update your post.

I am amazed again how gullible people are!

oh please, get real here. Just as the left has always done, they find ways to belittle those that go against their grain.
I have alredy reasearched it my dear. Now let's get past that one link and shall you ptry to make excuses for the others as well?

One thing that bugs me more than anything is the fact climate change is real, yet it is being pushed as being catastrophic, for great financial gain for some, as being all man made and we must charge everyone carbon credits, taxes, etc. and this will save the world! There are cycles that are natural of which is always occurring.

Let's pretend for just one moment that indeed global warming is all man made. Now you tell me how, when there are billions on this earth that need energy to survive, we get these billions to not use energy to survive? How do we stop forests from burning? How do we stop all volcanoes from ever erupting? How do we stop the sun from heating and adding to this man-made global warming? How do we stop the earth from shifting on its axis? How do we stop the earths natural methane production? I believe many in their warped pseudo enviro minds wishes that we could just extinguish as much of mankind as we can to prevent their fears from coming true, but don't ask them to be one that is, as they must survive so they can save the rest of man-kind from themselves.
Or do we study how to adapt for the inevitable?

Let's pretend for just a moment that we do find only clean energy sources that reduce greenhouse levels. What happens when an ice age returns? Do we suddenly return to dirty sources to hope to stall its return?
Or do we study how to adapt to the inevitable?

Rather than concentrating on making billions for others in their scheme, what we should be doing is studying how to adapt when areas that are frozen turn green and areas that are green turn frozen as has happened throughout the time of the earth. (It also always amazes me how nothing is mentioned of the ice growing in places such as the antartic, only of the melting ice in the artics.) Whether it happens within our lifetimes or in another thousands of years, that should be our focus.

But you see, it is politically incorrect and heresy to the cultists who are convinced that those politicians pushing AGW have no motive other than to save us from ourselves. It is blasphemy to suggest that there could be any other reason for any global warming that is happening other than your evil pre-hybrid Chevy or Ford or the fact that folks use heating oil or coal to heat their homes and cook their food.

And if we should actually consider solutions such as offered in the video KissMy posted, or that our energies would be better spent helping people adapt to inevitable climate change, it could upset the whole cultic schtick and might cost some folks the cushy grants and/or the for profit millions they will make by keeping it going.
Depotoo -

Yes, this has been the subject of much humour and entertainment here before!

I suggest you do a little research into how many of the names on the "report" still want to be part of it, and then update your post.

I am amazed again how gullible people are!

oh please, get real here. Just as the left has always done, they find ways to belittle those that go against their grain.
I have alredy reasearched it my dear. Now let's get past that one link and shall you ptry to make excuses for the others as well?

One thing that bugs me more than anything is the fact climate change is real, yet it is being pushed as being catastrophic, for great financial gain for some, as being all man made and we must charge everyone carbon credits, taxes, etc. and this will save the world! There are cycles that are natural of which is always occurring.

Let's pretend for just one moment that indeed global warming is all man made. Now you tell me how, when there are billions on this earth that need energy to survive, we get these billions to not use energy to survive? How do we stop forests from burning? How do we stop all volcanoes from ever erupting? How do we stop the sun from heating and adding to this man-made global warming? How do we stop the earth from shifting on its axis? How do we stop the earths natural methane production? I believe many in their warped pseudo enviro minds wishes that we could just extinguish as much of mankind as we can to prevent their fears from coming true, but don't ask them to be one that is, as they must survive so they can save the rest of man-kind from themselves.
Or do we study how to adapt for the inevitable?

Let's pretend for just a moment that we do find only clean energy sources that reduce greenhouse levels. What happens when an ice age returns? Do we suddenly return to dirty sources to hope to stall its return?
Or do we study how to adapt to the inevitable?

Rather than concentrating on making billions for others in their scheme, what we should be doing is studying how to adapt when areas that are frozen turn green and areas that are green turn frozen as has happened throughout the time of the earth. (It also always amazes me how nothing is mentioned of the ice growing in places such as the antartic, only of the melting ice in the artics.) Whether it happens within our lifetimes or in another thousands of years, that should be our focus.

But you see, it is politically incorrect and heresy to the cultists who are convinced that those politicians pushing AGW have no motive other than to save us from ourselves. It is blasphemy to suggest that there could be any other reason for any global warming that is happening other than your evil pre-hybrid Chevy or Ford or the fact that folks use heating oil or coal to heat their homes and cook their food.

And if we should actually consider solutions such as offered in the video KissMy posted, or that our energies would be better spent helping people adapt to inevitable climate change, it could upset the whole cultic schtick and might cost some folks the cushy grants and/or the for profit millions they will make by keeping it going.

and the sad thing in that? Is those same scientists that are involved in this scam would actually be able to do rewarding scientific work. Makes me think they don't care for having to actually work that hard as to come up with rewarding solutions. They would rather manipuate models and their data sets. That work is much easier.
And their pockets must be being lined very well.
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oh please, get real here. Just as the left has always done, they find ways to belittle those that go against their grain.
I have alredy reasearched it my dear. Now let's get past that one link and shall you ptry to make excuses for the others as well?

One thing that bugs me more than anything is the fact climate change is real, yet it is being pushed as being catastrophic, for great financial gain for some, as being all man made and we must charge everyone carbon credits, taxes, etc. and this will save the world! There are cycles that are natural of which is always occurring.

Let's pretend for just one moment that indeed global warming is all man made. Now you tell me how, when there are billions on this earth that need energy to survive, we get these billions to not use energy to survive? How do we stop forests from burning? How do we stop all volcanoes from ever erupting? How do we stop the sun from heating and adding to this man-made global warming? How do we stop the earth from shifting on its axis? How do we stop the earths natural methane production? I believe many in their warped pseudo enviro minds wishes that we could just extinguish as much of mankind as we can to prevent their fears from coming true, but don't ask them to be one that is, as they must survive so they can save the rest of man-kind from themselves.
Or do we study how to adapt for the inevitable?

Let's pretend for just a moment that we do find only clean energy sources that reduce greenhouse levels. What happens when an ice age returns? Do we suddenly return to dirty sources to hope to stall its return?
Or do we study how to adapt to the inevitable?

Rather than concentrating on making billions for others in their scheme, what we should be doing is studying how to adapt when areas that are frozen turn green and areas that are green turn frozen as has happened throughout the time of the earth. (It also always amazes me how nothing is mentioned of the ice growing in places such as the antartic, only of the melting ice in the artics.) Whether it happens within our lifetimes or in another thousands of years, that should be our focus.

But you see, it is politically incorrect and heresy to the cultists who are convinced that those politicians pushing AGW have no motive other than to save us from ourselves. It is blasphemy to suggest that there could be any other reason for any global warming that is happening other than your evil pre-hybrid Chevy or Ford or the fact that folks use heating oil or coal to heat their homes and cook their food.

And if we should actually consider solutions such as offered in the video KissMy posted, or that our energies would be better spent helping people adapt to inevitable climate change, it could upset the whole cultic schtick and might cost some folks the cushy grants and/or the for profit millions they will make by keeping it going.

and the sad thing in that? Is those same scientists that are involved in this scam would actually be able to do rewarding scientific work. Makes me think they don't care for having to actually work that hard as to come up with rewarding solutions. They would rather manipuate models and their data sets. That work is much easier.
And their pockets must be being lined very well.

Indeed they are. And so many of them are so dependent on all that lovely tax payer funded money and/or the approval of their peers in an organization that benefits from all that government funding, however it makes its way to the organization, that they dare not rock the boat in any way. I can't believe more than a small fraction of them aren't questioning the bogus science utilized, but money is a powerful thing. And few people have sufficient courage of their convictions to turn it down when it is dangled before them.

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