Global Warming Study Cancelled Because of ‘Unprecedented’ Ice

No, we're not.

Yes, we are.

Just as earth has cycles which we call seasons, the sun's energy output also changes on a roughly 11-year basis. We call these changes the solar cycle.
We are now at the ending point of solar maximum period number 24. During the last solar minimum, there were few
magnetic storms on the sun, sunspots were rare, and geomagnetic disturbances here on earth
were nearly nonexistent. Aurora watchers had to travel to the polar regions to see
the Northern Lights.

2016 and 2017 bring us decreasing sunspot numbers, lowered solar output, and the return to solar minimum:
"What does this mean? The solar cycle is like a pendulum, swinging back and forth between periods of
high and low sunspot number every 11 years. Today's [23 June 2016] blank sun is a sign that the pendulum is
swinging toward low sunspot numbers. In other words, Solar Minimum is coming
Solar Maximum (and Solar Minimum) 2009-2020
Sorry, you're wrong, we're not cooling.

I'll pass that information along to NASA. They're all confused... ;)
Solar Minimum is Coming | Science Mission Directorate
You are confused. I did not dispute solar cycles. While a solar minimum can contribute a cooling factor in the form of less incoming energy, the planet can continue to warm during this short period. It would just warm more slowly than during the solar uptick. Which, by the way, is coming right afterward. So it issilly to look at these cycles as any relief from longer term trends.

This is a laughable assertion. The whole meme that CO2 is the control knob for global temp has been totally refuted. When TSI drops, so does the global temp. There is loads of evidence to support this statement. There is none that supports yours.


LOL One simply cannot make up the nonsense that Mr. Westwall spouts. Look at the drop in TSI for the last few years. Now look at where the temperature has gone. Does that look like a drop in temperature as the TSI declined? Were we not rapidly adding GHGs to the atmosphere, there might have been a minor drop. But the amount of heat retained by the GHGs far overpowers any added by the minor drop in TSI.

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