Global warming summit will produce '300,000 TONS of C02'

but that don't count.., does it demorats/liberfools??

The climate change summit in Paris that aims to tackle global warming will itself pump an estimated 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it was claimed today.

Around 50,000 people including world leaders, businesses and activists are expected to travel from across the globe for the two-week conference in Paris which started today.

Read more: Paris climate change talks will produce '300,000 TONS of C02'
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don't any of you libercRAT :asshole:S try to defend this :bsflag: you will only prove what true fools you are! :up:
Well hey according do you dumb fucking rubes that's good for our environment. Haven't you seen the multiple retarded plankton threads?

You've destroyed the Amazon rain forest for ethanol. Your green garbage is just that.

Go to Bumfuck, Kansas where every last idiot is a hardcore republican and find me a single politician who is against ethanol subsidies.

Destroying the rainforest.... Jesus fucking Christ you're right with your last comment you rubes are well fucking on your way towards becoming cave dwellers.
Thank you for the sincerety of your revelation...that a pol would support subsides for his constituents....we had no idea...
I mean the RWers here aren't objecting to GW because they know anything about science... It is just team politics...

The Koch basically bought their position... Christians used to be about saving the Planet, it was a Christian kind of thing to do...
He's trying to close the Turkish border with Syria...using the Texas/ Mexico model, no doubt.

He's proud of the money he's spending to not solve the refugee that is not his.

Fuck this...I'm going to the gym.
I mean the RWers here aren't objecting to GW because they know anything about science... It is just team politics...

The Koch basically bought their position... Christians used to be about saving the Planet, it was a Christian kind of thing to do...

The musings of a nincompoop
oh darn, where's that Vox now. this is on TOP of all the pollution it took for them to get over there for that meal and then spew afterwards. good grief what a joke

Warmers Dine on Haute Cuisine as They Plot Global Redistribution

Jim Hoft Nov 30th, 2015 10:21 pm

Sacrifice is for the little people.

In January 2008 Barack Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle:

“Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Businesses would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that cost onto consumers.”

He promised that his plan would cause electricity rates to skyrocket.

He wasn’t kidding.

Obama’s punishing energy policies have forced electricity rates to necessarily skyrocket.
Of course, the poor and Middle Class have been hurt the worst.

Tonight Barack Obama dined on haute cuisine with global leaders at the Global Warming Summit.

Sacrifice is for the little people.
The Washington Post reported:

As working dinners go, President Obama’s meal Monday night in Paris with French President Francois Hollande, Secretary of State John Kerry and others wasn’t too shabby.

No cartons of takeout — instead, the gang fueled up after a long day of climate talks at L’Ambroisie, the three-Michelin-starred temple of gastronomie in the Marais neighborhood.

all of it here:
Warmers Dine on Haute Cuisine as They Plot Global Redistribution - The Gateway Pundit
you rubes are well fucking on your way towards becoming cave dwellers.

that will never happen.., we do not want to move you all from your permanent home, which you all have occupied since the end of Noah's flood!! :up: :lmao:
He really believes he's a leader. The ultimate denial of reality.

Now you are just shouting... You aren't even answering anyone...
I'll answer you....GFY.
Don’t argue with idiots because they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience
Koch and Christians isn't an argument's a smokescreen. Obama is rife with unprovable generalities, false choices and bullshit. Always following the Libtard what makes you feel good not necessarily what works.
Obama is only in the job for what Obama wants. he could care less what any of we the people want. he's never cared about listening to us. he's dreamt of being a dictator all his life and believe what other people said about him, that he's some MESSIAH LIKE and he is the knower of all. that's the only reason he applied for the job of President.

we will be hurting for years after he's gone, he's done so much damage. the big one is on: the Racial front that he intentionally stirred up with the like of the puke Rev. Sharpton, Holder and few others around the country like that mayor of Baltimore. and loading us up with illegal immigrants they are now calling. Refugees to make it sound more pretty of what they are actually doing. and this being done to cause more strife and havoc for our country and us
I mean the RWers here aren't objecting to GW because they know anything about science...

thank you for acknowledging we know about Glowbull warming, everything about it is the biggest pile of :bsflag: ever perpetrated on the U.S.A. population. :up:

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