Global warming summit will produce '300,000 TONS of C02'

I mean the RWers here aren't objecting to GW because they know anything about science... It is just team politics...

The Koch basically bought their position... Christians used to be about saving the Planet, it was a Christian kind of thing to do...

The musings of a nincompoop

You see what I am getting at.

Here is a personal insult, not actually addressing the topic. This is any discussion or debate is admission of defeat as it shows a lack of ability to discuss the topic.

The deniers have used this tactic on this board for years and not only on this subject.

Now comes a piece of already refuted bogus science(failed scientific review process) or a conspiracy theory (with no scientific review process).

Then they will claim we refuse to discuss the science, when in fact we spent years discussing it and claim to the same conclusion.

So again I will ask for the deniers best paper which has been through the review process and has not been refuted since. Before we asked for three but that seemed to hard for the deniers... So give us your best shot.

Just One... If you give a list we can just pick one a make that bogus, thus your whole list is bogus.

Before you start you know every major scientific organisation in the world has said GW is happening and we are the cause.
let's us see once, 300,000 tons to get there, 750,000 tons spewed while there and another 300,000+ to return.., that is a whole lot of shit in the atmosphere!! :up:

and it cost the subjects of that King a lot of their hard earned money for him to go spew on CLIMATE of all things. When we have things going on more worrisome (like Terrorism, surviving in this Obama economy, surviving his groups like the BLM, OWS, etc) and important things in our lives.

but not only shall we pay to feed them extravagant meals, but they need chauffeured around the cities they flew into through the climate: for the CLIMATE. how about that one? this is some big freaking joke. my gawd people wake up

Obama’s Motorcade for Climate Change Talks Costing $784,825
Contract: ‘No sustainability included’

BY: Elizabeth Harrington
December 1, 2015 5:00 am

Car service, hotels, and accommodations for the president and other administration officials to attend climate change talks in Paris are costing taxpayers nearly $2 million, according to government contracts.

The COP21 meeting of global leaders, which President Obama said is a “powerful rebuke” to terrorists, began on Monday. Representatives from 195 countries traveled to Paris, burning 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide for the United Nations conference that is seeking to reduce global emissions.

The tab for Obama’s motorcade alone totals $784,825. The State Department issued a $407,868 contract to Biribin Limousines, an international chauffeur service, for vehicles for the president’s security detail.

“No Sustainability Included,” the document states under a section for contract clauses.

Numerous other contracts for passenger vehicle rentals, including $9,042 for accompanying press, totaled $376,957.

Taxpayers were also billed $100,216 to book hotel accommodations for the president’s stay. Hotel rooms and cell phones for the U.S. Secret Service traveling with the president cost $16,642 and $4,034, respectively.

A number of cabinet secretaries are also in Paris for the United Nations conference, including IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, whose car service tab is $5,400.

Secretary of State John Kerry’s car service totaled $76,435, with three separate contracts worth $38,684, $15,789, and $21,962.

Car service for Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz is costing $19,080, and two contracts worth $10,153 and $10,737 were issued for Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack’s chauffeur service.

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell is also attending the conference, with hotel accommodations at the Tuileries Finances in Paris costing $36,091, and her car service totaling $13,903.

In all, costs associated with the climate change summit totaled $1,805,282.

The spending included $51,337 to rent a hangar for Marine One for the duration of the trip, $4,744 to rent office equipment, $12,478 for a hotel suite for a control room, and $7,239 hotels for the United States Agency for International Development.

The government also paid Decoral, an interior design agency running accommodations for COP21, $486,989 and $134,778.

Spending on the conference dates back to August, when the government paid $9,576 to rent a meeting room.

President Obama’s goals he proposed for the conference are estimated to cost up to $45 billion per year and would reduce global temperatures by less than two-tenths of one degree.

all of it here:
Obama’s Motorcade for Climate Change Talks Costing $784,825
I mean the RWers here aren't objecting to GW because they know anything about science... It is just team politics...

The Koch basically bought their position... Christians used to be about saving the Planet, it was a Christian kind of thing to do...

The musings of a nincompoop

You see what I am getting at.

Here is a personal insult, not actually addressing the topic. This is any discussion or debate is admission of defeat as it shows a lack of ability to discuss the topic.

The deniers have used this tactic on this board for years and not only on this subject.

Now comes a piece of already refuted bogus science(failed scientific review process) or a conspiracy theory (with no scientific review process).

Then they will claim we refuse to discuss the science, when in fact we spent years discussing it and claim to the same conclusion.

So again I will ask for the deniers best paper which has been through the review process and has not been refuted since. Before we asked for three but that seemed to hard for the deniers... So give us your best shot.

Just One... If you give a list we can just pick one a make that bogus, thus your whole list is bogus.

Before you start you know every major scientific organisation in the world has said GW is happening and we are the cause.

More musings....
How much fuel was used getting everyone's jets and vehicles to the site? How much carbon did that churn out? How much more air pollution?

Did it not occur to them that nowadays you coulda done that via teleconferencing?

Sure... but you can't dine on Kobe beef and $1,000 bottles of wine via teleconference!!!
You denialists always get the math wrong. You have to subtract the amount of CO2 all the participants would have generated anyway. :cool-45:

And why would they have generated it? The calc was merely for the fuel getting to the conference. Or do you agree that the one percenters are better than the common people so they can fuck over the 99 percent and that's OK with you?
How much fuel was used getting everyone's jets and vehicles to the site? How much carbon did that churn out? How much more air pollution?

Did it not occur to them that nowadays you coulda done that via teleconferencing?

Sure... but you can't dine on Kobe beef and $1,000 bottles of wine via teleconference!!!

Don't forget that it's all paid for by the taxpayers!
I started a thread asking what people who support this event hope to see happen, law and regulation-wise.

So far, no responses.

Does anyone have any idea what these folks actually want?
I mean the RWers here aren't objecting to GW because they know anything about science... It is just team politics...

The Koch basically bought their position... Christians used to be about saving the Planet, it was a Christian kind of thing to do...
The science says there is no relevant global warming.

The proof is in how these leaders just acted. If they really believed in GW they would've done this GW summit via Skype and turned that into PR but they all wanted to travel and act like Gods.
How much fuel was used getting everyone's jets and vehicles to the site? How much carbon did that churn out? How much more air pollution?

Did it not occur to them that nowadays you coulda done that via teleconferencing?
I am very pleased to see a post like this.

It kills me that the most popular people in the world that are against Co2 admissions pump out more co2 than a in a single year than any one of us, or anyone of us plus our entire immediate family plus all of our extended family do over 10 years.
You cannot make this stuff up, serious. The man is a clueless dumb phuck.

So Obama just claimed the only place mass shootings occur is in America....and he said it while standing in PARIS.

And REPUBLICANS are the insensitive and stupid ones?!
Good point. Someday historians are going to scratch their heads about the leader of the free world traveling to Paris, France a week after the worst terrorist attack in their history to talk about the weather. There is a freeze warning tonite for Tuscon, Arizona. Check the map. It's on the Mexican border
In a new movie Dicaprio is butt fucked by a bear..Libtard gay folk are jealous...feel left out. Bear was pissed off about lack of snow due to climate change. Sequal will depict Obabble getting the same from a discontented reindeer named Rudolph.

These AGW morons aren't even addressing the real problem facing the earth-----------------pollution.

Pollution destroys our water and our air----------------BUT POLLUTION DOES NOT CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE.

Forget the climate change hoax and address the real problem.

Oh, that's right, if you cannot connect pollution to climate you cannot control the actions of human beings. We get it.
In a new movie Dicaprio is butt fucked by a bear..Libtard gay folk are jealous...feel left out. Bear was pissed off about lack of snow due to climate change. Sequal will depict Obabble getting the same from a discontented reindeer named Rudolph.


That reminds me of a joke.

Obama and Putin are walking around a farm and find a goat with his head stuck in a fence. Putin grins and drops his pants and screws the goat. Then he turns to Obama and says, "now its your turn", so Obama sticks his head in the fence.
These AGW morons aren't even addressing the real problem facing the earth-----------------pollution.

Pollution destroys our water and our air----------------BUT POLLUTION DOES NOT CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE.

Forget the climate change hoax and address the real problem.

Oh, that's right, if you cannot connect pollution to climate you cannot control the actions of human beings. We get it.
The Left NEVER addresses the real problems. They prefer imaginary ones that make them rich and powerful.

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