Global Warming Update

All those "Science organizations" and not a single one that can show a lab experiment demonstrating the relationship between temperature and CO2.


Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

There you go, lying again.

No, the science is NOT settled. No way. No how.

But that you're a lying scumbag? That IS settled science

Global Warming Hoax: News

Global Warming Hoax: 141 Scientists Sign Letter Sent to UN Secretary-General Questioning Global Warming

Global Warming Hoax: Video "The Cloud Mystery", The Case For Cosmic Rays

Global Warming Hoax: Video - Killing Children and Coworkers All in the Name of Climate Change

Warning, this video contains graphic images of children and adults blowing up with the sounds of shotgun blasts. There is blood splattered on other children and body parts blown off. The video is disturbing, you’ve been warned.

This mini-movie, “No Pressure”, was shot on 35mm with several big names involved. It was produced by the 1010global organization, their goal is to cut Carbon emissions by 10% in 2010. Obviously a lot money went in to making.

Global Warming Hoax: Antarctic Sea Ice for November 2009 Higher Than 1979

ontrary to media reports Antarctic sea ice continues to expand. Ice totals for November 2009 are significantly higher than 1979 when measurements began. The main stream media concentrates on a couple of small areas of the Antarctic in order to scare you in to believing that Antarctica is melting, when in fact its gaining ice.

Global Warming Losing Support In US, Climate Change Considered A Hoax

Our tax dollars says global warming is for real!

Climate Change: Consensus

Looking at this chart I have one major question...
If the trend which is what NASA is showing is a climb upwards...
what happened from 1890 to 1940 when the Temperature Anomaly went from as a decline of -0.5 in 1890 to 0 anomaly in 1940>
$Screen Shot 2014-04-25 at 12.13.17 PM.png
Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

No it's ok Frank received his degree in Climatology from Hannity-and-Beck University. He's what they call a self-proclaimed expert.

I'm just an expert at spotting tells and bullshit

You sure are. You somehow figured out that EVERY major international scientific body is lying about AGW.

Solid detective work there.
Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100

Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

I missed the part where you show me the lab experiments and the relationship between CO2 and temperature.

Care to try again?
Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100

Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

I missed the part where you show me the lab experiments and the relationship between CO2 and temperature.

Care to try again?

Not to mention, to accurately prove what they are saying, they need to demonstrate what is the norm.. and they can't.. which renders it all meaningless nonsense.
Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100

Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

What's to understand? AGW is just the latest round for the flat-Earthers.


Flat Earthers were the ones denying the science of the day. But then I'm not an alarmist, rather a realist. I don't think mankind is not going to be able to change it's fossil fuel consumption, so we're better plan on mitigating the effects of the changing climate rather trying to stop it.
Ame®icano;8993068 said:
Listen up all you haters!!

It's not called Global Warming anymore........the correct term now is Climate Change.

Carry on......... :cool:

Its only been that way for a 3 decades.

It's been that way since they're busted for lying and since data doesn't support their story.

By the way, there is nothing that will stop liberal from their transference.

Check this out... can't make this shit up.

No its been that way for 3 decades

Google It For Me!

There! Now you dont even have to google it. Started in 1975 despite what the talking points have told you

Both of their new surface temperature data sets show significantly more warming over the past 16 years than HadCRUT4. This is mainly due to HadCRUT4 missing accelerated Arctic warming, especially since 1997.

Cowtan & Way investigate the claim of a global surface warming 'pause' over the past 16 years by examining the trends from 1997 through 2012. While HadCRUT4 only estimates the surface warming trend at 0.046°C per decade during that time, and NASA puts it at 0.080°C per decade, the new kriging and hybrid data sets estimate the trend during this time at 0.11 and 0.12°C per decade, respectively.

These results indicate that the slowed warming of average global surface temperature is not as significant as previously believed. Surface warming has slowed somewhat, in large part due to more overall global warming being transferred to the oceans over the past decade. However, these sorts of temporary surface warming slowdowns (and speed-ups) occur on a regular basis due to short-term natural influences.

Some important information when considering the source of your documentation.

Skeptical Science

This site was created by John Cook. I'm not a climatologist or a scientist but a self employed cartoonist and web programmer by trade. I did a Physics degree at the University of Queensland and while I achieved First Class Honours and could've continued onto a PhD, I instead quit academia and became a professional scrawler. Too much doodling in lectures, I think. Nevertheless, I've pursued a keen interest in science and if anything, found my curiosity about how the world works increased once I wasn't forced to study for impending exams.

My interest in global warming began when I drew a cartoon spoof of the TV show 24 that wondered what Jack Bauer would do if Al Gore was President and global warming was the "threat du jour". I watched An Inconvenient Truth for research which I found thought provoking although I didn't know what to make of all the science.
Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100

Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

I have a problem with most globalwarmingistas in that they tend to "exaggerate".. for example Oldrocks said ""i.e. many millions of scientists" agree GW is real.
Yet I've not found MILLIONS of scientists much less "millions" agreeing about GW.
I did find this:

0,257 Climate surveys sent to "NOT MILLIONS"... but 10,257 of WHICH
3,146 returned their surveys of which
77 were climate scientists of which
42 said "yes"

View attachment 29980
About that overwhelming 97-98% number of scientists that say there is a climate consensus? | Watts Up With That?

None of that changes the science tho. Are we even talking about the science or what another poster said and silly pics of idiots who know nothing?
Even if rising CO2 isn't the direct cause of rising average global temperatures, is that any reason to keep clearcutting rainforests, dumping plastic garbage into the oceans, and burning toxic sludge for transportation?
Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100

Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

I missed the part where you show me the lab experiments and the relationship between CO2 and temperature.

Care to try again?

No, I'm not a scientist but I'll let the scientist tell you

Google It For Me!

There you go. Now you dont even have to google it either.
Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

What's to understand? AGW is just the latest round for the flat-Earthers.


Flat Earthers were the ones denying the science of the day. But then I'm not an alarmist, rather a realist. I don't think mankind is not going to be able to change it's fossil fuel consumption, so we're better plan on mitigating the effects of the changing climate rather trying to stop it.

And how is that any different than embracing debunked science? And look, I'm not saying man hasn't had an impact.. far from it. I'm just saying I'm 50 and pretty much my whole life I've been listening to the alarmists tell me that if I don't live the way they tell me to live... we're doomed in xxx years.

And here we sit.
Once again, every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University state in policy statements that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

So, what you are positing is that there is a massive conspiracy among many millions of scientists from every nation and political system in the world to create the image of a threat that does not exist. Do you even begin to realize how absolutely insane that sounds?

I have not seen any scientific society claim that manmade global climate change is a fact, and absolutely no one knows whether a warmer earth is a clear and present danger, or a boon to mankind. Perhaps you just fail to understand what the terms "may" or even "most likely" mean.

There is little doubt that the world is getting warmer, and has been getting warmer since the apex of the last ice age. There is also little doubt that the earth will continue to get warmer, until it begins to get colder again. This cycle has occurred thousands of times, and like winter and summer, will continue to occur whether or not man is still here.

Since scientists have little understanding of what causes this cycle, the idea that they understand the fluctuations within the cycle, and what man contributes to these fluctuations, is insanity. We have theories on what caused the mini-ice age, but we don't have facts. Nor, do we have any idea of what caused the warming period that preceded the mini-ice age.

Both of these fluctuations were natural, and far exceeded any current "warming" trend. It is "most likely" that we are experiencing just another natural fluctuation in the cycle. You have way too much trust in the wisdom of climate scientists.
Even if rising CO2 isn't the direct cause of rising average global temperatures, is that any reason to keep clearcutting rainforests, dumping plastic garbage into the oceans, and burning toxic sludge for transportation?





WTF was that?
Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

I missed the part where you show me the lab experiments and the relationship between CO2 and temperature.

Care to try again?

No, I'm not a scientist but I'll let the scientist tell you

Google It For Me!

There you go. Now you dont even have to google it either.

Number 1 answer

"Science & Mathematics > Weather

What is the relationship between Carbon dioxide and temperature?

Best Answer

Arun dilipan Anbazhagan answered 3 years ago
this is very simple, the relationship between them is that when there is more carbon di oxide then the temperature gets raised this is because carbon di oxide traps the heat from the sun too efficiently than other gases .
Rate Comment"

Uh huh. That was awesome
Even if rising CO2 isn't the direct cause of rising average global temperatures, is that any reason to keep clearcutting rainforests, dumping plastic garbage into the oceans, and burning toxic sludge for transportation?





WTF was that?

That means he ran out of gas and has moved to another bullshit narrative like conservatives hate women, want dirty water & air, etc.
I missed the part where you show me the lab experiments and the relationship between CO2 and temperature.

Care to try again?

No, I'm not a scientist but I'll let the scientist tell you

Google It For Me!

There you go. Now you dont even have to google it either.

Number 1 answer

"Science & Mathematics > Weather

What is the relationship between Carbon dioxide and temperature?

Best Answer

Arun dilipan Anbazhagan answered 3 years ago
this is very simple, the relationship between them is that when there is more carbon di oxide then the temperature gets raised this is because carbon di oxide traps the heat from the sun too efficiently than other gases .
Rate Comment"

Uh huh. That was awesome

So now that you have an answer that isnt good enough?

The best part about it is I gave you a link where you dont even have to google it and it has more than one link you can learn from. Enjoy!
Even if rising CO2 isn't the direct cause of rising average global temperatures, is that any reason to keep clearcutting rainforests, dumping plastic garbage into the oceans, and burning toxic sludge for transportation?

When will you left wing fools learn the difference between man made pollution and man made climate change.

YES, man is polluting the planet

NO, man's pollution is not changing the climate

The climate of our planet is controlled by the sun, the earth's tilt on its axis (slight wobbles), and natural cycles that have been occuring for millions of years.

Man has nothing to do with it. never has, never will----unless we engage in a nuclear war with thousands of nuclear bombs. That would end man's time on the planet, but the planet would survive and in another milion years some other forms of life would show up.

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