Global Warming Update

Its time to stop having children, become vegans, paint your roofs white, abandon automobiles, and depend on barley power for our energy needs. That and trillions of tXpayer dollars to help third world nations prepare fpr the worst.
For humanity, before its toooooo late !!!! Lol
Once again, every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University state in policy statements that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

So, what you are positing is that there is a massive conspiracy among many millions of scientists from every nation and political system in the world to create the image of a threat that does not exist. Do you even begin to realize how absolutely insane that sounds?

That is a lie and you are a lying scumbag.

Once again, every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University state in policy statements that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

So, what you are positing is that there is a massive conspiracy among many millions of scientists from every nation and political system in the world to create the image of a threat that does not exist. Do you even begin to realize how absolutely insane that sounds?

Consensus circa 1200 AD

Once again, every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University state in policy statements that the Earth is a flat plane held up on the back of a giant turtle
Once again, every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University state in policy statements that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

So, what you are positing is that there is a massive conspiracy among many millions of scientists from every nation and political system in the world to create the image of a threat that does not exist. Do you even begin to realize how absolutely insane that sounds?

I'm not making any threat or conspiracy.
Just a simple fact that temperature recording devices are generally located where it WAS easy to manually get the readings. (Didn't have IP addressing!).
And so urban areas made up the majority of temperature readings over the last 100 years.
So if you are using temperature readings from 100 years ago... THAT is still too limited as a the Earth has had periods of warming and cooling.
Why is Greenland so named? Why is there oil exploration in the Arctic when we know oil comes from decayed plant life that would not survive in
current Arctic temperatures.

Has nothing to do with religiously fervor that globalwarmingistas have.
Plus globalwarmingistas have this tendency to exaggeration..."i.e. many millions of scientists"????
Richard Phillips Feynman was an American theoretical physicist i.e. scientist... are you counting people like him as your "millions of scientists"?
Or are there as this attached chart show:
10,257 Climate surveys sent to "NOT MILLIONS"... but 10,257 of WHICH
3,146 returned their surveys of which
77 were climate scientists of which
42 said "yes"
$Screen Shot 2014-04-25 at 11.17.08 AM.png

FAR FAR from the millions of scientists~~~

OH and by the way I use to think you had some credibility... but come on "millions of scientists"..just blew that!
Once again, every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University state in policy statements that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

So, what you are positing is that there is a massive conspiracy among many millions of scientists from every nation and political system in the world to create the image of a threat that does not exist. Do you even begin to realize how absolutely insane that sounds?

That is a lie and you are a lying scumbag.


Which major scientific organization has publicly stated AGW is not real?
Once again, every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University state in policy statements that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

So, what you are positing is that there is a massive conspiracy among many millions of scientists from every nation and political system in the world to create the image of a threat that does not exist. Do you even begin to realize how absolutely insane that sounds?

Consensus circa 1200 AD

Once again, every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University state in policy statements that the Earth is a flat plane held up on the back of a giant turtle

And those people were geniuses compared to today's dimocrap scum.

You know what's going on here? I'll tell you....

Academia is bankrupt. Morally, financially, conceptually and in every other way -- Bankrupt.

There are no 'Einsteins', no Niels Boors, no Enrico Fermis, no Georges LeMatires, no....

No nothing. All we got is a very confused and very handicapped Stephen Hawking who is oh so very wrong on oh so too many of his theories.

There are no calls for people with Advanced Degree. Very few Universities hiring Science PhDs to teach Black Studies or a course on "Why My Vagina Itches All The Time"..... Which is what passes for 'education' in most of today's Universities.

There's nothing for people with advanced degrees to do these days. Maybe sit around and pontificate on why most of humanity is so inferior to them..... That's about it.

So somebody comes up with an idea that not only provides for HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of PHONY PhDs in a fake science but also promotes the Statism of dimocrap scum.

Dictators and wannabe Dictators who would LOVE the idea of being in charge of the World's Energy are kicking in BILLIONS of dollars because they know, as do I, that whoever controls the world's energy supplies.......

Controls the world.

So these phony scientists with phony PhDs can make a lot of money providing wannabe Dictators with phony statistics to prove their phony theories about how "We're All Gonna Fucking Die!!!" if we don't change our ways and let those smarter than us tell us how to live.

Which, it just so happens (what a coincidence :eek:) that dimocrap scum are ABSOLUTELY convinced that they are the ones anointed by God (or Mother Gaia, whatever :dunno:) with the requisite intelligence to lead us and tell us who should get what and how much.

It's just that simple.

the dimocrap party is a criminal cult
Once again, every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University state in policy statements that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

So, what you are positing is that there is a massive conspiracy among many millions of scientists from every nation and political system in the world to create the image of a threat that does not exist. Do you even begin to realize how absolutely insane that sounds?

That is a lie and you are a lying scumbag.


Which major scientific organization has publicly stated AGW is not real?

He'll just call you dumb and hope no one notices his lack of evidence, links or supporting information
All those "Science organizations" and not a single one that can show a lab experiment demonstrating the relationship between temperature and CO2.

AGWCult Model

This AGWModel shows the imaginary relationship between increases in CO2 and their subsequent devastating impact on planet Earth

CO2/PPM ^ Temp

400 2 degrees
600 6 degrees
800 1,400 degree

Can I get an 'Amen!' (aka: peer review)
All those "Science organizations" and not a single one that can show a lab experiment demonstrating the relationship between temperature and CO2.


Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff
All those "Science organizations" and not a single one that can show a lab experiment demonstrating the relationship between temperature and CO2.


Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

No it's ok Frank received his degree in Climatology from Hannity-and-Beck University. He's what they call a self-proclaimed expert.
All those "Science organizations" and not a single one that can show a lab experiment demonstrating the relationship between temperature and CO2.


Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100
Listen up all you haters!!

It's not called Global Warming anymore........the correct term now is Climate Change.

Carry on......... :cool:

Its only been that way for a 3 decades.

It's been that way since they're busted for lying and since data doesn't support their story.

By the way, there is nothing that will stop liberal from their transference.

Check this out... can't make this shit up.

All those "Science organizations" and not a single one that can show a lab experiment demonstrating the relationship between temperature and CO2.


Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

No it's ok Frank received his degree in Climatology from Hannity-and-Beck University. He's what they call a self-proclaimed expert.

I'm just an expert at spotting tells and bullshit
All those "Science organizations" and not a single one that can show a lab experiment demonstrating the relationship between temperature and CO2.


Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100

Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.
All those "Science organizations" and not a single one that can show a lab experiment demonstrating the relationship between temperature and CO2.


Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

There you go, lying again.

No, the science is NOT settled. No way. No how.

But that you're a lying scumbag? That IS settled science

Global Warming Hoax: News

Global Warming Hoax: 141 Scientists Sign Letter Sent to UN Secretary-General Questioning Global Warming

In open letter to the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki Moon, 141 Scientists state that the science behind anthropogenic global warming is anything but "settled".

Yet more embarrassing emails have been released by an unknown hacker or hackers that show the top climate scientists engaging more in political activism than in science. In many of the emails they seem to out right admit that they have a weak argument, but that didn't stop them propaganda.

Global Warming Hoax: Video "The Cloud Mystery", The Case For Cosmic Rays

Henrik Svensmark and several other leading climate scientists make an excellent case for cosmic rays and the solar magnetic field as the cause of global warming.

Global Warming Hoax: Video - Killing Children and Coworkers All in the Name of Climate Change

Warning, this video contains graphic images of children and adults blowing up with the sounds of shotgun blasts. There is blood splattered on other children and body parts blown off. The video is disturbing, you’ve been warned.

This mini-movie, “No Pressure”, was shot on 35mm with several big names involved. It was produced by the 1010global organization, their goal is to cut Carbon emissions by 10% in 2010. Obviously a lot money went in to making.

Global Warming Hoax: Antarctic Sea Ice for November 2009 Higher Than 1979

ontrary to media reports Antarctic sea ice continues to expand. Ice totals for November 2009 are significantly higher than 1979 when measurements began. The main stream media concentrates on a couple of small areas of the Antarctic in order to scare you in to believing that Antarctica is melting, when in fact its gaining ice.

Global Warming Losing Support In US, Climate Change Considered A Hoax
Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100

Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

I have a problem with most globalwarmingistas in that they tend to "exaggerate".. for example Oldrocks said ""i.e. many millions of scientists" agree GW is real.
Yet I've not found MILLIONS of scientists much less "millions" agreeing about GW.
I did find this:

0,257 Climate surveys sent to "NOT MILLIONS"... but 10,257 of WHICH
3,146 returned their surveys of which
77 were climate scientists of which
42 said "yes"

$Screen Shot 2014-04-25 at 11.17.08 AM.png
About that overwhelming 97-98% number of scientists that say there is a climate consensus? | Watts Up With That?
People this stupid should have to be licensed

IKEA Developing a 'Lower-Carbon' Swedish Meatball | CNS News

"IKEA is a responsible company, and we believe that we can play an important role in the move towards a more sustainable society," the company announced on April 22, Earth Day.

"We will continue to sell the regular meatballs that our customers enjoy every day at IKEA. However we will also provide lower carbon alternatives; a chicken meatball and a vegetarian meatball are under development and will complement our meatball offer in 2015."

Whats weird is you ignoring science and giving more credibility to your ignorance and rumors. I mean, the science is real yet you favor the unreal, unproven stuff

Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100

Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

What's to understand? AGW is just the latest round for the flat-Earthers.

Mo son works at an iPSC Lab and he can explain his work to me. Maybe you can share some of your "real science" with me? So far, the AGW Science consists of pointing at the Weather Channel and going "ManMade Global Warming!"

Whats the relationship between CO2 and temperature? What's the temperature relationship starting at 0PPM CO2 and increasing in increments of 100

Yeah well its been around for decades and its been reviewed by others for accuracy. Your ignorance on the subject doesnt pass for proof of anything.

Just because someone doesnt understand how a red light means stop doesnt mean they wont get hit. You not understanding the relationship between CO2 and temp doesnt mean the science is wrong or fake. That just means you dont understand.

I have a problem with most globalwarmingistas in that they tend to "exaggerate".. for example Oldrocks said ""i.e. many millions of scientists" agree GW is real.
Yet I've not found MILLIONS of scientists much less "millions" agreeing about GW.
I did find this:

0,257 Climate surveys sent to "NOT MILLIONS"... but 10,257 of WHICH
3,146 returned their surveys of which
77 were climate scientists of which
42 said "yes"

View attachment 29980
About that overwhelming 97-98% number of scientists that say there is a climate consensus? | Watts Up With That?

That's what they do.. lie. the whole leftwing ideology is a lie.. so don't be surprised when liars lie about their lies.


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