Globalist Elites Attempting To Start War With Russia Before Trump Takes Office?

I think the radio signal strength for conservative talk radio is being tampered with also, because channels I once got to come in strong, and that were strong in signal once, well I haven't been able to even get them to come in lately. I think an investigation is warranted, and action taken.
No one wants a war with Putin but I find it terribly interesting that suddenly the right wants to embark on a program of appeasement with a hostile dictatorship.
There is no war with Russia. The bitter and angry and possibly mentally deranged democrat party wants to de-legitimize the Trump administration.
I think the radio signal strength for conservative talk radio is being tampered with also, because channels I once got to come in strong, and that were strong in signal once, well I haven't been able to even get them to come in lately. I think an investigation is warranted, and action taken.
Where the hell do you live that you cannot get that crap from one end of the dial to the other?
There is no war with Russia. The bitter and angry and possibly mentally deranged democrat party wants to de-legitimize the Trump administration.
Trump has already done that to himself by trying to buddy up with Putin. I do not even want to think about what Trump and his easily hurt ego will do when Putin betrays all his misplaced trust.
No one wants a war with Putin but I find it terribly interesting that suddenly the right wants to embark on a program of appeasement with a hostile dictatorship.

I'll be honest, if Putin is responsible for Hillary Clinton being defeated, i gotta thank him immensely. I think a lotta people feel the same way. Most won't say it, but they do feel that way. 4-8yrs of Hitlery? No thanks.

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