Globalists Cheer: Only 16 Percent of Gen Z Is Proud to Live in U.S., Poll Shows

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
From the comment section on the original article:

I am 65 years old and have no pride in a country that EXECUTES unborn children, promotes and enables homosexuality, promotes and enables euthanasia (Culture of Death).

I have no pride in a country that has NO borders and interferes in every other nation on earth.

I have NO pride in a country that has abandoned the Judeo-Christian God.

I have NO pride in a multi-race, multi-ethnic society that demonizes and pits one race against another race.

I have NO pride in a country that elects men like Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barry Soetoro, [and] Creepy Joe Xiden to be president.

The public school system is the source of evil in America today. Has been for 50+ years or more. Democrats have turned once great and thriving American cities into toxic waste dumps.

From the comment section on the original article:

The public school system is the source of evil in America today. Has been for 50+ years or more. Democrats have turned once great and thriving American cities into toxic waste dumps.

They will be running the country soon

And they hate white, christian nationalist, gun fondling assholes.

No normal person does.
From the comment section on the original article:

The public school system is the source of evil in America today. Has been for 50+ years or more. Democrats have turned once great and thriving American cities into toxic waste dumps.

To paraphrase the Great Prophet Hillary, what difference does it make? It isn't like all our whippersnappers are sneaking across the border into Mexico or Canada in the middle of the night.

Might I recommend tickets to Northern Siberia or perhaps Zimbabwe for the ones who aren't proud of the US?


More people of all ages are finally waking up to realize what we took for granted about America is an illusion the elites have carefully fabricated to keep us quiet & complacent.

Gen Z isn't the only generation that no longer feels the same pride in the country that we used to take for granted when we fooled ourselves with sweet lies that the US, despite some obvious flaws, was actually a force for good in the world.
That delusion has been shattered & there is no going back once you've seen behind the curtain.

The elites have always counted on us to accept comfortable lies over brutal truths & that is no longer the case for many of us.
Hopefully more will come to see the truth & it will set us all free

The Left Wing Hate Machine has control of the schools, entertainment and the Media.
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They will be running the country soon

And they hate white, christian nationalist, gun fondling assholes.

No normal person does.
As you do also. You are a racist, bigot, that hates people are are not lock step with your radical satanic ideology.
To paraphrase the Great Prophet Hillary, what difference does it make? It isn't like all our whippersnappers are sneaking across the border into Mexico or Canada in the middle of the night.
And it isn't because planes full of cocaine were landing in the phosphate fields of Lakeland, Florida while Bill was in the WH.
From the comment section on the original article:

The public school system is the source of evil in America today. Has been for 50+ years or more. Democrats have turned once great and thriving American cities into toxic waste dumps.

Globalists Cheer: Only 16 Percent of Gen Z Is Proud to Live in U.S., Poll Shows​

Certainly was not the case prior to the 60's...what white liberals know but fail to acknowledge is that the ladder of success is intended to be climbed, not descended from in the name of "do your own thing"...if the "Z GEN" wants to get over itself perhaps it should try some tried and true BUMPER-STICKER liberalism to make them proud like "SEX, DRUGS and ROCK -N-ROLL...who wouldn't be proud?
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Some interesting points here, but nobody seems to distinguish between the country USofA, and its criminal government in the District of Columbia. The country is one thing, but its government is a different thing. The country created the government in 1787 after the first effort failed.

As Mark Twain said, Patriotism means supporting your country all of the time, but its government only when it deserves it.

I still love my country, but am embarrassed by its criminal government.
From the comment section on the original article:

The public school system is the source of evil in America today. Has been for 50+ years or more. Democrats have turned once great and thriving American cities into toxic waste dumps.

84% can always leave
From the comment section on the original article:

The public school system is the source of evil in America today. Has been for 50+ years or more. Democrats have turned once great and thriving American cities into toxic waste dumps.

Sounds like it is conservatives that have no love for this country.

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