Go green to beat Biden

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
One accusation made during the debt ceiling showdown was that the Republican Freedom Caucus wanted the U.S. to default to create a recession that would politically damage the fortunes of the Biden Administration.

However, the right wing need not exercise legislative power to hobble President Joe Biden. They could, ironically, embrace a radical green agenda that would accomplish the same.

The neoliberal approach to climate change is that progress can be achieved entirely through technology, replacing bad energy with good energy.

The more radical approach is that a complete lifestyle change is required by consuming only the bare essentials needed for life and to forego all luxuries such as unnecessary electronics, new vehicles, eating out, and leisure travel. Such a monkish life, embraced by as little as 25 percent of the population, would plunge the nation into a major recession and doom the reelection chances of Biden.

The right wing is already part way there, boycotting companies for woke policies. But since most corporations embrace some woke aspects already, a general boycott would attack them too.
That's a load of shit, RU, with all due respects.

The Roosevelt Depression was the greatest thing that ever happened to the Democrat Party.

A crushing recession or depression would be a Godsend for Sleepy Joe. These kinds of catastrophes make people more dependent on government and increase the people's tastes for tyranny.
I think I can go green on Biden.........and Hitlery, Obozo, Bush, and Pelosi.

There is no evidence that the GOP "freedom caucus" wanted the U.S. to default in the budget showdown. It's possible that the opposite was true since the media would blame republicans. The post offers a bogus scenario based on fake data typical of the left these days.
Politicization in the case of Target and other companies is that it affects stock holders and employees who may lose there jobs if the company start losing money. Target prices are good for those who want to save money. So it effects the consumer (those who shop at Target). This may even affect the economy if the movement is large enough and other issues are in play that can effect it. I guess freedom is selective, So in a free economy the government has minimal interference in companies. So now people who do not like's a particular company policies want to boycott the company. This is based on that band wagon that runs around telling them what they should do. They start to get noisy about it. Works for dictatorships as it is imposing your will on others.

If no one says anything then its business as usual. When that bandwagon starts making its rounds then it becomes a matter of bias. Join that crowd marching to the capitol. Looks like fun. I guess people have a right to choose whether to jump on that bandwagon but when it affects others then it is problematic.

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