Go, Johnny, Go! The Real McCain is back in town--It's Maverick Time!

Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Oh really?? I can recall in 2008 he was evil incarnate running against Saint Obama. So take you lying left wing diatribe and shove it.
Where did Democrats or the press ever portray McCain as evil?

Guess you have selective memory of 2008. Figures.
Show me an example my friend
When trump insulted McCain he entered the arena of fighting a real man. Trump is not a man. He is an immature child in a fat old man's body. McCain is a real man that has real man life experiences. Combat Navy Pilot and former POW just to name two. That is why it is so easy for McCain to bitch slap trump whenever he wants. PINO doesn't have a clue about how to respond like a man because he has never been a real man.
What would have happened, if the media had treated McCain with the same "Respect" that they normally show him, during the campaign?
Media was fine with McCain during the campaign
He was treated like the American hero he is

It is Trump who showed him and fellow POWs no respect

.1. The media betrayed him and starting talking utter bullshit about him.

2. Trump insulted him, rightfully so, when McCain insulted Trump supporters.
Trump insulted America

This thread is about McCain. Your oddity is noted.

I asked a question. What would have happened if, when certain lefties started pushing the lie that McCain had "changed" or was always this or that, (ie unstable or racist)

what if the media had responded like they normally did when people insulted their pet RINO?

What if they had waxed poetic about him being a Maverick and a War Hero?

What would have happened?
Challenge goes to you too

Show me where the Democrats or the Press ever attacked McCain personally

I showed you the despicable thing our President said
but most understand that a 'hero' is someone that risks their lives to save others.

Moron, I'm no big fan of McCain's politics,BUT the guy refused to be let go by the Viets until ALL prisoners were to be released.

Besides that any criticism of a POW from a draft-dodger like the scum bucket Trump, is automatically bullshit.

did you miss the part where I said He may very well have suffered as a POW? But as I understand it, he didn't suffer half as much as most other POW's. I may be wrong, but I don't think so. He has spent the last 40(?) years capitalizing on his POW status, but what has he ever done in office to help other veterans?:dunno:

I am not criticizing his POW as much as I am of a man that has been in politics for years and hasn't done anything for anyone but himself in all that time. That man can flip faster than a stack of pancakes at IHOP.

And yes, he is racists......against 'gooks'.....he even said so himself on local tv during his brief run for Pres

1. I have never heard him reference his POW status in my life.

2. Someone who has been literally tortured for years, gets a pass on harsh language.

1.) Maybe/maybe not........but everyone else has, especially during his campaign. Would/could he have ever made it in politics on his own? Wasn't with the help of his father and/or his military 'experience'? He doesn't have to say anything about his POW status, it follows him no matter what and others have glorified it for him to his benefit.

Well, he can't be held "responsible" for the fact that people consider his history when they judge him.

2.) Not if you're running for President. You have to be President of ALL the people. During his campaign he was interviewed by a local Asian reporter in a state with an Asian Governor and he was asked about his military service & being a POW and how he felt about it. He blatantly said 'I hate them. I hate all gooks' and may have went so far to say they could all die for all he cared.

Yes, under the circumstances of his own experience, it is understandable of how he feels.........but IMHO, you keep your mouth shut if you're running for President. Just as everyone screams about Trump having to be President & govern ALL the people of this nation.............so would McCain if elected.

And believe it or not, I was going to vote for him until that interview

I am not gong to judge someone who was literally tortured for years, for having harsh language regarding those who tortured him.

Anyone who does, imo, is a wrong to do so.

Especially as there is no evidence that this ever affected his job, up to and including voting for trade with Vietnam.

And I say this as someone who dislikes him greatly.[/QUOTE]

I disagree..........but to each their own.
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....
But he didn't get voted out. The people of Arizona reelected him, again. If you don't like the way America works STFU and get the F Out.
This is the thing....we have people complaining about members of Congress that are NOT from their state.....if it's not your state....if it's not MY state....what say do we have?
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Oh really?? I can recall in 2008 he was evil incarnate running against Saint Obama. So take you lying left wing diatribe and shove it.
Where did Democrats or the press ever portray McCain as evil?

Guess you have selective memory of 2008. Figures.
Show me an example my friend
Anti-McCain Shop: Bumper Stickers, Buttons, Shirts and More to Oppose John McCain in the 2008 Election

Some are harmless, others well lets just say some on the right don't have a monopoly on personal attacks to say the least.
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....
But he didn't get voted out. The people of Arizona reelected him, again. If you don't like the way America works STFU and get the F Out.
This is the thing....we have people complaining about members of Congress that are NOT from their state.....if it's not your state....if it's not MY state....what say do we have?
you can complain about any one of them you want,collectively they make the laws everyone has to live under.....
When trump insulted McCain he entered the arena of fighting a real man. Trump is not a man. He is an immature child in a fat old man's body. McCain is a real man that has real man life experiences. Combat Navy Pilot and former POW just to name two. That is why it is so easy for McCain to bitch slap trump whenever he wants. PINO doesn't have a clue about how to respond like a man because he has never been a real man.
you talking about real men?.....cant back up what you said about me earlier?.....dont want to accept my challenge?....so it was just more camp talk?...
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

and Trump isnt ?
you have never seen me support the guy when he was running because of his age,and i stated that about him and hillary and sanders during the primaries....anyone 70 and older is way to old for this job....same with congress....look at some of these old people and some of the foolish shit they have said.....

WTF, and how old is Trump?
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

and Trump isnt ?
you have never seen me support the guy when he was running because of his age,and i stated that about him and hillary and sanders during the primaries....anyone 70 and older is way to old for this job....same with congress....look at some of these old people and some of the foolish shit they have said.....

WTF, and how old is Trump?
too old.....
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

and Trump isnt ?
you have never seen me support the guy when he was running because of his age,and i stated that about him and hillary and sanders during the primaries....anyone 70 and older is way to old for this job....same with congress....look at some of these old people and some of the foolish shit they have said.....

WTF, and how old is Trump?
too old.....

And too um crazy!
When trump insulted McCain he entered the arena of fighting a real man. Trump is not a man. He is an immature child in a fat old man's body. McCain is a real man that has real man life experiences. Combat Navy Pilot and former POW just to name two. That is why it is so easy for McCain to bitch slap trump whenever he wants. PINO doesn't have a clue about how to respond like a man because he has never been a real man.
you talking about real men?.....cant back up what you said about me earlier?.....dont want to accept my challenge?....so it was just more camp talk?...
Challenge? What did I say about you?
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Oh really?? I can recall in 2008 he was evil incarnate running against Saint Obama. So take you lying left wing diatribe and shove it.
Where did Democrats or the press ever portray McCain as evil?

Guess you have selective memory of 2008. Figures.
Show me an example my friend
Anti-McCain Shop: Bumper Stickers, Buttons, Shirts and More to Oppose John McCain in the 2008 Election

Some are harmless, others well lets just say some on the right don't have a monopoly on personal attacks to say the least.
Just what I thought....pretty tame stuff

This sight is also for profit and not representing the Democratic Party

McCain was treated respectfully in 2008 with only his political positions and those of his party being attacked
To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

You people despised McCain when he ran for president. You have zero credibility here
To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

You people despised McCain when he ran for president. You have zero credibility here
Not the case
Democrats respected his status as a hero......more than Republicans do

Democrats ran against his positions, against the Bush record and against his batshit crazy choice for VP
To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

You people despised McCain when he ran for president. You have zero credibility here
Not the case
Democrats respected his status as a hero......more than Republicans do

Democrats ran against his positions, against the Bush record and against his batshit crazy choice for VP

False, you savaged the man, plain and simple and your blatant dishonesty is not even up for debate

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