Go, Johnny, Go! The Real McCain is back in town--It's Maverick Time!

Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Remember how the left turned on McCain when he became a problem for them in 2008?

And now that he is back to being a problem for the republicans, they pretend that that never happened.

We already knew that lefties were vile soulless monsters.

But, that McCain, would play ball with these fuckers after the way they betrayed him, shows him to be a bitch.
Democrats did not vote for him

Republicans threw him under the bus when he lost
No one voted for him that was conservative, that is why he lost. Very predictable
He lost because he picked that crazy lady as his VP. You know, the one who impersonates a wacky drunken crack head, that one.

Actually she actually helped his numbers, because he is the "crackhead". John McCain does not represent anything else other than a progressive piece of shit
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Remember how the left turned on McCain when he became a problem for them in 2008?

And now that he is back to being a problem for the republicans, they pretend that that never happened.

We already knew that lefties were vile soulless monsters.

But, that McCain, would play ball with these fuckers after the way they betrayed him, shows him to be a bitch.
Democrats did not vote for him

Republicans threw him under the bus when he lost

Mmm, of course democrats did not vote for him. He was running as a republican, and gave them no reason to vote for him.

Republicans threw him under the bus?

What are you talking about?
After the election, Republicans rallied around dimwit Palin while they blamed McCain for their embarrassing loss

Read this board
It is conservatives attacking McCain
There's a reason why bush kicked John McCain's ass in the primaries, as a career politician John McCain is very far from a conservative. fact
And George W. Bush is far from conservative… LOL
Last edited:
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Remember how the left turned on McCain when he became a problem for them in 2008?

And now that he is back to being a problem for the republicans, they pretend that that never happened.

We already knew that lefties were vile soulless monsters.

But, that McCain, would play ball with these fuckers after the way they betrayed him, shows him to be a bitch.
Democrats did not vote for him

Republicans threw him under the bus when he lost

Mmm, of course democrats did not vote for him. He was running as a republican, and gave them no reason to vote for him.

Republicans threw him under the bus?

What are you talking about?
After the election, Republicans rallied around dimwit Palin while they blamed McCain for their embarrassing loss

Read this board
It is conservatives attacking McCain
Only a fool thinks the career politician that is John McCain is conservative… LOL
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.
There are two Intermountain old farts who should head to the stud farm asap --

#1 John McCain "the fundamentals of the economy are sound !!";

#2 Orrin Porter Rockwell Hatch "I never met a John Birch-er I did not like".
Democrats did not vote for him

Republicans threw him under the bus when he lost

Again, I'm NO fan of McCain......BUT, when this man yanked the mic from that crazy old bat who was accusing Obama of being an"Arab".....he gained my respect......

NO OTHER current republican would have the ethical spine to do the same.
McCains finest hour

An act many Conservatives will not forgive him for
Spineless McCain obviously will always be against conservatives, the progressive he is...
The most intolerant people on the planet Are Muslims followed by progressesives…
What would have happened, if the media had treated McCain with the same "Respect" that they normally show him, during the campaign?
Media was fine with McCain during the campaign
He was treated like the American hero he is

It is Trump who showed him and fellow POWs no respect
McCain as a military person was a lifetime ago, he has been career politician for many decades now. Spineless McCain No longer represents the military because he is a career politician and does not represent the interests of the military… Fact
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

McCain well knows that he does not have a long life ahead of him...and he was reelected last year.
He well knows that its time to speak "truth to power" and not just partisan bullshit......and McCain will NEVER forget how damn vulgar the orange clown was toward his military service to his country.
Being a career politician is what defines John McCain, his military service was too long ago to matter now.
John McCain is an American hero regardless of what our President says

He showed it with his vote on healthcare
He only represents progressives, he has never been conservative as a career politician. Fact
McCain has historically voted conservative 90 percent of the time. 10 percent of the time he will support liberals ( like against the Obamacare repeal)

Yet, for some reason......it is the Conservatives who savagely attack him
What would have happened, if the media had treated McCain with the same "Respect" that they normally show him, during the campaign?
Media was fine with McCain during the campaign
He was treated like the American hero he is

It is Trump who showed him and fellow POWs no respect

.1. The media betrayed him and starting talking utter bullshit about him.

2. Trump insulted him, rightfully so, when McCain insulted Trump supporters.
Trump insulted America
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Oh really?? I can recall in 2008 he was evil incarnate running against Saint Obama. So take you lying left wing diatribe and shove it.
Where did Democrats or the press ever portray McCain as evil?
Of course they are not gonna say anything bad about what came… him being a progressive and all. Lol
What would have happened, if the media had treated McCain with the same "Respect" that they normally show him, during the campaign?
Media was fine with McCain during the campaign
He was treated like the American hero he is

It is Trump who showed him and fellow POWs no respect
McCain as a military person was a lifetime ago, he has been career politician for many decades now. Spineless McCain No longer represents the military because he is a career politician and does not represent the interests of the military… Fact
John McCain was born military, went to the Naval Academy and fought bravely for his country.......it is in his blood
He Chairs the Senate Armed Services Comittee

No Current Senator has his credentials......our President certainly does not
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

McCain well knows that he does not have a long life ahead of him...and he was reelected last year.
He well knows that its time to speak "truth to power" and not just partisan bullshit......and McCain will NEVER forget how damn vulgar the orange clown was toward his military service to his country.
Being a career politician is what defines John McCain, his military service was too long ago to matter now.
John McCain is an American hero regardless of what our President says

He showed it with his vote on healthcare
He only represents progressives, he has never been conservative as a career politician. Fact
McCain has historically voted conservative 90 percent of the time. 10 percent of the time he will support liberals ( like against the Obamacare repeal)

Yet, for some reason......it is the Conservatives who savagely attack him
As a career politician spineless McCain has never been a real conservative… That is why he lost the only election that really mattered… The presidential election
What would have happened, if the media had treated McCain with the same "Respect" that they normally show him, during the campaign?
Media was fine with McCain during the campaign
He was treated like the American hero he is

It is Trump who showed him and fellow POWs no respect
McCain as a military person was a lifetime ago, he has been career politician for many decades now. Spineless McCain No longer represents the military because he is a career politician and does not represent the interests of the military… Fact
John McCain was born military, went to the Naval Academy and fought bravely for his country.......it is in his blood
He Chairs the Senate Armed Services Comittee

No Current Senator has his credentials......our President certainly does not
As flawed as President Trump is, the United States military would vote for him over McCain. Fact
McCain is resting on his laurels from many, many decades ago, he is no longer a representative of the military… fact
When trump insulted McCain he entered the arena of fighting a real man. Trump is not a man. He is an immature child in a fat old man's body. McCain is a real man that has real man life experiences. Combat Navy Pilot and former POW just to name two. That is why it is so easy for McCain to bitch slap trump whenever he wants. PINO doesn't have a clue about how to respond like a man because he has never been a real man.
Who is sitting in the oval office? Trump or McCain?
McCain well knows that he does not have a long life ahead of him...and he was reelected last year.
He well knows that its time to speak "truth to power" and not just partisan bullshit......and McCain will NEVER forget how damn vulgar the orange clown was toward his military service to his country.
Being a career politician is what defines John McCain, his military service was too long ago to matter now.
John McCain is an American hero regardless of what our President says

He showed it with his vote on healthcare
He only represents progressives, he has never been conservative as a career politician. Fact
McCain has historically voted conservative 90 percent of the time. 10 percent of the time he will support liberals ( like against the Obamacare repeal)

Yet, for some reason......it is the Conservatives who savagely attack him
As a career politician spineless McCain has never been a real conservative… That is why he lost the only election that really mattered… The presidential election

An career politician resoundingly rejected by Americans. He is the most war mongering asshole on the hill aside from his prag Lindsey. They need to use his tumor against him and have him barred from the floor for medical reasons. All McCain is going to do is make sure anbuilding gets named after him and he on the news allot. No good will come from his return.
When trump insulted McCain he entered the arena of fighting a real man. Trump is not a man. He is an immature child in a fat old man's body. McCain is a real man that has real man life experiences. Combat Navy Pilot and former POW just to name two. That is why it is so easy for McCain to bitch slap trump whenever he wants. PINO doesn't have a clue about how to respond like a man because he has never been a real man.
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

McCain well knows that he does not have a long life ahead of him...and he was reelected last year.
He well knows that its time to speak "truth to power" and not just partisan bullshit......and McCain will NEVER forget how damn vulgar the orange clown was toward his military service to his country.
Being a career politician is what defines John McCain, his military service was too long ago to matter now.
John McCain is an American hero regardless of what our President says

He showed it with his vote on healthcare
He only represents progressives, he has never been conservative as a career politician. Fact
McCain has historically voted conservative 90 percent of the time. 10 percent of the time he will support liberals ( like against the Obamacare repeal)

Yet, for some reason......it is the Conservatives who savagely attack him

Mostly because tumor boy loves to send other folks kids of to stupid pointless wars. He just needs to die faster.
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Remember how the left turned on McCain when he became a problem for them in 2008?

And now that he is back to being a problem for the republicans, they pretend that that never happened.

We already knew that lefties were vile soulless monsters.

But, that McCain, would play ball with these fuckers after the way they betrayed him, shows him to be a bitch.
Democrats did not vote for him

Republicans threw him under the bus when he lost
No one voted for him that was conservative, that is why he lost. Very predictable
He lost because he picked that crazy lady as his VP. You know, the one who impersonates a wacky drunken crack head, that one.

Actually she actually helped his numbers, because he is the "crackhead". John McCain does not represent anything else other than a progressive piece of shit

Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Remember how the left turned on McCain when he became a problem for them in 2008?

And now that he is back to being a problem for the republicans, they pretend that that never happened.

We already knew that lefties were vile soulless monsters.

But, that McCain, would play ball with these fuckers after the way they betrayed him, shows him to be a bitch.
Democrats did not vote for him

Republicans threw him under the bus when he lost
No one voted for him that was conservative, that is why he lost. Very predictable
He lost because he picked that crazy lady as his VP. You know, the one who impersonates a wacky drunken crack head, that one.

Actually she actually helped his numbers, because he is the "crackhead". John McCain does not represent anything else other than a progressive piece of shit
You use photo shopped graphics like they represent reality. Such dunces you people are. Here is the reality. McCain, again, was reelected by the people in Arizona. Those are the people who he officially represents. No amount of snowflake whining can change that. No amount of photo shopped silliness can change that. Your nonsense means nothing. Only the voters have a say on who McCain represents.
To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

You people despised McCain when he ran for president. You have zero credibility here
No doubt, and millions did not show up to the polls when McCain was running for president… Because he is not a conservative
When trump insulted McCain he entered the arena of fighting a real man. Trump is not a man. He is an immature child in a fat old man's body. McCain is a real man that has real man life experiences. Combat Navy Pilot and former POW just to name two. That is why it is so easy for McCain to bitch slap trump whenever he wants. PINO doesn't have a clue about how to respond like a man because he has never been a real man.
you talking about real men?.....cant back up what you said about me earlier?.....dont want to accept my challenge?....so it was just more camp talk?...
Challenge? What did I say about you?
oh now you forget what you said?....your buddy dean does that alot.....post no 10....back it up or eat shit....
To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

You people despised McCain when he ran for president. You have zero credibility here
Not the case
Democrats respected his status as a hero......more than Republicans do

Democrats ran against his positions, against the Bush record and against his batshit crazy choice for VP
You're too stupid in the head to realize that spineless McCain is not a conservative. That's why his campaign picked Sarah Palin. You really can't be that stupid? LOL

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