Go, Johnny, Go! The Real McCain is back in town--It's Maverick Time!

McCain will walk party lines to the extent of being too far right then shut down, and anything short of too far right isn't far enough for the pissants that label him RINO.

what these idiots don't understand is that NOBODY that's too far RIGHT OR LEFT will ever get elected to office as the POTUS. Like it or not (by either side) the country is moving closer to center every year and more independent voters are showing up to prove it.

The LW Naders and RW Birfers will never make it in presidential politics.

Hussien obama wasn't far left? Gimme a break
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.
Do we even know Heather Heyer much less her values.....?
McCain will walk party lines to the extent of being too far right then shut down, and anything short of too far right isn't far enough for the pissants that label him RINO.

what these idiots don't understand is that NOBODY that's too far RIGHT OR LEFT will ever get elected to office as the POTUS. Like it or not (by either side) the country is moving closer to center every year and more independent voters are showing up to prove it.

The LW Naders and RW Birfers will never make it in presidential politics.

Hussien obama wasn't far left? Gimme a break

Na, he was half black and cool. There is a difference.
Like other Republicans McCain is wrong on most – if not all – the issues.

But he’s spot-on with his assessment of Trump:

‘In a guest column published Friday, the Arizona Republican called for the Senate to return to regular order as it grapples with issues such as health care, immigration, tax reform and infrastructure spending, saying it's more important than ever given that Trump "has no experience of public office, is often poorly informed and can be impulsive in his speech and conduct."’

John McCain: President Trump is 'often poorly informed, can be impulsive'
Like other Republicans McCain is wrong on most – if not all – the issues.

But he’s spot-on with his assessment of Trump:

‘In a guest column published Friday, the Arizona Republican called for the Senate to return to regular order as it grapples with issues such as health care, immigration, tax reform and infrastructure spending, saying it's more important than ever given that Trump "has no experience of public office, is often poorly informed and can be impulsive in his speech and conduct."’

John McCain: President Trump is 'often poorly informed, can be impulsive'
McCain sees the danger of Trump and what he represents
He would love to see him brought down before he dies
What a cowardly little twat you are. Had McCain not been legacy building you would have said the same or worse. Take your foux outrage and go fuck your self bitch.

I'm sure that EVERYONE around you thinks that you're just a piece of scum to be ignored.....And you presence here PROVES it........
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

He's the farthest thing from a maverick..he is a republican member of the democrat party.....
How do you think we would accept a guy who votes for the democrats......? That would only make sense to you.....

So party first ABOVE what may be good for the nation????

You're more fucked up than usual......LOL
Hussien obama wasn't far left? Gimme a break

Did Obama extend Bush's tax cuts.....Did Obama grant amnesty to illegals???

Answer those questions and you'll be a bit LESS of an idiot.

Big deal he extended the tax cuts for two years because we were in the middle of a recession. He was still most leftist president we've ever had. I could go on for days about his leftist policies and you know it. If it were up to Hussein he would have granted amnesty to illegals, but fortunately it wasn't.
Big deal he extended the tax cuts for two years because we were in the middle of a recession. He was still most leftist president we've ever had. I could go on for days about his leftist policies and you know it. If it were up to Hussein he would have granted amnesty to illegals, but fortunately it wasn't.

From a survey of prominent historians on the MOST liberal presidents....Sorry, moron:

The results showed who historians ranked first, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy,
Dwight Eisenhower, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama
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Big deal he extended the tax cuts for two years because we were in the middle of a recession. He was still most leftist president we've ever had. I could go on for days about his leftist policies and you know it. If it were up to Hussein he would have granted amnesty to illegals, but fortunately it wasn't.

From a survey of prominent historians on the MOST liberal presidents....Sorry,moron:

The results showed that historians had ranked first, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy,
Dwight Eisenhower, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama

Whomever came up with that list, historian or not, has no credibility
I have not agreed with all of John McCain's policies but he'll always be remembered as a man of integrity.

No one has ever dared use the word integrity and attach it to DT.
Big deal he extended the tax cuts for two years because we were in the middle of a recession. He was still most leftist president we've ever had. I could go on for days about his leftist policies and you know it. If it were up to Hussein he would have granted amnesty to illegals, but fortunately it wasn't.

From a survey of prominent historians on the MOST liberal presidents....Sorry,moron:

The results showed that historians had ranked first, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy,
Dwight Eisenhower, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama

Whomever came up with that list, historian or not, has no credibility
Moron calls a plumber when he has an electrical problem.
Historians are experts in what they do. They do it for a living.

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