Go Woke, Go Broke: Families Cancel Disney over their Leftist Hogwash

They do it at Disney Land and Disney World. I did not make that up.
Yes. She walked back her support of BLM/CRT because she got flack from her supporters ( said her support of BLM was a “ typo”….suuurre it was). She still courtedthem with “anti racist” and “defund the police” lingo. And when I researched her before the election she was in full support of CRT.

BLM and CRT are not one in the same.

It is a long standing Libertarian view that we as a country are over incarcerated. People are in jail for things that Libertarians do not feel should be crimes. That is not a BLM or CRT view, it is a personal liberty view.

Nice try, but you might want some better sources before you make accusations towards me.
Nope. Still not punishing themselves. When you give up things you don’t want…it really not a hardship.

But they do want them, they just give them up so they can feel good about doing the woke thing.

From the OPs link

It saddens me to think that the magic that was part of my life (and my wife’s too) will not be part of theirs,”
So people are complaining that some boycott chikfila (I don't think that one's really got steam) while boycotting disney ..... and Ariel over gay?
little mermaid, mulan, belle, descendants, tarzan the stupid lion cub... harmless.

The World was .... tiring. LOL

Don't the homophobes get hard every time Disney has a gay couple weekend?
I hope that 4% of the population can keep Disney afloat. They are going to suffer from this more than they know.
But they do want them, they just give them up so they can feel good about doing the woke thing.

From the OPs link

It saddens me to think that the magic that was part of my life (and my wife’s too) will not be part of theirs,”
Just means Disney changed its direction and content. It’s not “ magical” any longer. It’s full of intentional propaganda. As stated by several of Disney’s employees and the CEO.
Now the stories are chaining. The link in the OP is filled with people that enjoyed Disney but have now stopped going due to the words of the CEO. They are punishing themselves to be part of the cancel culture.

People that liked Chick Fil A and stopped eating are the same

People that liked sports and stopped watching it are the same.

But hey, it is a free country so more power to them.
It is not the words of the CEO. It is the ACTIONS of Disney. With Chick-Fil-A it was a man's opinion. They didn't deny anyone a meal. They did not force anyone who was gay to go through reversal therapy. Disney is forcing the indoctrination of kids. That is an action which is different then opinion. Also, where is the punishment? If Disney is actually changing who they are then it is not punishment to refuse to subject ourselves to that. It is actually the opposite.
My Wife had a friend from work who took his family to disneyland. Unbeknownst to him it was gay day at the park.
They were there for about an hour before they turned around and walked out. To say the least he was pissed off!!!
He tried to get his money back but disney refused.
Nobody is punishing themselves.

Disneys content is sub par. Their employees are abusive assholes. I’m really not missing much.

Havent missed Coca Cola or Chick Fil A and they still haven’t opened their lobby’s back up here and aren’t that accessible anyway. Like other things the left has ruined with their political bs. You learn to adapt to other things and move on with life. Not that big of a deal.

I'm with you on most of this, but I disagree with the notion that Disney's content is sub-par. Their recent Disney+ original shows are Cinema feature quality...hell, better than most Hollywood movie productions. In fact, I'd say the Book of Boba Fett and the Mandalorian are both better than any of the last six Star wars movies in both plot and cinematography. Hawkeye was also really good.

That said, I refuse to pay these asshole Hollywood studios a penny for their content. I take pleasure in NOT paying to watch it. But to call the above productions sub-par is not realistic. I can't speak to the other stuff Disney puts out.
RT?...is that some new amusement park?....
Nah…..the libs are always throwing around names of racist sites that I never heard of. One Ive learned from the lib is Strormfront. I’m guessing RT is another.

Funny how the libs know all the racist sites, and we Conservatives have never set foot in one.
Disney is a private company... They know what side of an issue to be on to make money...

Disney now feels that commercially being anti-gay is the poorer choice... This has very little to do with ethics but a lot to do with the cash.

The RWers here are pissed that not are they in the minority in voting but also in spending. They created this monster with corporates are people crap... Now they are going to be eaten by it...
The only way to fight back against the destruction that Disney and other “woke” corporations are waging on decent families with good values is to hit them where it hurts: the pocketbook. Looks like it’s starting.

Woke Garbage': Gov. DeSantis Speaks Out After Stripping Disney's Privileges
Gov. DeSantis Says Disney’s Special Privileges Were A Threat To The ‘Democratic Process’

“This company had a deal unlike any company or individual in all of the state of Florida, probably anywhere in the United States,” he began. “They were self-governing, they had extraordinary powers, they could build nuclear power plants, they didn’t have to go through permitting processes and obviously a lot of tax benefits. And that’s just inappropriate.”

“And it’s certainly inappropriate when you look… they pledged themselves to mobilize their considerable corporate resources out of the coffers of this Burbank, California, based corporation to overturn the rights of parents in the state of Florida – effectively commandeer our democratic process.”

“I think what the left has come to is they want to see power exercised in advance of their leftist agenda. So yes, they used to be hostile to big corporations because they perceived corporations as being apolitical and that they wouldn’t support their agenda. Now they’ve figured out that they can try to subcontract out their leftism out of some of these big corporations and some of the executives will cave to the woke mob and then they’ll basically do the left’s dirty work,” DeSantis said.

DeSantis then said Florida Democrats believed getting Disney involved would convince him to back down from signing the “Parental Rights in Education” bill.

Disney is a private company... They know what side of an issue to be on to make money...

You Leftists love to defend those who promote grooming and pedophelia.

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