God; a good father or a deadbeat dad. Which is the truth?

At the point in time when you cross over you will know the truth but it may be too late...take the opportunity that you have now to believe...God and heaven are real and so is hell...please prepare...

Only a real prick of a God would torture people without a purpose after death in a hell.

Only a degenerate mind would follow such a God.

I guess you wish to live forever knowing that most of your friends and family are being torture purposely beneath you.

You might wonder why your view of heaven and hell would be rejected by moral and sane people.

You have it all wrong...God doesn't torture us we torture ourselves here on earth and beyond...
Not sure why the truth angers you so and not sure what your definition of a degenerate mind is but we will let that one go...
All I did in my post was to try and provide my opinion and my advise from the experiences I've had in life...
I've always known why people have rejected heaven and God... it's not a surprise to me... I have at times of my life as well but I guarantee there will come a time when you no longer will and you would do better to be prepared than not...
the god of the old testament is satan
The God of the OT is the very same one that was born, Jesus (Yeshua).

Funny that so many think THAT Being was "evil" while the man, Jesus, was different.

Wait till He returns as the King of kings and Lord of lords. If you fight against Him, you won't like your fate.

Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.


maybe you should watch some people that have died and gone to hell funny they all see the same thing huh?
At the point in time when you cross over you will know the truth but it may be too late...take the opportunity that you have now to believe...God and heaven are real and so is hell...please prepare...

Only a real prick of a God would torture people without a purpose after death in a hell.

Only a degenerate mind would follow such a God.

I guess you wish to live forever knowing that most of your friends and family are being torture purposely beneath you.

You might wonder why your view of heaven and hell would be rejected by moral and sane people.

God loves us all but if you are not following him and his way then you are following satans way and serving satan therefore God does not know you and you will go to satans afterlife and not Gods - you wanted this world without God in it then y ou will for sure see a world without God in it in the afterlife that is your choice not God's -
Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.
I'm as "vile" as the Christ you do not know

And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? 3 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”
Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.
I'm as "vile" as the Christ you do not know

And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? 3 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”
God ius love Satan is hate get it right and if you don't accept Jesus as your savior then y ou are serving satan and go where he dwells in the afterlife
Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.
I'm as "vile" as the Christ you do not know

And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? 3 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”
i have an intimate relationship with Christ - there is nothing you can say that will break that
Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.
I'm as "vile" as the Christ you do not know

And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? 3 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”
i have an intimate relationship with Christ - there is nothing you can say that will break that

Not sure why that was addressed to me. I was responding to someone else
At the point in time when you cross over you will know the truth but it may be too late...take the opportunity that you have now to believe...God and heaven are real and so is hell...please prepare...

Only a real prick of a God would torture people without a purpose after death in a hell.

Only a degenerate mind would follow such a God.

I guess you wish to live forever knowing that most of your friends and family are being torture purposely beneath you.

You might wonder why your view of heaven and hell would be rejected by moral and sane people.

You have it all wrong...God doesn't torture us we torture ourselves here on earth and beyond...
Not sure why the truth angers you so and not sure what your definition of a degenerate mind is but we will let that one go...
All I did in my post was to try and provide my opinion and my advise from the experiences I've had in life...
I've always known why people have rejected heaven and God... it's not a surprise to me... I have at times of my life as well but I guarantee there will come a time when you no longer will and you would do better to be prepared than not...

Thanks for the false guilt that your lying priests or preachers have trained you to do.

A desperate act by a loser.
You, like those before, you are liars of the highest degree.

the god of the old testament is satan
The God of the OT is the very same one that was born, Jesus (Yeshua).

Funny that so many think THAT Being was "evil" while the man, Jesus, was different.

Wait till He returns as the King of kings and Lord of lords. If you fight against Him, you won't like your fate.

Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.


maybe you should watch some people that have died and gone to hell funny they all see the same thing huh?

All have a limit to supernatural thinking.

Most of us do not believe our delusions and put them above reality. Not too bright that.

At the point in time when you cross over you will know the truth but it may be too late...take the opportunity that you have now to believe...God and heaven are real and so is hell...please prepare...

Only a real prick of a God would torture people without a purpose after death in a hell.

Only a degenerate mind would follow such a God.

I guess you wish to live forever knowing that most of your friends and family are being torture purposely beneath you.

You might wonder why your view of heaven and hell would be rejected by moral and sane people.

You have it all wrong...God doesn't torture us we torture ourselves here on earth and beyond...
Not sure why the truth angers you so and not sure what your definition of a degenerate mind is but we will let that one go...
All I did in my post was to try and provide my opinion and my advise from the experiences I've had in life...
I've always known why people have rejected heaven and God... it's not a surprise to me... I have at times of my life as well but I guarantee there will come a time when you no longer will and you would do better to be prepared than not...

Thanks for the false guilt that your lying priests or preachers have trained you to do.

A desperate act by a loser.
You, like those before, you are liars of the highest degree.


You have an external locus of control. :lol:
Thanks for the false guilt that your lying priests or preachers have trained you to do.

A desperate act by a loser.
You, like those before, you are liars of the highest degree.
I'm actually happy you don't believe...don't ever change...
the god of the old testament is satan
The God of the OT is the very same one that was born, Jesus (Yeshua).

Funny that so many think THAT Being was "evil" while the man, Jesus, was different.

Wait till He returns as the King of kings and Lord of lords. If you fight against Him, you won't like your fate.

Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.


maybe you should watch some people that have died and gone to hell funny they all see the same thing huh?

All have a limit to supernatural thinking.

Most of us do not believe our delusions and put them above reality. Not too bright that.


I've pegged you as a socialist whose goal is to subordinate the dominant religion. Why?

Because in and of itself socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains your hostility towards Christianity which is that of one rival religion over another.

  • Your dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man.
  • You see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
  • You practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance.
  • You worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits your purposes.
  • You can be identified by an external locus of control.
  • Your religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
  • You practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what you do not believe to arrive at what you do believe without ever having to examine what you believe. You confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something you never do.
the god of the old testament is satan
The God of the OT is the very same one that was born, Jesus (Yeshua).

Funny that so many think THAT Being was "evil" while the man, Jesus, was different.

Wait till He returns as the King of kings and Lord of lords. If you fight against Him, you won't like your fate.

Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.


maybe you should watch some people that have died and gone to hell funny they all see the same thing huh?

All have a limit to supernatural thinking.

Most of us do not believe our delusions and put them above reality. Not too bright that.


I've pegged you as a socialist whose goal is to subordinate the dominant religion. Why?

Because in and of itself socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains your hostility towards Christianity which is that of one rival religion over another.

  • Your dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man.
  • You see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
  • You practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance.
  • You worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits your purposes.
  • You can be identified by an external locus of control.
  • Your religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
  • You practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what you do not believe to arrive at what you do believe without ever having to examine what you believe. You confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something you never do.

You are mostly wrong.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.



Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?

Thanks for the false guilt that your lying priests or preachers have trained you to do.

A desperate act by a loser.
You, like those before, you are liars of the highest degree.
I'm actually happy you don't believe...don't ever change...

Change to better idea is good but not to worry, the God I seek perpetually, as all people should, is based on better morals than anything the mainstream religions have on offer.

The God of the OT is the very same one that was born, Jesus (Yeshua).

Funny that so many think THAT Being was "evil" while the man, Jesus, was different.

Wait till He returns as the King of kings and Lord of lords. If you fight against Him, you won't like your fate.

Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.


maybe you should watch some people that have died and gone to hell funny they all see the same thing huh?

All have a limit to supernatural thinking.

Most of us do not believe our delusions and put them above reality. Not too bright that.


I've pegged you as a socialist whose goal is to subordinate the dominant religion. Why?

Because in and of itself socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains your hostility towards Christianity which is that of one rival religion over another.

  • Your dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man.
  • You see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
  • You practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance.
  • You worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits your purposes.
  • You can be identified by an external locus of control.
  • Your religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
  • You practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what you do not believe to arrive at what you do believe without ever having to examine what you believe. You confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something you never do.

You are mostly wrong.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.



Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?


I wasn't talking about Christianity and Islam. I was talking about you.

Gostics were not humanists.
Fear and false guilt mongering. A Christian tool.

Your training is complete. You are as vile as your religion as it too like to create false guilt and fear.


maybe you should watch some people that have died and gone to hell funny they all see the same thing huh?

All have a limit to supernatural thinking.

Most of us do not believe our delusions and put them above reality. Not too bright that.


I've pegged you as a socialist whose goal is to subordinate the dominant religion. Why?

Because in and of itself socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains your hostility towards Christianity which is that of one rival religion over another.

  • Your dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man.
  • You see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
  • You practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance.
  • You worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits your purposes.
  • You can be identified by an external locus of control.
  • Your religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
  • You practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what you do not believe to arrive at what you do believe without ever having to examine what you believe. You confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something you never do.

You are mostly wrong.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.



Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?


I wasn't talking about Christianity and Islam. I was talking about you.

Gostics were not humanists.

True using your mouth to speak instead of you anal orifice.

maybe you should watch some people that have died and gone to hell funny they all see the same thing huh?

All have a limit to supernatural thinking.

Most of us do not believe our delusions and put them above reality. Not too bright that.

I've pegged you as a socialist whose goal is to subordinate the dominant religion. Why?

Because in and of itself socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains your hostility towards Christianity which is that of one rival religion over another.

  • Your dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man.
  • You see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
  • You practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance.
  • You worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits your purposes.
  • You can be identified by an external locus of control.
  • Your religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
  • You practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what you do not believe to arrive at what you do believe without ever having to examine what you believe. You confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something you never do.

You are mostly wrong.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.



Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?

I wasn't talking about Christianity and Islam. I was talking about you.

Gostics were not humanists.

True using your mouth to speak instead of you anal orifice.

Gnostics were not humanists.
All have a limit to supernatural thinking.

Most of us do not believe our delusions and put them above reality. Not too bright that.

I've pegged you as a socialist whose goal is to subordinate the dominant religion. Why?

Because in and of itself socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains your hostility towards Christianity which is that of one rival religion over another.

  • Your dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man.
  • You see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
  • You practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance.
  • You worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits your purposes.
  • You can be identified by an external locus of control.
  • Your religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
  • You practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what you do not believe to arrive at what you do believe without ever having to examine what you believe. You confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something you never do.

You are mostly wrong.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.



Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?

I wasn't talking about Christianity and Islam. I was talking about you.

Gostics were not humanists.

True using your mouth to speak instead of you anal orifice.

Gnostics were not humanists.

Then describe what they were.

I've pegged you as a socialist whose goal is to subordinate the dominant religion. Why?

Because in and of itself socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains your hostility towards Christianity which is that of one rival religion over another.

  • Your dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man.
  • You see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
  • You practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance.
  • You worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits your purposes.
  • You can be identified by an external locus of control.
  • Your religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership.
  • You practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what you do not believe to arrive at what you do believe without ever having to examine what you believe. You confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something you never do.

You are mostly wrong.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.



Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?

I wasn't talking about Christianity and Islam. I was talking about you.

Gostics were not humanists.

True using your mouth to speak instead of you anal orifice.

Gnostics were not humanists.

Then describe what they were.

You are mostly wrong.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.



Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?

I wasn't talking about Christianity and Islam. I was talking about you.

Gostics were not humanists.

True using your mouth to speak instead of you anal orifice.

Gnostics were not humanists.

Then describe what they were.


As usual, you are a waste of time. Back on ignore.


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