God = Allah = Abba = father

Do Christians not believe that their God is also the God of the Jews?

No, Christians do not believe Jews worship the God. The Bible doesn't leave that option open, and it defies the definition of Christianity.
I began to read the Koran, it became clear IMO that Allah and God/Yahweh are not the same dude.

But there is only one god and they both started out worshipping the god of Abraham.

The problem is the people and the religion they built just like Christians as well.
It is HOW they worship god.
And HOW they rationalize their actions with their religion.

Religion is a construct of man not god.

****Caution* the below statement won't make any sense to an atheisit or Cammpbell***

There is a consistancey in the Bible that gives God a personality even though it was written by many different people. I don't see the same personality in the Koran at all. IMO if the Koran isn't inspired by the same personality of the Bible, then it's not the Same God. If it is supposed to be about the same God as many claim, then IMHO the Koran is clearly a human creation.
I began to read the Koran, it became clear IMO that Allah and God/Yahweh are not the same dude.

But there is only one god and they both started out worshipping the god of Abraham.

The problem is the people and the religion they built just like Christians as well.
It is HOW they worship god.
And HOW they rationalize their actions with their religion.

Religion is a construct of man not god.

****Caution* the below statement won't make any sense to an atheisit or Cammpbell***

There is a consistancey in the Bible that gives God a personality even though it was written by many different people. I don't see the same personality in the Koran at all. IMO if the Koran isn't inspired by the same personality of the Bible, then it's not the Same God. If it is supposed to be about the same God as many claim, then IMHO the Koran is clearly a human creation.

It doesnt make any sense to a Free Thinking Christian either.

The God of the Old Testment is a vengeful and wrathful possibly even meglomaniacal, the God of the New Testament is loving and forgiving.

Based on your criteria, you just condemned the Bible as a human creation ( which I actually believe it to be )

Heres the criteria:

Which God do the worshippers BELIEVE they are worshipping? Muslim, Christian and Hebrew alike all believe they are worshipping the God of Abraham, therefore, regardless of how they view the personality of that God, its the same God.
Do Christians not believe that their God is also the God of the Jews?

No, Christians do not believe Jews worship the God. The Bible doesn't leave that option open, and it defies the definition of Christianity.

Only if you see God and Jesus as one in the same being, which is not a universal Christian belief.

The concept of Trinity comes from John 1:1 but the concept is debunked by 1 Corinthians 15:45-49, which states that Jesus was made. Therefore, He cannot be the same being as God the Father who is eternal.
Okay, I misremembered something, for God did bless Ishmael. That said, the covenant is still with Issac, not Ishmael. And that does not make YWHW the same as Allah.

As Muslims believe that the God they are worshipping is the God of Abraham, and the God of Abraham is the God of the Christians, then yes, technically, they are one and the same.
Yes, they believe it, but it doesn't make it true.

Remember that No one can approach the Father save through Christ. To Islam Jesus is a prophet, nothing more. Not the Son of God, not the Savior of all mankind, not the only path to Him.

So either Allah is not the same or Christ was lying. Or there's a chance Mohammad was lying, just to be thorough.

ot another possibility. Jesus did not write any of the bible and whomever did could have lied or been lied to.
No, Christians do not believe Jews worship the God. The Bible doesn't leave that option open, and it defies the definition of Christianity.

Only if you see God and Jesus as one in the same being, which is not a universal Christian belief. [/quote]

Jesus taught that rejecting him is the same as rejecting God, regardless of the Trinity. The Old Testament taught that not being faithful to God is the same as rejecting God. A Christian cannot believe that Jews believe in the one true God. For Trinitarians, Jesus is God, which is superfluous for making a case that Jews have a false god.
Arabic-speaking Christians say exactly that.
Allah is an old arabic name for their moon god, he is not the same God of Jews and Christians.

And what was the ancient name for God the Father?

I'll give you some hints


And yes he's the same God.

The Hebrew uses the PLURAL for Elohim. In Arabic, it become Al or Allah, which means deity, god.

Blindly following a religion without understanding it's origins and how it relates to other religions and even other denominations is just sad. There's so much more to God than what they taught you in Sunday school. Go learn about Him. The only thing you have to lose is the reward of knowing God more fully.

Angels of God not names of God.
As Muslims believe that the God they are worshipping is the God of Abraham, and the God of Abraham is the God of the Christians, then yes, technically, they are one and the same.
Yes, they believe it, but it doesn't make it true.

Remember that No one can approach the Father save through Christ. To Islam Jesus is a prophet, nothing more. Not the Son of God, not the Savior of all mankind, not the only path to Him.

So either Allah is not the same or Christ was lying. Or there's a chance Mohammad was lying, just to be thorough.

ot another possibility. Jesus did not write any of the bible and whomever did could have lied or been lied to.
So God is so weak or uncaring He could not protect His word from the whims of wicked men? Yeah, well so much for being Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent then.

I take it no biography written by someone after the person's death or removed about 30 years from it cannot be accurate or true either. What about the fact that the gospels were written by disciples of Christ and those who had either known Jesus or had been able to talk to those who saw and experienced the works? I'm sorry, but if this is going to be your standard, we need to throw out 90% of what we know throughout history because it's just hearsay.
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But there is only one god and they both started out worshipping the god of Abraham.

The problem is the people and the religion they built just like Christians as well.
It is HOW they worship god.
And HOW they rationalize their actions with their religion.

Religion is a construct of man not god.

****Caution* the below statement won't make any sense to an atheisit or Cammpbell***

There is a consistancey in the Bible that gives God a personality even though it was written by many different people. I don't see the same personality in the Koran at all. IMO if the Koran isn't inspired by the same personality of the Bible, then it's not the Same God. If it is supposed to be about the same God as many claim, then IMHO the Koran is clearly a human creation.

It doesnt make any sense to a Free Thinking Christian either.

The God of the Old Testment is a vengeful and wrathful possibly even meglomaniacal, the God of the New Testament is loving and forgiving.

Based on your criteria, you just condemned the Bible as a human creation ( which I actually believe it to be )

Heres the criteria:

Which God do the worshippers BELIEVE they are worshipping? Muslim, Christian and Hebrew alike all believe they are worshipping the God of Abraham, therefore, regardless of how they view the personality of that God, its the same God.

I don't see the God of the OT as that at all. I see him as giving tough love like a parent gives tough love to a rebellious child. Jesus came to begin a new path for believers. After His sacrifice when God looks at us he see's Jesus and Jesus always does what his father wants, no rebellion. God gave us a new tools like the Holy Spirit to help us. We are in a much better position then the OT followers were. We can live closer to the way God originally wanted us to live and have a relationship with God beyond rituals. In the Koran Allah is twice as angry as he was in the OT and the writting isn't even close to that of the Bible. Kinda like if a pissed off third grade Hitler tried to write Shakespeare that would be the Koran IMO. They are not even in the same ballpark.
The God of the Old Testment is a vengeful and wrathful possibly even meglomaniacal, the God of the New Testament is loving and forgiving.

Maybe one of these days you might read the Bible yourself. God in the Old Testament was loving and forgiving. And, Jesus is the most vengeful character in the entire Bible. He's the the one that taught about eternal Hell fire, as retribution for the enemies of God - a concept not found in the Old Testament. He swore vengeance on the Jews and promised the destruction of Jerusalem in a most horrific way. The only book in the Bible that is a celebration of vengeance and wrath, Revelation, is in the New Testament, not the Old, and it was given by Jesus.

Which God do the worshippers BELIEVE they are worshipping? Muslim, Christian and Hebrew alike all believe they are worshipping the God of Abraham, therefore, regardless of how they view the personality of that God, its the same God.

From a secular perspective, it can be argued that Christians, Jews, and Muslims share the same deity. But, from a Christian perspective, this is not allowed (the proof is already given in an earlier reply).
Okay, I misremembered something, for God did bless Ishmael. That said, the covenant is still with Issac, not Ishmael. And that does not make YWHW the same as Allah.

As Muslims believe that the God they are worshipping is the God of Abraham, and the God of Abraham is the God of the Christians, then yes, technically, they are one and the same.
Yes, they believe it, but it doesn't make it true.

Remember that No one can approach the Father save through Christ. To Islam Jesus is a prophet, nothing more. Not the Son of God, not the Savior of all mankind, not the only path to Him.

So either Allah is not the same or Christ was lying. Or there's a chance Mohammad was lying, just to be thorough.

Anytime someone tells you they know the way and it's the ONLY way, they are selling something.
Free Thinking Christian

You mean a Unitarian?

I mean someone not so wrapped up in Sunday school teachings that they forget that Christs message was to embrace all.

Hell, the vast majority of so called Christians are so wrapped up in who is saved and who isn't, that they've completely missed the message of Christ, which is to embrace all.

Additionally, they are so arrogant that they believe their Bible is the ONLY Bible, they forget that other denominations believe in completely different dogma.

Pointing at Islam with a judgmental finger is no different than pointing at another denomination and saying," They can't be saved because they don't believe in Trinity, or baptism in the name of Jesus or blah blah blah."

God is God. Accept Him and walk in His will. Period.

Matthew 16:19

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 18:18-19

Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven

People need to really learn what the book they claim God wrote REALLY says and stop relying on Charlton Heston movies to guide their spiritual path.
The God of the Old Testment is a vengeful and wrathful possibly even meglomaniacal, the God of the New Testament is loving and forgiving.

Maybe one of these days you might read the Bible yourself. God in the Old Testament was loving and forgiving. And, Jesus is the most vengeful character in the entire Bible. He's the the one that taught about eternal Hell fire, as retribution for the enemies of God - a concept not found in the Old Testament. He swore vengeance on the Jews and promised the destruction of Jerusalem in a most horrific way. The only book in the Bible that is a celebration of vengeance and wrath, Revelation, is in the New Testament, not the Old, and it was given by Jesus.

Which God do the worshippers BELIEVE they are worshipping? Muslim, Christian and Hebrew alike all believe they are worshipping the God of Abraham, therefore, regardless of how they view the personality of that God, its the same God.

From a secular perspective, it can be argued that Christians, Jews, and Muslims share the same deity. But, from a Christian perspective, this is not allowed (the proof is already given in an earlier reply).

I've noticed that no matter what anyone says you take the complete opposite opinion, mix it with a bit of ignorance, a lot of stupidity and a metric ton of outright prejudice.

If you believed a single word of the Bible, you wouldn't be able to behave as you do. You are in the grasp of the other side. The words you will hear are," I never knew you."
Why are you so intolerant of religious diversity.

I am not. I am intolerant of religious intolerance.

And you equate true belief in one religion (as opposed to some vague believe in all religions) to religious intolerance. Sincere belief to you is intolerance. That is why you are indeed and example of intolerance. You can't tolerate that different people believe radically different things.
Yeah, well, show me a case of a jihad, Crusade, or Inquisition being conducted by people who believe that and I'll take your nonsense here seriously.

Meanwhile, ask yourself this. Is God real, or is he just something people make up?

If he's real, then all ideas of him are pointing to the same reality. If he's just something people make up, then religious ideas are not pointing to the same reality because there is no reality to point to.

So what you're saying here, in effect, is that God does not really exist. The dogmatist and the atheist, at root, believe the same thing.

The idea that if God is real then all religions (even if they are radically different) must be about the same God is really incredibly stupid.
God is the generic word for many names of God. It's unfortunate we didn't stick with Eloheim or El Shaddai, then there wouldn't be so much confusion with Allah.

Did you know the phonetic Hebrew word for Allah is:

A primitive root (rather identical with H422 through the idea of invocation); to bewail: - lament.

A primitive root; properly to adjure, that is, (usually in a bad sense) imprecate: - adjure, curse, swear.

As for equating all gods as one, it doesn't wash. Muslims know it as well, that's why their law is to kill anyone who leaves Islam for Christianity.

Sure there is a Jesus in the Islamic beliefs, but their belief is that He is no more than a prophet that was able to do a few healings. That's not all that Christ is to a Christian, not by a long shot.

Similarities in beliefs? Sure. That's what happens when a man decides he is a prophet and tries to convince the Jews and the Christians that he knows their religions better than they do and instead creates a third, mixing up all the beliefs and then claiming his book usurps all others then butchers them when they disagree.

That doesn't make it the same god. Far from it.
I hate to see someone's blind hatred and bigotry blind them to the truths that the Bible and Qur'an share.

Exodus 3:6
Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

Genesis 32:9
And Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, the LORD which saidst unto me, Return unto thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee

Acts 3:13
The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go.

Mark 14:36
“Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

Romans 8:15
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”

Galatians 4:6
Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”

Many missionaries branded so-called Muslim forms of worship and religious vocabulary as wrong, without knowing that virtually all quranic religious vocabulary, including the name “Allah,” and virtually all the forms of worship, except those specifically related to Muhammad, were used by Jews and/or Christians before they were used by Muslims.
Who was

Just sayin'

allie was created by a child molester fuck him.

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