God and wealth


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I've heard the arguments from both sides. Some who believe the literal term "it is easier to for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is a rich man to get into heaven". Others who say God blesses you with wealth. If you weren't going to have it, the Almighty wouldn't provide it.

To me, the pursuit of wealth isn't a dishonourable pursuit. To me what is important is: it depends on how you attain that wealth, how you apply it in life, what it means above other considerations.

Everything I have in life I've worked for.

"God", whatever that is, has given me nothing...
I've heard the arguments from both sides. Some who believe the literal term "it is easier to for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is a rich man to get into heaven". Others who say God blesses you with wealth. If you weren't going to have it, the Almighty wouldn't provide it.

To me, the pursuit of wealth isn't a dishonourable pursuit. To me what is important is: it depends on how you attain that wealth, how you apply it in life, what it means above other considerations.

Excellent point. My thoughts on the argument is by "rich man" it means the pursuit of wealth is uppermost in the mind and using it for their own purposes, thus being greedy. That is different from someone who works hard, shares his wealth with others and uses his wealth for the building a healthy environment for all.
Everything I have in life I've worked for.

"God", whatever that is, has given me nothing...

I guess one of us at the end of it all is going to be in for a big surprise. With all due respect, I hope it's not me.
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God's given me everything. Fields I didn't plant, houses I didn't build.
He expects us to prosper, and has no problem with wealth. In fact, He'll over flow your cup with it if you let Him. King David, King Solomon are good examples. They were loaded. Jesus' friend, Joseph of Arimathea, was one of the richest men alive at that time, and Jesus never told Joseph to get rid of it all if he wanted to go to Heaven.
It is the love of money that the Lord finds problematic. Loving money more than loving God makes wealth a millstone around our neck instead of a blessing.

The eye of the needle:
When evening came the cities would close their gates. If you arrived home late, you would need to use the eye of the needle to get in. It was an opening in the wall that was shaped like the eye of a needle. To get through you had to remove everything your camel was laden with, carry it through the eye of the needle yourself and then squeeze your camel through, load him up again and go to your house. It was an arduous pain in the butt to get through, but still easier than a greedy man trying to get into heaven.

Wealth is a good thing. Placing it above the Lord is a bad thing.
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I've heard the arguments from both sides. Some who believe the literal term "it is easier to for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is a rich man to get into heaven". Others who say God blesses you with wealth. If you weren't going to have it, the Almighty wouldn't provide it.

To me, the pursuit of wealth isn't a dishonourable pursuit. To me what is important is: it depends on how you attain that wealth, how you apply it in life, what it means above other considerations.

Don't confuse 'Rich' with 'Wealthy'. A rich man has acquired material enough to be of high value to those particularly who seek the same.

But it is at the end of the day, and when completely alone it is just a mass of inanimate matter, he can't learn from it.
He can't eat or drink it, it can't help him if sick.
A wealthy man seeks knowledge first and foremost. to understand Gods Universe, its systems, best ways of doing things.
Material riches will come, cos people will want to buy in to his knowledge. If he is totally alone he can use his wealth of knowledge to find food - trap animals/make natural preservatives. Find fresh water sources, build aqueducts to bring water to him. grow edible veg. Find herbs to ward off sickness and with a wealth of religious/philosophical concepts consider an afterlife or not.

Notice Christ said - "A 'rich man' can never" not a "wealthy man"!
you've got to be kidding - "God and wealth"


the corruption of humanity has no bounds including their false religions. they haven't a clue for spiritual wealth, long since abandoned.
‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony."

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