GOD Commands Believers tp "Warn My People".

I don't think the most effective way to warn people is to troll on internet message boards.

I don't believe Gismy is trolling. He has been respectful tonight. He has posted scriptures and wrote some positive scriptures to edify people. He's doing well, Avatar. He's not trying to insult anyone. The scriptures he is writing tonight are powerful. I believe he is prayed up and ready to go here.
I don't think the most effective way to warn people is to troll on internet message boards.[/QUOTE==================WELL GET OUT THERE WITH THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD AND SHOW THE WORLD THE RIGHT WAY TO DO THINGS!!! get going!!

That's a great suggestion! Avatar should start preaching the Gospel. Blessed are the feet of those who spread the good news! Your feet are blessed Gismy! :eusa_angel:
That is why they have the lounge. So there is a forum for everyone. Religion isn't allowed on the USMB Lounge discussions, Gracie.

Everyone should be able to post about their beliefs in the religion forum. Without being attacked or made fun of. They can make an Athiest forum for those who have no beliefs.

I agree and the only one here doing it is Iceman and Mr. Potato. It's been unpleasant but we're managing. Thanks for the concern, Gracie. I still believe it should remain an open forum as the rest are. USMB Lounge is for those not interested in these subjects or discussing them. They discuss other topics.

Might want to look up a "troll". Right about the time you actually read the bible.

I bet it's been unpleasant. Six pages of ducking and dodging and not answering a damned thing.

You and your little boyfriend are false prophets. Talk a bunch of crap but can stand behind none of it.

Matthew:24:3-8; Mark:13:3-8; Luke:21:7-11
Everyone should be able to post about their beliefs in the religion forum. Without being attacked or made fun of. They can make an Athiest forum for those who have no beliefs.

I agree and the only one here doing it is Iceman and Mr. Potato. It's been unpleasant but we're managing. Thanks for the concern, Gracie. I still believe it should remain an open forum as the rest are. USMB Lounge is for those not interested in these subjects or discussing them. They discuss other topics.

Might want to look up a "troll". Right about the time you actually read the bible.

I bet it's been unpleasant. Six pages of ducking and dodging and not answering a damned thing.

You and your little boyfriend are false prophets. Talk a bunch of crap but can stand behind none of it.

Matthew:24:3-8; Mark:13:3-8; Luke:21:7-11

GOD SAYS==“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.

He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.

With long life I will satisfy him,
And show him My salvation.” PSALM 91:14-16===============17 Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. 18If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. 19Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord.… ROMANS 12:17-19
I don't light candles unless I'm having a nice dinner, Hobelim. I'm pentacostal. Not Catholic. The bible is true and I believe every word of it. God isn't sending anyone to hell.

Suppose someone rejects God and says I do not want to have anything to do with Gods redemption plan. I reject Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I'm not having anything to do with God or the bible. One day the person dies and they see the gates of heaven. They want to come in but Jesus says, Depart from me ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you. He is turned away and now there is only one place left for this man who is a spiritual being with a body in a grave on earth. He is headed for hell. That is his eternal home. It's heaven or hell. This isn't a multiple choice deal.

Now on the matter of the example I've given... suppose you go to a neighborhood and select the finest house in the neighborhood. You knock on the door. The Master of the House answers. Who are you, he says. You reply, I'm here because I want to live in your house. The Master of the House who does not know you says, I do not know who you are. You must leave. He shuts the door and locks it.

Who is at fault? You had a chance to have a relationship with the Master of the House but you declined. Is that Gods fault? No. It is up to each man to decide whether or not they will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and live according to his commands. No one is going to force anyone else to do this. God has no grandchildren. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son.

It is written:

...........without holiness no one will see the LORD.

Jesus is not God. The way the truth and the life is a reference to his teaching about the figurative nature of the Law, the only way to understand the law that is the truth that leads to life for all those who receive his revelation and act on it.

No one can come to the Father except by him only means that no one can know God except by accepting his teaching about the law, the way of holiness, and doing it.

If scripture is true, by worshiping a trinity that is not God and does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence you are dead, and if the confused and delusional state of your mind is any indication, you are already in hell.

I could have looked at what the Feds tax me and told you I was already in Hell. :)

Hint: I think you're talking above their collective heads. The concept of a Higher Power exists but isn't as petty as they make him out to be is a bit much for them.

:eusa_shhh:I agree and know this. The sweat of their brow produces only thorns and thistles. The way I see it, they have made the exact same mistake as adam and eve in the garden fable, swallowing the vile and contaminating flesh of whatever false preacher fucked up their minds with the lie that they can defy the commands of God and worship that which is not God and not die but will live forever and become like God and with God rule the earth for eternity. There is nothing you or I or anybody can do that will spare them the consequences of their own choices. They seem to lack the honesty and humility foundational to life.

I really don't think they will ever face the fact that they have been deceived and all of the time and money they have spend perpetuating and supporting falsehood in the name of a false trinity has all been for nothing and in the process have completely lost their minds.

however, eventually, after some more enlightening conversations with believers even the most devout atheist will perceive the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of any unclean creature that does not ruminate and to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly, etc., and even if they still don't believe in God they will believe in divine condemnation spoken of in scripture for those whose only light in life is a lie...

and then there is always the remote possibility that the dead will come out of their graves.

It would require a miracle, divine intervention, or God would have to suspend his own law but It could happen. Maybe not for GISM but I have seen with my own eyes myriads and myriads of people who were once dead, some for decades, come out of their tombs sit down for dinner and eat fish..
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People have been being raised from the dead since Christ died on the cross. What are you talking about, Hobelim? Reinhart Bonke whose video you watched? You do realize he has prayed for the dead and they have come back to life, he has prayed for invalids and they walk, the blind and they see, the deaf and they hear... it's called the gospel. Signs and wonders follow. He's led millions to Christ and I have no idea how many have been healed. I saw one man raised from the dead after being dead for 3 days with his body lying in the morgue and his wife demanding to take the body to a nearby Reinhart Bonke crusade with crowds of over 1 million people. They brought him in below and prayed for him while Bonke preached above the crowds. He came back to life. They videotaped it. It's been on the internet for years now. I saw it a long time ago. The bible is true Hobelim. Gismy didn't say much at all tonight other than posting the bible. Is God insane or scripturally incorrect? No. He's not. You all do not believe the bible. I get it. But please get that we do! Because we're going to post the bible verses and believe God that people will read them and recieve the Love of God and their salvation. It's a good day when someone finds out Jesus Christ is for them!
Here you go, Hobelim. See the man who was raised from the dead yourself. He's a Pastor. He was a Pastor before he died too. His story doesn't need to be validated as there are so many witnesses to this miracle there is no denying it. Read the death certificate and listen to the doctor too. He was dead for 3 days. If you'd like to explain that one after you see the video? Feel free!

[ame=http://youtu.be/MZP5Gq7-WYM]Raised from the Dead - God performed miracle through Reinhard Bonnke - YouTube[/ame]

It is written:

Women received their dead raised back to life again, and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. - Hebrews 11: 39
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People have been being raised from the dead since Christ died on the cross. What are you talking about, Hobelim? Reinhart Bonke whose video you watched? You do realize he has prayed for the dead and they have come back to life, he has prayed for invalids and they walk, the blind and they see, the deaf and they hear... it's called the gospel. Signs and wonders follow. He's led millions to Christ and I have no idea how many have been healed. I saw one man raised from the dead after being dead for 3 days with his body lying in the morgue and his wife demanding to take the body to a nearby Reinhart Bonke crusade with crowds of over 1 million people. They brought him in below and prayed for him while Bonke preached above the crowds. He came back to life. They videotaped it. It's been on the internet for years now. I saw it a long time ago. The bible is true Hobelim. Gismy didn't say much at all tonight other than posting the bible. Is God insane or scripturally incorrect? No. He's not. You all do not believe the bible. I get it. But please get that we do! Because we're going to post the bible verses and believe God that people will read them and recieve the Love of God and their salvation. It's a good day when someone finds out Jesus Christ is for them!

If a preacher can get you to believe that God impregnated a 14 year old virgin to father himself so he could become fully human without a human father he is going to know immediately that you have what it takes to be hypnotized into believing anything else he might say for life whether it is about scripture, current events, or the need for funds and contributions to carry on his good work turning the gullible into money making trees that cant see or hear or walk.

People live and people die. It has always been this way. deal with it. The subject of the resurrection in scripture is about people who have died as a consequence of setting aside the commands of God, as you have, rising to eternal life by repenting for their mistakes and conforming to the will of God as they learn it, which you seem incapable of doing.

Any preacher who prays over a physically dead body is an actor and lying fraud suckering the gullible in the name of the Lord for cash.

this is earth you know.......
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People have been being raised from the dead since Christ died on the cross. What are you talking about, Hobelim? Reinhart Bonke whose video you watched? You do realize he has prayed for the dead and they have come back to life, he has prayed for invalids and they walk, the blind and they see, the deaf and they hear... it's called the gospel. Signs and wonders follow. He's led millions to Christ and I have no idea how many have been healed. I saw one man raised from the dead after being dead for 3 days with his body lying in the morgue and his wife demanding to take the body to a nearby Reinhart Bonke crusade with crowds of over 1 million people. They brought him in below and prayed for him while Bonke preached above the crowds. He came back to life. They videotaped it. It's been on the internet for years now. I saw it a long time ago. The bible is true Hobelim. Gismy didn't say much at all tonight other than posting the bible. Is God insane or scripturally incorrect? No. He's not. You all do not believe the bible. I get it. But please get that we do! Because we're going to post the bible verses and believe God that people will read them and recieve the Love of God and their salvation. It's a good day when someone finds out Jesus Christ is for them!

If a preacher can get you to believe that God impregnated a 14 year old virgin to father himself so he could become fully human without a human father he is going to know immediately that you have what it takes to be hypnotized into believing anything else he might say for life whether it is about scripture, current events, or the need for funds and contributions to carry on his good work turning the gullible into money making trees that cant see or hear or walk.

People live and people die. It has always been this way. deal with it. The subject of the resurrection in scripture is about people who have died as a consequence of setting aside the commands of God, as you have, rising to eternal life by repenting for their mistakes and conforming to the will of God as they learn it, which you seem incapable of doing.

Any preacher who prays over a physically dead body is an actor and lying fraud suckering the gullible in the name of the Lord for cash.

this is earth you know.......

Sorry, Hobelim, but he isn't the only one. Do you know that Smith Wigglesworth raised over 100 people from the dead during his ministry? Heidi Baker whose ministry Iris Ministries in Mozambique has taken in over 5,000 street children - she has raised close to a hundred people from the dead already - she's been in ministry over 20 yrs. There are many such happenings and the bible confirms it in Hebrews 11: 35 Women received their dead raised to life again and others were tortured not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. - Hebrews 11: 35

This is the power of the Gospel. Believe it.

From the size of the crowd there that would not have been his typical crusade. ( last video) His outdoor crusades reach over 1 million. This crusade was indoors so it had to be smaller although it looks like it is still a very large crowd. When you see the death certificate, hear all the witnesses and learn that even the govt officials demanded to check that coffin before permitting it through? They easily saw it was a dead man in that coffin and they sent it through. You've got atheists who saw it and cannot deny it. It's all there. Believe it. It's true. Reinhart Bonke is a holy man of God. Do you think he would lie to you and stage something like that? That's not even possible. Not in this story. Watch the entire video.
By the evidence provided, it is clear God heals today, he performs miracles today. This mans wife had the faith to believe for it and he was raised from the dead after 3 days. Jesus said the works that he did his believers would do also. You should be excited. This is what it means that Jesus defeated, death, hell and the grave. He has risen! Glory be to God! Jesus is alive!
Here is a video about a New York tough guy - heavy drinker, drugging, drug addicted, depressed young man. Until he came to the end of himself, delayed his suicide plans by a single day and that night when he went to bed he saw hell. He also saw Jesus Christ and this is his story of salvation! The title is wrong. The main part of the video is his testimony. It is awesome.


Okay, I'd like to know what kind of drugs this guy was taking the night he saw Jesus.

This is b.s. We're not supposed to get to see Jesus. Why would this joker get to see Jesus, but I don't? I mean, how easy would it be to believe if you got to actually SEE Jesus?

We don't get to see Jesus, we have to have FAITH. That's how it works.
Here is a video about a New York tough guy - heavy drinker, drugging, drug addicted, depressed young man. Until he came to the end of himself, delayed his suicide plans by a single day and that night when he went to bed he saw hell. He also saw Jesus Christ and this is his story of salvation! The title is wrong. The main part of the video is his testimony. It is awesome.


Okay, I'd like to know what kind of drugs this guy was taking the night he saw Jesus.

This is b.s. We're not supposed to get to see Jesus. Why would this joker get to see Jesus, but I don't? I mean, how easy would it be to believe if you got to actually SEE Jesus?

We don't get to see Jesus, we have to have FAITH. That's how it works.

Blessed are those who have not seen Jesus and believe, Kooshdaha. This pastor died and it was during his time out of his physical body ( which was dead for 3 days ) that saw him. There is another video of a Brooklyn tough guy who encountered Jesus in a dream. Can Jesus come to you in a dream? Yes he can. He can do anything. He's God. I'll go get Brooklyn because you guys have got to hear him. He's about as real as it gets........ right here in the good ole' US of A!
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Jeremiah. How dumb do you have to be to believe that bogus story :) That preacher is a nobody and a fraud. He's not even good at being a false prophet :)
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This is the testimony, Kooshdaha. This young man was planning to take his life when the thought came to him he couldn't do it with his family in the house. So he postpones his suicide until the next day. That night he goes to bed and falls asleep. He sees himself in hell. Jesus comes to him and what he says will amaze you! Watch this! This is exciting. This guy has such a great story!

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