GOD Commands Believers tp "Warn My People".

Can I play?

"Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock"

Psalm 137:9

That is a prophecy to the daughters of Babylon - it is a call by the Jews to G-d to avenge them of their enemies, Vandal.

Psalm 83 is on it's way. That is another prophecy - prayer to be fulfilled...
Then why are you still here, Iceman? Run along. Gismy and I have got this! Ta! - Jeri

Mediator? No. Did you mean moderator? I haven't contacted one. You're truly not that big of a problem. Gnat sized perhaps?

You can't really be this dumb? Speaking of derailing your own thread.

One thing I live about you soapbox pounders is you run and hide when called to task. You can't play word games with me. You're just not that good.

And feel free to contact a moderator. What are you going to tell them? "I'm getting called on my crap and it's not fair?"

I've got a better idea. Why don't you and your little boyfriend quit making Christians look like idiots?

It's not my thread. Look at the author of the OP. - Jeremiah

LMFAO! Now it's not your thread? Mr Spokesman for the other guy telling me to leave and accusing me of personal attacks?

Some Christian you are. DO you realize Christ allowed himself to be crucified rather than back down? And what are you? The second someone calls you on your crap you run.

I'm sure He'd be proud.
Can I play?

"Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock"

Psalm 137:9

That is a prophecy to the daughters of Babylon - it is a call by the Jews to G-d to avenge them of their enemies, Vandal.

Psalm 83 is on it's way. That is another prophecy - prayer to be fulfilled...

Really? and you think a kind, benevolent an loving God commanded THAT atrocity? Or maybe some idiots who wanted revenge?
Don't ever let anyone silence you from doing what God commands you to do. Fear of man is foolishness. Fear God who has the power to cast into hell.

- Jeremiah

Really. That's YOUR idea of God? Fear him because he can cast you into Hell?

My God's a little more forgiving than yours. A promise is a promise. Repent and you will be forgiven. Seems you hard-liners have more caveats for that "forgiveness" than Carter has liver pills.

If your God is that quick to throw people in Hell, I'll stick with mine. Now you just have to reconcile that with the fact my God comes from the same Bible yours does.

The god of this world, Lucifer, is named in the bible. Correct. He is going to be chained by the angels and cast into a lake of fire. Your god is under my feet. I'm a Luke 10:19 Christian.

It is written:

Behold, I give unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19

Not withstanding I rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto me but rather I rejoice because my name is written in the lambs book of life.

- Jeremiah


Satan, demons, scorpions, angels, cherubim,sons of God, swine, dogs, worms, sheep, goats, wolves, vultures, cattle, oxen, donkeys, the birds of heaven, fruit bearing trees, fish, bottom feeders, brown nosed dorks, etc., etc., are all figurative descriptions of people, human beings, who by their attributes reflect the heights and depths of human potential as they compare to animals in nature and fairy tale characters....

Satan is not an invisible disembodied entity that can take the form of a talking serpent. Satan, Lucifer, the serpent of old is just a fairy tale character representative of a type of despicable low life that preys of the gullible through specious falsehoods and by the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands, if he can find anyone gullible enough, collects people like possessions or fenced in farm animals where they are held captive and fleeced for life.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

You light candles and pray to Jesus as if he was a god to protect you from an invisible spirit that does not exist when in reality Satan is the low life bastard who manipulated you into worshiping that which is not God, for a nominal service charge, so that you would incur the guilt of sin and lose the ability to think clearly and rationally and see what is right in front of your eyes.
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You can't really be this dumb? Speaking of derailing your own thread.

One thing I live about you soapbox pounders is you run and hide when called to task. You can't play word games with me. You're just not that good.

And feel free to contact a moderator. What are you going to tell them? "I'm getting called on my crap and it's not fair?"

I've got a better idea. Why don't you and your little boyfriend quit making Christians look like idiots?

It's not my thread. Look at the author of the OP. - Jeremiah

LMFAO! Now it's not your thread? Mr Spokesman for the other guy telling me to leave and accusing me of personal attacks?

Some Christian you are. DO you realize Christ allowed himself to be crucified rather than back down? And what are you? The second someone calls you on your crap you run.

I'm sure He'd be proud.

What part of I don't do vindication did you miss?
It's not my thread. Look at the author of the OP. - Jeremiah

LMFAO! Now it's not your thread? Mr Spokesman for the other guy telling me to leave and accusing me of personal attacks?

Some Christian you are. DO you realize Christ allowed himself to be crucified rather than back down? And what are you? The second someone calls you on your crap you run.

I'm sure He'd be proud.

What part of I don't do vindication did you miss?

I missed nothing about the part where you backpedaled so fast i thought I was going to have to call 9-1-1.

Now go ahead and respond to hobelim's post. This ought to be good.

I'll give you credit though. I haven't laughed in months.
Really. That's YOUR idea of God? Fear him because he can cast you into Hell?

My God's a little more forgiving than yours. A promise is a promise. Repent and you will be forgiven. Seems you hard-liners have more caveats for that "forgiveness" than Carter has liver pills.

If your God is that quick to throw people in Hell, I'll stick with mine. Now you just have to reconcile that with the fact my God comes from the same Bible yours does.

The god of this world, Lucifer, is named in the bible. Correct. He is going to be chained by the angels and cast into a lake of fire. Your god is under my feet. I'm a Luke 10:19 Christian.

It is written:

Behold, I give unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19

Not withstanding I rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto me but rather I rejoice because my name is written in the lambs book of life.

- Jeremiah


Satan, demons, scorpions, angels, cherubim,sons of God, swine, dogs, worms, sheep, goats, wolves, vultures, cattle, oxen, donkeys, the birds of heaven, fruit bearing trees, fish, bottom feeders, brown nosed dorks, etc., etc., are all figurative descriptions of people, human beings, who by their attributes reflect the heights and depths of human potential as they compare to animals in nature and fairy tale characters....

Satan is not an invisible disembodied entity that can take the form of a talking serpent. Satan, Lucifer, the serpent of old is just a fairy tale character representative of a type of despicable low life that preys of the gullible through specious falsehoods and by the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands, if he can find anyone gullible enough, collects people like possessions or fenced in farm animals where they are held captive and fleeced for life.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

You light candles and pray to Jesus as if he was a god to protect you from an invisible spirit that does not exist when in reality Satan is the low life bastard who manipulated you into worshiping that which is not God so that you would incur the guilt of sin and lose the ability to see what is right in front of your eyes.

I don't light candles unless I'm having a nice dinner, Hobelim. I'm pentacostal. Not Catholic. The bible is true and I believe every word of it. God isn't sending anyone to hell.

Suppose someone rejects God and says I do not want to have anything to do with Gods redemption plan. I reject Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I'm not having anything to do with God or the bible. One day the person dies and they see the gates of heaven. They want to come in but Jesus says, Depart from me ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you. He is turned away and now there is only one place left for this man who is a spiritual being with a body in a grave on earth. He is headed for hell. That is his eternal home. It's heaven or hell. This isn't a multiple choice deal.

Now on the matter of the example I've given... suppose you go to a neighborhood and select the finest house in the neighborhood. You knock on the door. The Master of the House answers. Who are you, he says. You reply, I'm here because I want to live in your house. The Master of the House who does not know you says, I do not know who you are. You must leave. He shuts the door and locks it.

Who is at fault? You had a chance to have a relationship with the Master of the House but you declined. Is that Gods fault? No. It is up to each man to decide whether or not they will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and live according to his commands. No one is going to force anyone else to do this. God has no grandchildren. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son.

It is written:

...........without holiness no one will see the LORD.
LMFAO! Now it's not your thread? Mr Spokesman for the other guy telling me to leave and accusing me of personal attacks?

Some Christian you are. DO you realize Christ allowed himself to be crucified rather than back down? And what are you? The second someone calls you on your crap you run.

I'm sure He'd be proud.

What part of I don't do vindication did you miss?

I missed nothing about the part where you backpedaled so fast i thought I was going to have to call 9-1-1.

Now go ahead and respond to hobelim's post. This ought to be good.

I'll give you credit though. I haven't laughed in months.

I'm not surprised.
What part of I don't do vindication did you miss?

I missed nothing about the part where you backpedaled so fast i thought I was going to have to call 9-1-1.

Now go ahead and respond to hobelim's post. This ought to be good.

I'll give you credit though. I haven't laughed in months.

I'm not surprised.

Does this mean you aren't going to respond to hobelim's post? He served your ass. Your little 3-worder to me isn't going to cover it.

Come on, Mr Christian ... let's hear it....
The god of this world, Lucifer, is named in the bible. Correct. He is going to be chained by the angels and cast into a lake of fire. Your god is under my feet. I'm a Luke 10:19 Christian.

It is written:

Behold, I give unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19

Not withstanding I rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto me but rather I rejoice because my name is written in the lambs book of life.

- Jeremiah


Satan, demons, scorpions, angels, cherubim,sons of God, swine, dogs, worms, sheep, goats, wolves, vultures, cattle, oxen, donkeys, the birds of heaven, fruit bearing trees, fish, bottom feeders, brown nosed dorks, etc., etc., are all figurative descriptions of people, human beings, who by their attributes reflect the heights and depths of human potential as they compare to animals in nature and fairy tale characters....

Satan is not an invisible disembodied entity that can take the form of a talking serpent. Satan, Lucifer, the serpent of old is just a fairy tale character representative of a type of despicable low life that preys of the gullible through specious falsehoods and by the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands, if he can find anyone gullible enough, collects people like possessions or fenced in farm animals where they are held captive and fleeced for life.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

You light candles and pray to Jesus as if he was a god to protect you from an invisible spirit that does not exist when in reality Satan is the low life bastard who manipulated you into worshiping that which is not God so that you would incur the guilt of sin and lose the ability to see what is right in front of your eyes.

I don't light candles unless I'm having a nice dinner, Hobelim. I'm pentacostal. Not Catholic. The bible is true and I believe every word of it. God isn't sending anyone to hell.

Suppose someone rejects God and says I do not want to have anything to do with Gods redemption plan. I reject Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I'm not having anything to do with God or the bible. One day the person dies and they see the gates of heaven. They want to come in but Jesus says, Depart from me ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you. He is turned away and now there is only one place left for this man who is a spiritual being with a body in a grave on earth. He is headed for hell. That is his eternal home. It's heaven or hell. This isn't a multiple choice deal.

Now on the matter of the example I've given... suppose you go to a neighborhood and select the finest house in the neighborhood. You knock on the door. The Master of the House answers. Who are you, he says. You reply, I'm here because I want to live in your house. The Master of the House who does not know you says, I do not know who you are. You must leave. He shuts the door and locks it.

Who is at fault? You had a chance to have a relationship with the Master of the House but you declined. Is that Gods fault? No. It is up to each man to decide whether or not they will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and live according to his commands. No one is going to force anyone else to do this. God has no grandchildren. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son.

It is written:

...........without holiness no one will see the LORD.

Jesus is not God. The way the truth and the life is a reference to his teaching about the figurative nature of the Law, the only way to understand the law that is the truth that leads to life for all those who receive his revelation and act on it.

No one can come to the Father except by him only means that no one can know God except by accepting his teaching about the law, the way of holiness, and doing it.

If scripture is true, by worshiping a trinity that is not God and does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence you are dead, and if the confused and delusional state of your mind is any indication, you are already in hell.

Satan, demons, scorpions, angels, cherubim,sons of God, swine, dogs, worms, sheep, goats, wolves, vultures, cattle, oxen, donkeys, the birds of heaven, fruit bearing trees, fish, bottom feeders, brown nosed dorks, etc., etc., are all figurative descriptions of people, human beings, who by their attributes reflect the heights and depths of human potential as they compare to animals in nature and fairy tale characters....

Satan is not an invisible disembodied entity that can take the form of a talking serpent. Satan, Lucifer, the serpent of old is just a fairy tale character representative of a type of despicable low life that preys of the gullible through specious falsehoods and by the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands, if he can find anyone gullible enough, collects people like possessions or fenced in farm animals where they are held captive and fleeced for life.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

You light candles and pray to Jesus as if he was a god to protect you from an invisible spirit that does not exist when in reality Satan is the low life bastard who manipulated you into worshiping that which is not God so that you would incur the guilt of sin and lose the ability to see what is right in front of your eyes.

I don't light candles unless I'm having a nice dinner, Hobelim. I'm pentacostal. Not Catholic. The bible is true and I believe every word of it. God isn't sending anyone to hell.

Suppose someone rejects God and says I do not want to have anything to do with Gods redemption plan. I reject Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I'm not having anything to do with God or the bible. One day the person dies and they see the gates of heaven. They want to come in but Jesus says, Depart from me ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you. He is turned away and now there is only one place left for this man who is a spiritual being with a body in a grave on earth. He is headed for hell. That is his eternal home. It's heaven or hell. This isn't a multiple choice deal.

Now on the matter of the example I've given... suppose you go to a neighborhood and select the finest house in the neighborhood. You knock on the door. The Master of the House answers. Who are you, he says. You reply, I'm here because I want to live in your house. The Master of the House who does not know you says, I do not know who you are. You must leave. He shuts the door and locks it.

Who is at fault? You had a chance to have a relationship with the Master of the House but you declined. Is that Gods fault? No. It is up to each man to decide whether or not they will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and live according to his commands. No one is going to force anyone else to do this. God has no grandchildren. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son.

It is written:

...........without holiness no one will see the LORD.

Jesus is not God. The way the truth and the life is a reference to his teaching about the figurative nature of the Law, the only way to understand the law that is the truth that leads to life for all those who receive his revelation and act on it.

No one can come to the Father except by him only means that no one can know God except by accepting his teaching about the law, the way of holiness, and doing it.

If scripture is true, by worshiping a trinity that is not God and does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence you are dead, and if the confused and delusional state of your mind is any indication, you are already in hell.

Can I play?

"Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock"

Psalm 137:9

That is a prophecy to the daughters of Babylon - it is a call by the Jews to G-d to avenge them of their enemies, Vandal.

Psalm 83 is on it's way. That is another prophecy - prayer to be fulfilled...

Well, it is always interesting to see god fearing people express their desires to god...

Satan, demons, scorpions, angels, cherubim,sons of God, swine, dogs, worms, sheep, goats, wolves, vultures, cattle, oxen, donkeys, the birds of heaven, fruit bearing trees, fish, bottom feeders, brown nosed dorks, etc., etc., are all figurative descriptions of people, human beings, who by their attributes reflect the heights and depths of human potential as they compare to animals in nature and fairy tale characters....

Satan is not an invisible disembodied entity that can take the form of a talking serpent. Satan, Lucifer, the serpent of old is just a fairy tale character representative of a type of despicable low life that preys of the gullible through specious falsehoods and by the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands, if he can find anyone gullible enough, collects people like possessions or fenced in farm animals where they are held captive and fleeced for life.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

You light candles and pray to Jesus as if he was a god to protect you from an invisible spirit that does not exist when in reality Satan is the low life bastard who manipulated you into worshiping that which is not God so that you would incur the guilt of sin and lose the ability to see what is right in front of your eyes.

I don't light candles unless I'm having a nice dinner, Hobelim. I'm pentacostal. Not Catholic. The bible is true and I believe every word of it. God isn't sending anyone to hell.

Suppose someone rejects God and says I do not want to have anything to do with Gods redemption plan. I reject Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I'm not having anything to do with God or the bible. One day the person dies and they see the gates of heaven. They want to come in but Jesus says, Depart from me ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you. He is turned away and now there is only one place left for this man who is a spiritual being with a body in a grave on earth. He is headed for hell. That is his eternal home. It's heaven or hell. This isn't a multiple choice deal.

Now on the matter of the example I've given... suppose you go to a neighborhood and select the finest house in the neighborhood. You knock on the door. The Master of the House answers. Who are you, he says. You reply, I'm here because I want to live in your house. The Master of the House who does not know you says, I do not know who you are. You must leave. He shuts the door and locks it.

Who is at fault? You had a chance to have a relationship with the Master of the House but you declined. Is that Gods fault? No. It is up to each man to decide whether or not they will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and live according to his commands. No one is going to force anyone else to do this. God has no grandchildren. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son.

It is written:

...........without holiness no one will see the LORD.

Jesus is not God. The way the truth and the life is a reference to his teaching about the figurative nature of the Law, the only way to understand the law that is the truth that leads to life for all those who receive his revelation and act on it.

No one can come to the Father except by him only means that no one can know God except by accepting his teaching about the law, the way of holiness, and doing it.

If scripture is true, by worshiping a trinity that is not God and does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence you are dead, and if the confused and delusional state of your mind is any indication, you are already in hell.

I could have looked at what the Feds tax me and told you I was already in Hell. :)

Hint: I think you're talking above their collective heads. The concept of a Higher Power exists but isn't as petty as they make him out to be is a bit much for them.

Satan, demons, scorpions, angels, cherubim,sons of God, swine, dogs, worms, sheep, goats, wolves, vultures, cattle, oxen, donkeys, the birds of heaven, fruit bearing trees, fish, bottom feeders, brown nosed dorks, etc., etc., are all figurative descriptions of people, human beings, who by their attributes reflect the heights and depths of human potential as they compare to animals in nature and fairy tale characters....

Satan is not an invisible disembodied entity that can take the form of a talking serpent. Satan, Lucifer, the serpent of old is just a fairy tale character representative of a type of despicable low life that preys of the gullible through specious falsehoods and by the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands, if he can find anyone gullible enough, collects people like possessions or fenced in farm animals where they are held captive and fleeced for life.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

You light candles and pray to Jesus as if he was a god to protect you from an invisible spirit that does not exist when in reality Satan is the low life bastard who manipulated you into worshiping that which is not God so that you would incur the guilt of sin and lose the ability to see what is right in front of your eyes.

I don't light candles unless I'm having a nice dinner, Hobelim. I'm pentacostal. Not Catholic. The bible is true and I believe every word of it. God isn't sending anyone to hell.

Suppose someone rejects God and says I do not want to have anything to do with Gods redemption plan. I reject Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I'm not having anything to do with God or the bible. One day the person dies and they see the gates of heaven. They want to come in but Jesus says, Depart from me ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you. He is turned away and now there is only one place left for this man who is a spiritual being with a body in a grave on earth. He is headed for hell. That is his eternal home. It's heaven or hell. This isn't a multiple choice deal.

Now on the matter of the example I've given... suppose you go to a neighborhood and select the finest house in the neighborhood. You knock on the door. The Master of the House answers. Who are you, he says. You reply, I'm here because I want to live in your house. The Master of the House who does not know you says, I do not know who you are. You must leave. He shuts the door and locks it.

Who is at fault? You had a chance to have a relationship with the Master of the House but you declined. Is that Gods fault? No. It is up to each man to decide whether or not they will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and live according to his commands. No one is going to force anyone else to do this. God has no grandchildren. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son.

It is written:

...........without holiness no one will see the LORD.

Jesus is not God. The way the truth and the life is a reference to his teaching about the figurative nature of the Law, the only way to understand the law that is the truth that leads to life for all those who receive his revelation and act on it.

No one can come to the Father except by him only means that no one can know God except by accepting his teaching about the law, the way of holiness, and doing it.

If scripture is true, by worshiping a trinity that is not God and does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence you are dead, and if the confused and delusional state of your mind is any indication, you are already in hell.

1 x 1 x 1 = 1. Not 3. Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is ONE. No contradictions. You're overthinking it. The bible is as it reads. God isn't out to trick anyone, Hobelim. He knows our frame, that we are but dust. Jesus meant what he said. Believe it or don't believe it but that doesn't change the truth. The truth remains the truth even when no one agrees with it and a false teaching remains a false teaching even when the whole world gets on board. Truth is sovereign. It changes not. It is what it is.

- Jeremiah
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JESUS SAYS==And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. JOHN 17:5==YES!!! JESUS IS GOD THE SON!!

That is true. Demons do curse and scream when they hear the Word of God. At the presence of the LORD demons flee. I agree with you that it is the individuals choice to reject God's love or accept it. I would not want to be a person that stood in the way of someone coming to Jesus Christ. The first video was about a woman who saw a vision of a man in hell who was gagged and could not speak. He had tried to silence Gods laborers here on the earth while he was alive. He not only rejected Jesus Christ but he tried to silence the laborers. Big mistake. No. HUGE!

Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. It is written. Some don't heed the warning and end up with the same punishment they were guilty of doing to others while they were alive. Imagine the horror of that. I bet Satan didn't tell his workers about that one, eh?

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