God doesn't overpower Satan?

I've also witnessed multiple UFO sightings with multiple witnesses.

A few times I was with my mother in the pool & we had seen a bright silver cigar shaped craft fly by.

Another time I had seen a light slowly fly to the East over the night, and other people at the lake had spotted it too.
It was not a star it was flying East rather than stars which move in the sky towards the West.
As a young child, I saw a large bullet shaped craft flying slowly from east to west. I was stunned, and it was real.

It was only years later after thinking about it that I realized that that ufo was a blimp
On the earth, Satan is no longer the sovereign
Satan is the god of this world 2 Cor 4

Satan is the prince of the power of the air
-- eph 2:2

Yes, satan rules the earth UNTIL Christ returns and takes the throne
Actually, Christ is the sovereign (Mt 28:18). Evil may lurk outside the kingdom (Rv 22:3, 15), but the faithless world that Paul lived in has passed. Christians live under the New Covenant.
My view is that the Bible, such as Job describes "god" as the architect of the universe, and that evil or adversities are challenges in a war between good and evil.

So in that sense, god is the architect of evil, but were there no evil to overcome, there could be no good.

Much as if Adam and Eve had no "free will" to defy god, they would not be human to begin with. Power comes with responsibility I suppose.

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