God doesn't overpower Satan?

Has Satan ever done anything as destructive as God like killing all the people and living creatures, killing innocent children in Egypt, torturing Job?

There's definitely a struggle between good & evil.

You can sometimes feel a negative aura around people, and sometimes a positive one.

I've had friends comment on such peculiarities that I've sensed.

Now the big question becomes which is the evil side?
Many people believe Aliens are Demonic
Well, since there are no flesh and blood "aliens," that would make them fallen angels who are stuck on this earth with us.
a angel would be an alien....so would god....
Not according to the left. Aliens are PHYSICAL beings who travel, somehow, between the stars.

The demons are Gods fallen Angel's who lost their war against God and are forced to reside on earth
and they are aliens....they sure as hell aint of this earth....
I look at Gad as my father. Jesus is my brother.

The earth is HIS creation. He is no alien if He owns it. The fallen Angel's have been here long before the creation of Man. They are not aliens.

Your perspective is the beginning of your problem
Many people believe Aliens are Demonic
Well, since there are no flesh and blood "aliens," that would make them fallen angels who are stuck on this earth with us.
a angel would be an alien....so would god....
Not according to the left. Aliens are PHYSICAL beings who travel, somehow, between the stars.

The demons are Gods fallen Angel's who lost their war against God and are forced to reside on earth
and they are aliens....they sure as hell aint of this earth....
I look at Gad as my father. Jesus is my brother.

The earth is HIS creation. He is no alien if He owns it. The fallen Angel's have been here long before the creation of Man. They are not aliens.

Your perspective is the beginning of your problem

Hmm, Angels according to the Gnostic Bibles might have just been our creators.

Although, perhaps some people were corrupted, or even created by the Fallen Angels, probably LGBTQ, the Synagogue of Satan, and maybe even Redheads.
Has Satan ever done anything as destructive as God like killing all the people and living creatures, killing innocent children in Egypt, torturing Job?

There's definitely a struggle between good & evil.

You can sometimes feel a negative aura around people, and sometimes a positive one.

I've had friends comment on such peculiarities that I've sensed.

Now the big question becomes which is the evil side?
I didn’t write the Bible

If I did, I would have more stories about the Devil doing horrible things and God doing good things.

Seems they take that fear of God thing too far
Has Satan ever done anything as destructive as God like killing all the people and living creatures, killing innocent children in Egypt, torturing Job?

There's definitely a struggle between good & evil.

You can sometimes feel a negative aura around people, and sometimes a positive one.

I've had friends comment on such peculiarities that I've sensed.

Now the big question becomes which is the evil side?
I didn’t write the Bible

If I did, I would have more stories about the Devil doing horrible things and God doing good things.

Seems they take that fear of God thing too far

Demonic entities are culturally universal, and never stopped being encountered in a single culture.
Many people believe Aliens are Demonic
Well, since there are no flesh and blood "aliens," that would make them fallen angels who are stuck on this earth with us.
a angel would be an alien....so would god....
Not according to the left. Aliens are PHYSICAL beings who travel, somehow, between the stars.

The demons are Gods fallen Angel's who lost their war against God and are forced to reside on earth
and they are aliens....they sure as hell aint of this earth....
I look at Gad as my father. Jesus is my brother.

The earth is HIS creation. He is no alien if He owns it. The fallen Angel's have been here long before the creation of Man. They are not aliens.

Your perspective is the beginning of your problem
your problem is you think god and the beings called angels are like us....they are on a different plane of existence ....
he is a fallen angel....still way more than what we are...
He's a pussy. I have Yeshua on my side and can send him away in a heartbeat.
I wish I had the same power over the tax devil
One of my friends is of a Polish Catholic background.

He thinks technology & chemicals are demonic, and being used to turn the World into Hell.

Global warming he believes is just Satan trying to turn the World into Hell.

This actually makes some sense.

But, I wouldn't say its proven, but its interesting that our tech & chemicals we use tend to come from (IN THE GROUND)
AKA potentially towards Hell.

and that they appear to destroy life, and warming of the planet.

It could just be coincidental, however.

Keep in mind, a lot of people spoke of ET's, or Star people or what ever, giving man tech, since the begginning of time.

Maybe these are just Demons...... Many people believe Aliens are Demonic.
Only the Catholic ones
maybe to Yeshua he is a pussy,but you and him one on one ....see ya....
Challenge accepted.........
remember this is you against a fallen Angel,Yeshua has to stay out of it...manno de manno....human against angel....you wont last long....
I'll chance it.
That "Satan get thee behind" actually works. Though he may come back and try to argue with you. Stick by your guns (that is stand on the Word) as it does work.
The dualism of "G-d vs Satan" is a polytheistic archetype that is serving to tear the Christian soul apart between 2 extremes, and is inherited from the pagan history of Christian societies , prior to revolution resulted from contact with monotheism of Jewish thought.

There's nothing beyond G-d in Jewish tradition,
and the Satan is merely a creature in this context, who's archetype is described as both a 'fool', and an 'learned sage", and who's wisdom comes from thousands years of experience, who's main purpose is to test mankind and the one responsible leading them to death.
All these are not detached from G-d's own purpose - he's merely viewed as a voice of adversary, that gives humanity the opportunity to prove its righteousness and fulfill G-d's intent.

The Satan, like all G-d's heavenly creatures, is a righteous servant who's job is to test humanity and eventually to grant it the merit, in the balanced argument between the totally obedient angels and free humanity.
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I've always wondered why.

It hints at Satan being just as powerful.

What hints at Satan having any power? He only has what power God allows him to have. That is explained in he book of Job..

Job 1, Modern English Version (MEV) | The Bible App

Another thing: God offers redemption for us lowly humans. Satan and the one-third of the angels who followed him in the great rebellion against heaven, will never ever be forgiven, no matter what. They're pretty much toast.

Satan and one third of the angels followed him ------- Trump and one third of the country is his base. That seems to make sense.

God is said to be no respecter of politics or nations, but this country and its President are truly blessed.
Why do you think that? Or are you just kidding?
Gnostic bibles support reincarnation.
When they asked Jesus what would happen to themselves he told them that they would be as the angels. Angels come and go as Job saw them ascending and descending. There are many verses in the KJV that show the soul is born into new bodies as it grows (wine bottles filled with spirit). Life is a process.

Well, the Earths inside is Hell according to the Bible.
Actually the Bible shows Hell as being that place in the spirit where one separates themselves from God when they turn their backs on God (Gehenna, the trash heap where trash gets burned outside the city of teaching God's peace). Many have been show the the spiritual aspect of this from the fires that burn and the miserable souls that are stuck in that place of misery.
..there is no god or satan--so the argu..yes O ment is worthless

I've experienced things which support both an afterlife & the demonic.
yes, I know--you drink too much...you hallucinate when you drink

So multiple witnesses equate to hallucinations?

I was sensing a dark heavy force around at a guy in a bar one time, and without saying anything, my friend said can you feel the darkness around him.

Another time, I sensed a spirit ghost in my old house of an old lady, and someone without me telling them sensed the same thing.

When I was little on Halloween we went into a graveyard when a root snapped out of the ground under us, with my friend & myself both running.

These are some mighty coincidences.
..there is no god or satan--so the argu..yes O ment is worthless

I've experienced things which support both an afterlife & the demonic.
yes, I know--you drink too much...you hallucinate when you drink

So multiple witnesses equate to hallucinations?

I was sensing a dark heavy force around at a guy in a bar one time, and without saying anything, my friend said can you feel the darkness around him.

Another time, I sensed a spirit ghost in my old house of an old lady, and someone without me telling them sensed the same thing.

When I was little on Halloween we went into a graveyard when a root snapped out of the ground under us, with my friend & myself both running.

These are some might coincidences.
ok ....sure
..there is no god or satan--so the argu..yes O ment is worthless

I've experienced things which support both an afterlife & the demonic.
yes, I know--you drink too much...you hallucinate when you drink

So multiple witnesses equate to hallucinations?

I was sensing a dark heavy force around at a guy in a bar one time, and without saying anything, my friend said can you feel the darkness around him.

Another time, I sensed a spirit ghost in my old house of an old lady, and someone without me telling them sensed the same thing.

When I was little on Halloween we went into a graveyard when a root snapped out of the ground under us, with my friend & myself both running.

These are some might coincidences.
ok ....sure

A lot of people experience the paranormal.

It would be more along the lines of arrogance to not believe it can be possible, and ignorance to not wish to study it more.
..there is no god or satan--so the argu..yes O ment is worthless

I've experienced things which support both an afterlife & the demonic.
yes, I know--you drink too much...you hallucinate when you drink

So multiple witnesses equate to hallucinations?

I was sensing a dark heavy force around at a guy in a bar one time, and without saying anything, my friend said can you feel the darkness around him.

Another time, I sensed a spirit ghost in my old house of an old lady, and someone without me telling them sensed the same thing.

When I was little on Halloween we went into a graveyard when a root snapped out of the ground under us, with my friend & myself both running.

These are some might coincidences.
ok ....sure

A lot of people experience the paranormal.

It would be more along the lines of arrogance to not believe it can be possible, and ignorance to not wish to study it more.
..there's one problem you have--you have no proof
I've experienced things which support both an afterlife & the demonic.
yes, I know--you drink too much...you hallucinate when you drink

So multiple witnesses equate to hallucinations?

I was sensing a dark heavy force around at a guy in a bar one time, and without saying anything, my friend said can you feel the darkness around him.

Another time, I sensed a spirit ghost in my old house of an old lady, and someone without me telling them sensed the same thing.

When I was little on Halloween we went into a graveyard when a root snapped out of the ground under us, with my friend & myself both running.

These are some might coincidences.
ok ....sure

A lot of people experience the paranormal.

It would be more along the lines of arrogance to not believe it can be possible, and ignorance to not wish to study it more.
..there's one problem you have--you have no proof

How do you prove something more advanced than us?

Besides, people have taken photos, videos & evps of the spiritual for years.

The establishment tells us it just can't be.
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I've also witnessed multiple UFO sightings with multiple witnesses.

A few times I was with my mother in the pool & we had seen a bright silver cigar shaped craft fly by.

Another time I had seen a light slowly fly to the East over the night, and other people at the lake had spotted it too.
It was not a star it was flying East rather than stars which move in the sky towards the West.
I've always wondered why.

It hints at Satan being just as powerful.
God has already overpowered Satan.

On the earth, Satan is no longer the sovereign; God is. Satan, in fact, was exiled from it two thousand years ago (Jn 12:31). Now for as long as the Holy Spirit has been in the world, the world has been convicted concerning judgment because that former ruler of the world was judged (Jn 16:7-11).

Satan began to fall from heaven (i.e., the ruling places (i.e., the temple)) during Christ's ministry (Lk 10:18).
I've always wondered why.

It hints at Satan being just as powerful.
It hints at Satan being just as powerful.

satan is dead, what they possessed, the evil is eternal - for who does not as the Almighty conquer its presence. evil is not allowed for freed spirits to be admitted into the Everlasting. for those that make the attempt.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

A law of science.

Could suggest the universe might morph but ultimately contains the same energy since forever.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

A law of science.

Could suggest the universe might morph but ultimately contains the same energy since forever.

not sure how that relates to my post - yes, satan is dead - evil is eternal. evil must be conquered, proven by the Almighty over satan. the example for humanities endurance.

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