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Zone1 God is fed up with us.... and we are often fed up with Him

I haven't because at a young age I had an experience that made me understand God's ways were definitely not a little kid's. I was trying to understand how He worked and how He didn't work. The closest I may have come to what you experienced, is the year that within a month I lost three members of my family and my best friend. The grief was devastating and I wanted to be alone with my grief--I didn't even want God's help or presence. The pain was too much for even the slightest touch.

Also, a few years earlier I had been dealing with just the usual anger we sometimes feel with the world or others, which I had always dealt with by determining "I shouldn't feel this way" and ignoring it all. One day I was studying the verse of the lion lying down with the lamb, and it occurred to me the lion could be compared to those strong "negative" emotions and the lam with the peaceful "positive" ones.

It dawned on me, the lion was alerting me to the fact something was very wrong and needed to be dealt with. The lamb was there not to get me to ignore the wrong, but to deal in a positive manner with was wrong, and to decide how it could be made right.
Thanks for sharing and I am very sorry for your losses. As you know, we never REALLY get over them. The memories just go dormant, and then something will trigger those memories and, as you say, we have to deal with them as though they were a lion. The Lamb is Jesus, with the help of His Queen Mother.. which reminds me: In the Old T the queen was always the primary ruler, or so I have heard, so I don't know why protestants resist Mary so much.. I read a book once written by the chief exorcist of Rome (another rabbit trail here: the order of Exorcist was removed at Vatican II along with some other orders :mad: --BAD). Anyhow, where was I? Oh yeh, it is when the presence of Mary arrives at the scene of the exorcism that t he demon cowers and leaves.

About the lion and the lamb, the thought occurs to me that the liberals... they are like lions who simply do what actual lions do: slaughter the poor little lamb

But anyhow.. I don't want to leave on a sour note, so I will just say Thanks again. My losses came later in life so maybe that's why I have such a hard time sometimes but also.. it's not just that.. It's the fact that God allows so much evil... and no one can understand why. I think of the Book of Job. I don't recall him getting angry at God despite all his losses and miseries, but hey... We are not all Job, is all I can say...

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Romans 3:10-12 KJV
as it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, There is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; There is none that doeth good, no, not one.

I couldn't get the post to post correctly so here's my answer to ninja007

I know the Bible --and many verses come to me when I experience evil and mayhem and God does not seem to care. I also know that despite all my efforts to live for God, I am not righteous any more than ... well, maybe a little more than... say Adam Schiffty in DC.. but in any case...

None that seeketh God?

That's all I've been doing the last few years... ! So yeh... if you are trying to imply that I am not doing that enough... wrong.
Its called LIFE..........Christians are promised nothing extra in this reality called life, we live under the same conditions as everyone else, the rain falls on the just and the unjust. The Christian Sabbath or "rest" comes after the race of life is completed. (Heb. 4:1, Rev.14:13).
I know this.

I feel like Job who also seemed to say very often to his (well meaning?) friends that, well.. that he knows the truth of what they are saying, etc. But I get it that most people think Catholics don't have a clue about God. :rolleyes: They are wrong as can be! Catholics are the Original Christians and really, the true Christians, but in any case,

I already know about the rain falling on the just and the unjust. I have read the entire (most reliable Douay Rheims) Bible, so again... many Scripture passages come to me when I am going through... whatever.

And just like Job I don't get... don't even hope to get... any answers from others here at the forums because only God has the answers. But one thing I hope to accomplish here is that I have heard others here complain about the same kind of things, so we can all console one another... w/ the thought that we are not alone in our misery and our constant questioning... the constant, ubiquitous and never ending

What rule do you think God made that He is violating?
Well, he said in so many words not to abuse others

And yet sometimes, life is so overwhelmingly BAD that... and God has the power to do thus and so, therefore.. why doesn't He do.. at least SOMETHING?

And that is not to say that I do not see God doing any "somethings" in my life. Not hardly.. I do see Him doing many things and as stated elsewhere, He often works "incrementally" as I myself put it.. Others may word it differently, but anyhow... I see Him doing good things for me.. all the time, in fact. But there are some things that never seem to change and He knows I have no power over those things (not that I know of anyway)

I hope that answers your (hopefully not sarcastic) question?
I know this.

I feel like Job who also seemed to say very often to his (well meaning?) friends that, well.. that he knows the truth of what they are saying, etc. But I get it that most people think Catholics don't have a clue about God. :rolleyes: They are wrong as can be! Catholics are the Original Christians and really, the true Christians, but in any case,

I already know about the rain falling on the just and the unjust. I have read the entire (most reliable Douay Rheims) Bible, so again... many Scripture passages come to me when I am going through... whatever.

And just like Job I don't get... don't even hope to get... any answers from others here at the forums because only God has the answers. But one thing I hope to accomplish here is that I have heard others here complain about the same kind of things, so we can all console one another... w/ the thought that we are not alone in our misery and our constant questioning... the constant, ubiquitous and never ending


Why........what? Why not accept the RCC as the one true church presented in the N.T. manuscripts? Because the traditions practiced by this supposed Universal Church contradict the actual content of the N.T. canon. Jesus more than Chastised the religous leaders of His day for practicing the same traditions that the RCC now endorses (Matt. 23)........Jesus to their faces called them Vipers, Serpents.....puffed up with pride when the clegry separates themselves from the laity (members).....taking advanage of their appointments for personal gain.

If anyone can point out the content of the N.T. canon........in any modern translation you wish to reference, as the subject matter and contextual content remain the same regardless of translated language......the message is never lost to mistranlation when the context, content and subject matter of the entire passage is considered (the scriptures self interpret....there is no private interpretation -- 2 Peter 1:19-21,

............again, point to any N.T. content that shows an organizational structure such as used by the RCC to rule over God's Kingdom/church I will gladly consider converting to Roman Catholism. Show me the authorization for a POPE that is made infallible and can make new law other than the laws presented by the Apostles of Christ who were authorized to reveal doctrine for the infant N.T. church/kingdom. In fact the scriptures state we are not to go beyond or reason beyond that which is written (scriptures) -- 1 Cor. 4:6
Why........what? Why not accept the RCC as the one true church presented in the N.T. manuscripts? Because the traditions practiced by this supposed Universal Church contradict

This is a total non sequitor. You obviously didn't read my post. I was very clear about what the WHY? was about and it had nothing directly to do with my religion except it is a question we often ask of God.. and all people ask that Q at one time or another and I don't see why they wouldn't.

I don't know but it looks like you are just here on the forums trying to convert people to your odd religion. You are wasting your time with me. I have found the Truth and while there is more to learn about the Church, there is no refuting that the CC was the Church Christ founded. You and other anti-Catholics can refute it until hell freezes over but you will never convince ME. The Catholic faith changed me when NOTHING... and I mean NOTHING else could. My own efforts were nearly worthless... except that they led me to knowledge of the True Church.. but you dont want to hear my story.. Again, i get thefeeling you are only hear to convert others and/or listen to yourself go on and on about how great your religion is or whatever..
Yeh, you wonder sometimes

why does God expect mere humans to do what He Himself does not do? I mean, yeh, sure, He's the One who made the Rules and He can violate them (so called) if He wants and that's supposed to be OK because He is God and all....

But you wonder. I mean, there have been times in my life when I felt that God just did NOT give a rip about my most pressing problems. Yet He expects for us to care about one another.

I don't know. . I can see God being ticked off at egregious sinners like the ones who promote abortion... the ones who allow an invasion of their own country (allowing criminals and drugs into it)... those who mess up the economy of same, and as long as there's ice cream in the fridge... who cares? :dunno:

But why does He seem to pick on people who are actually doing what He says? or certainly trying to most of the time....

God doesn't break his own rules....He followed them as Jesus and that list of rules is a lot more strict and ridiculous than the list we follow today.

As far as the Heathen?
This is as good as it gets for them and they are usually miserable.

We have our eyes opened...you can't "unsee" the truth.

Think in terms of months and years versus days. If you go through 8 days of hell but the rest of your life you get to spend in pleasure, picnicks, and parties....wouldn't you make that exchange?
God doesn't break his own rules....He followed them as Jesus and that list of rules is a lot more strict and ridiculous than the list we follow today.

As far as the Heathen?
This is as good as it gets for them and they are usually miserable.

We have our eyes opened...you can't "unsee" the truth.

Think in terms of months and years versus days. If you go through 8 days of hell but the rest of your life you get to spend in pleasure, picnicks, and parties....wouldn't you make that exchange?
Well, I can't say I fully understand the first part of this but that last line really hit home!

My life is miserable in a lot of ways right now, even though I feel I am doing all that can be expected of me.. Yes, there is always room for improvement in any Christian's life but the point is that I feel I am doing all that I can, at least a lot of the time. I confess I waste time here and there (answering goofy posts, for one .. LOL).. but in any case, let's just say I am not a big sinner and I pray, even for people I dislike.. but still God seems to just.. I dunno... I know we have to walk by faith and not by sight and all but... well, let's just say I have questions.. and He needs to answer them (LOL).

so back to your comment about spending time in Hell knowing you will some day be out of that, in a better place.. I have told myself that many times. Still, there's this little part of me that just.. wants God to do thus and so, and No, I "can't" wait 20 years ...

But I guess I have no choice.

more splaining needed
Jesus is God.
He isn't just like God but is God himself....as much of God as could be stuffed into a human body. So Jesus was fully man but fully God at the same time. He went through everything that we do. Including traffic jams of pedestrians (more frustrating than car traffic jams)
He obviously got horny at times...he was a fully functional human male. (And women were always throwing themselves at him too)
He got hungry and angry at the same time....(Usually when we lose our cool)

He had a job where performance was demanded and others likely stole credit for his work. (Nazareth will have a difficult time supporting a quicky market but all the real work was in a huge Roman town called Sapphoris which was his daily commute)

Falsely accused of every slimy thing imaginable. False rumors abounded everywhere.

Proved who He was many times over with every test imaginable and did it with bells on....but they refused to believe. Even his mother and brothers thought him to be crazy because he had lost so much weight because he wasn't eating enough.

He spent weeks at a time in almost abject poverty....hungry and tired and poked fun of.
During his crucifixion he was humiliated beyond any reasonability. Crucifixion was all about humiliation. Loincloths are our addition....he was crucified naked.

Trust me when I say that Jesus understands everything that you are going through. All the same elements of every disaster our lives can create....
Jesus is God.
He isn't just like God but is God himself....as much of God as could be stuffed into a human body. So Jesus was fully man but fully God at the same time. He went through everything that we do. Including traffic jams of pedestrians (more frustrating than car traffic jams)
He obviously got horny at times...he was a fully functional human male. (And women were always throwing themselves at him too)
Jesus is God.
He isn't just like God but is God himself....as much of God as could be stuffed into a human body. So Jesus was fully man but fully God at the same time. He went through everything that we do. Including traffic jams of pedestrians (more frustrating than car traffic jams)
He obviously got horny at times...he was a fully functional human male. (And women were always throwing themselves at him too)

This is blasphemy and not true.

Yes, Jesus is both God and man but that doesn't mean he is so "man-like" as you imply. And for another thing, how is it man-like to lust after a woman? That is a sin and Jesus spoke against such a sin. He was like us in all things but sin, so you are way off.

But at least you're not like the JWs who say that Jesus was just man, not God. And there are others who say the same thing.

In any case, I haven't read the rest of this... kind of got irritated by the first part
This is blasphemy and not true.

Yes, Jesus is both God and man but that doesn't mean he is so "man-like" as you imply. And for another thing, how is it man-like to lust after a woman? That is a sin and Jesus spoke against such a sin. He was like us in all things but sin, so you are way off.

But at least you're not like the JWs who say that Jesus was just man, not God. And there are others who say the same thing.

In any case, I haven't read the rest of this... kind of got irritated by the first part
I didn't say that Jesus lusted....just that his biological hormones worked like mine or yours or anyone else's would. Otherwise He couldn't say that He overcame sin. Which is why Jesus fully understands our issues and can sympathize with us over our struggles.

Fully God and fully man at the same time...it's what is referred to as a paradox. There are many in scripture.
I couldn't get the post to post correctly so here's my answer to ninja007

I know the Bible --and many verses come to me when I experience evil and mayhem and God does not seem to care. I also know that despite all my efforts to live for God, I am not righteous any more than ... well, maybe a little more than... say Adam Schiffty in DC.. but in any case...

None that seeketh God?

That's all I've been doing the last few years... ! So yeh... if you are trying to imply that I am not doing that enough... wrong.
God says that not me.
Well, he said in so many words not to abuse others

And yet sometimes, life is so overwhelmingly BAD that... and God has the power to do thus and so, therefore.. why doesn't He do.. at least SOMETHING?

And that is not to say that I do not see God doing any "somethings" in my life. Not hardly.. I do see Him doing many things and as stated elsewhere, He often works "incrementally" as I myself put it.. Others may word it differently, but anyhow... I see Him doing good things for me.. all the time, in fact. But there are some things that never seem to change and He knows I have no power over those things (not that I know of anyway)

I hope that answers your (hopefully not sarcastic) question?

I wasn't being sarcastic at all.

So even in this post you realize that God does good things. You seem to be struggling with one particular thing and claim you have "no power" over it, and you blame God for what He "knows" and what He is seemingly not doing at the moment. And if the beginning of your post is any indication, you seem to think this is abusive on the part of God.

Are you wanting God to save you from the consequences of your own actions and decisions?

If that is true--how many times? Once? Twice? Five times? Ten times?

When raising children, is it a good idea for parents to save their children from the consequences of their own actions/decisions? How many times? Once? Twice? Five times, ten?

What happens to children who never feel the consequences of their own actions and decisions?
I didn't say that Jesus lusted....just that his biological hormones worked like mine or yours or anyone else's would. Otherwise He couldn't say that He overcame sin. Which is why Jesus fully understands our issues and can sympathize with us over our struggles.

Fully God and fully man at the same time...it's what is referred to as a paradox. There are many in scripture.
um... you did say that he lusted and even put it in more vulgar terms..

I couldn't even finish reading the post

Jesus was a virgin all his life

He wants all to be that, if possible.
I wasn't being sarcastic at all.

So even in this post you realize that God does good things. You seem to be struggling with one particular thing and claim you have "no power" over it, and you blame God for what He "knows" and what He is seemingly not doing at the moment. And if the beginning of your post is any indication, you seem to think this is abusive on the part of God.

Are you wanting God to save you from the consequences of your own actions and decisions?

If that is true--how many times? Once? Twice? Five times? Ten times?

When raising children, is it a good idea for parents to save their children from the consequences of their own actions/decisions? How many times? Once? Twice? Five times, ten?

What happens to children who never feel the consequences of their own actions and decisions?
sigh... I knew no one would get it.. Well, no , that's not true. I knew some would u/stand the anger/impatience thing bc I have found posts that indicate such.. but .. and it's rather comical, actually.. and ironic.. that professing Christians seem to be the ones who have the least understanding or patience themselves with yours truly..

No, it has nothing to do with wanting God to save me from the consequences of my actions. I took responsibility for same a LONG long time ago. . (I'm a Republican) :)

I'm not sure I want to go into details about what I get impatient w/God over. And in prayer yesterday, He showed me some things so I am making progress in all this anger stuff...

that can be said by any person trying to follow the Lord in all things: that it is a PROCESS and no one "gets God" all at once and 100% perfectly just because he or she begins the process.. although subconsciously, we may expect such things... at times..
sigh... I knew no one would get it.. Well, no , that's not true. I knew some would u/stand the anger/impatience thing bc I have found posts that indicate such.. but .. and it's rather comical, actually.. and ironic.. that professing Christians seem to be the ones who have the least understanding or patience themselves with yours truly..

No, it has nothing to do with wanting God to save me from the consequences of my actions. I took responsibility for same a LONG long time ago. . (I'm a Republican) :)

I'm not sure I want to go into details about what I get impatient w/God over. And in prayer yesterday, He showed me some things so I am making progress in all this anger stuff...

that can be said by any person trying to follow the Lord in all things: that it is a PROCESS and no one "gets God" all at once and 100% perfectly just because he or she begins the process.. although subconsciously, we may expect such things... at times..

Christians have plenty of understanding and patience generally with people struggling. We don't have a lot of patience for people insinuating that God is abusive, which is what you stated in your OP. I'm glad you're praying and making progress....but try not to blame God, and then blame Christians for "not understanding".

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