God Is Great! Ben Carson accepts position as HUD secretary

Yeah, put the black guy in the Cabinet post invented by LBJ as part of his Great Society plan to help black people. Perfect!
And if the selection were a white guy, you'd scream RACISM!!!!!
You lefties are incorrigible.
None of you are happy unless you're complaining about something.
In fact the liberal minds works like this. "If I'm not miserable, something must be wrong".
Yeah, put the black guy in the Cabinet post invented by LBJ as part of his Great Society plan to help black people. Perfect!
And if the selection were a white guy, you'd scream RACISM!!!!!
You lefties are incorrigible.
None of you are happy unless you're complaining about something.
In fact the liberal minds works like this. "If I'm not miserable, something must be wrong".
Why put a DOCTOR in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services? Or why make a DOCTOR the Surgeon General? That makes too much sense. He's black, so he needs to go straight to HUD!

Reminds me of that old racist joke. Q: What do you call a n*gger with a doctorate? A: A n*gger!
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Yeah, put the black guy in the Cabinet post invented by LBJ as part of his Great Society plan to help black people. Perfect!

DEMOCRATS are the party of racism, dipshit, and Republicans are the party of civil rights.

i'll PROVE IT!

1.the Copperhead DEMOCRATS called REPUBLICAN Abe Lincoln "a black man in principle" and urged Americans to defeat his "blackishness"

2.in 1856, REPUBLICAN Charles Sumner gave a stern denuciation of slavery on the floor of the Senate. In response, DEMOCRAT Senator Preston Brooks struck him with a cane and killed him!

3.DEMOCRAT Stephen Douglas said that the founders had slaves, which means they couldn't have meant it when they said all men were created equal.

4.DEMOCRAT Senator John Calhoun: "there has never existed a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not live off the labor of the other.

5.DEMOCRAT Senator James Hammond: "In all social systems there must be a class to do the menial duties, to perform the drudgery of life. Such a class you must have, or you would not have that other class which leads progress, civilization, and refinement. Slavery is no evil. in fact, it's the greatest of all blessings. Providence has produced in the slave-owning south the highest-toned, the purest, best organization of society that ever existed on the face of earth. Our slaves are hired for life. there is no starvation, no begging, no want of employment. Slavery benefited the slaves because it took them from African savages and made them useful workers."

6.asked if he had a problem with runaway slaves on his plantation, DEMOCRAT Senator James Chesnut quipped: "NEVER! it's pretty hard work to keep me from running away from them!"

i could give you millions more examples, you know!
Yeah, put the black guy in the Cabinet post invented by LBJ as part of his Great Society plan to help black people. Perfect!

DEMOCRATS are the party of racism, dipshit, and Republicans are the party of civil rights.
About 50 years ago and further back, that was fairly true. No longer.

Today, the GOP opposes civil rights for gays and Muslims and anyone else they don't like.

If you have to go all the way back to 1856 to find proof of the GOP's support for civil rights, then you have already lost the argument. You can't find any examples in the modern day.
for all you tiny brains who don't know what that is, HUD means Housing & Urban Development. Carson is qualified cos he owns a house and grew up in a city!

Ben Carson accepts position as HUD secretary | New York Post

Well, the nation determined that a community organizer from Kenya with unknown grades and creepy friends was fully-qualified to be our president.(IOW, not the first risk taken)
See, that's why you are silly Barak is more American and Christian than you, and has that great education. Being a good president is another matter.
for all you tiny brains who don't know what that is, HUD means Housing & Urban Development. Carson is qualified cos he owns a house and grew up in a city!

Ben Carson accepts position as HUD secretary | New York Post

Well, the nation determined that a community organizer from Kenya with unknown grades and creepy friends was fully-qualified to be our president.(IOW, not the first risk taken)
See, that's why you are silly Barak is more American and Christian than you, and has that great education. Being a good president is another matter.
Jake, can we meet for lunch? So I can look directly in the eyes, and get the full effect of one who thinks he is very intelligent, and may be very intelligent, but has no clue how to apply knowledge and connect dots? I want to meet that kind of person.

"Obama is a Christian." Yeah, and I am a better QB than Tom Brady.
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for all you tiny brains who don't know what that is, HUD means Housing & Urban Development. Carson is qualified cos he owns a house and grew up in a city!

Ben Carson accepts position as HUD secretary | New York Post

Well, the nation determined that a community organizer from Kenya with unknown grades and creepy friends was fully-qualified to be our president.(IOW, not the first risk taken)
See, that's why you are silly Barak is more American and Christian than you, and has that great education. Being a good president is another matter.
Jake, can we meet for lunch? So I can look directly in the eyes of one and get the full effect of one who thinks he is very intelligent, and may be very intelligent, but has no clue how to apply knowledge and connect dots? I want to meet that kind of person. "Obama is a Christian." Yeah, and I am a better QB than Tom Brady.
You simply operate from confirmation bias. Your cognitive dissonance does not privilege you, Tur, as a wise old (or young) gnome. Anyone who believes Obama was born in Kenya or is a Muslim simply has no positive credentials when adults talk about important matters.
Obama was born in Kenya, studied in a Madrassa, and is a Muslim.

he should be president of Iran, not America.
Yep, lets throw the poor onto the street! Carson will of course scream about how great god is...Fucking hypocrite.
Matthew, Carson is a good man, and a good Christian.

I am sure that if he knew you, he would be praying that you find your meds soon.

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