God... Is Time.

It makes me wonder if a "present" time can really be defined. It exists to us personally, but a lot of it is illusionary.
Bingo! Just as God is something we cannot observe directly or prove the existence of.
Faith is required to believe Time exists... and God.
Well, that is a rather bold logical leap, but I really don't know what you are trying to prove. If you are trying to prove God is Time, the fact that we can't observe or prove either doesn't lead to a syllogism.
We can't prove unicorns exist. We cant prove time exists, therefore unicorns are time.

Or faith in x and faith in y doesn't mean x = y.

Of course you are free to make God = time your working ethos, but you haven't demonstrated it rigorously.
Oh. So the past can be proven.

And its past the present.

But the present isnt thus proven?

And we are the idiots?

You need a drool cup and a bib pronto.

We can observe the past, it's all we can observe.

Proof is whenever observable and testable evidence has convinced you of truth.

To "prove" something, you have to be able to observe it. Otherwise, you have a speculation, a theory, an opinion... faith in a belief.

What we observe in the past, what has happened in time, is all we can perceive as humans. We can't experience the universe and time in present tense. I believe this is where God resides. What we perceive has already happened. We don't know if there will be a future. We can't see or observe the present. ...The speed of light as it were.
Prove there is a past without a now!

This is so much stupidity it hurts. From belly laughter.

Youre trolling Boss. Quite obviously.

You shoulda posted this in the flame zone, NOT religion.
It makes me wonder if a "present" time can really be defined. It exists to us personally, but a lot of it is illusionary.
Bingo! Just as God is something we cannot observe directly or prove the existence of.
Faith is required to believe Time exists... and God.
Well, that is a rather bold logical leap, but I really don't know what you are trying to prove. If you are trying to prove God is Time, the fact that we can't observe or prove either doesn't lead to a syllogism.
We can't prove unicorns exist. We cant prove time exists, therefore unicorns are time.

Or faith in x and faith in y doesn't mean x = y.

Of course you are free to make God = time your working ethos, but you haven't demonstrated it rigorously.

There is no logical leap and I'm not attempting to prove something here. This is a philosophical thread to discuss an idea and thoughts. The point is to demonstrate that our spiritual awareness of God is evidenced through the same faith we have in Time.

We are not spiritually aware of unicorns as far as I know. I guess if unicorns had always inspired man to be more than he can be, we might be discussing them here. We are also not discussing Jesus or Moses or The Bible in general. Only a conceptual God which can basically be the same as Time. Something we are aware of even without the ability to perceive it directly or physically prove it exists.
This is so much stupidity it hurts. From belly laughter.

Youre trolling Boss. Quite obviously.

You shoulda posted this in the flame zone, NOT religion.

And so now we've devolved into full-blown denigration and insult, as usual.

By the way... You are really one of the easiest people here to defeat in the arena of debate. Your thoughts and ideas are so simplistically childish and your beliefs can be totally baseless. When this is pointed out to you, the reaction is always the same. You begin to hurl insults and start denigrating. This little temper tantrum rages on while you pine for your buddies to help you save face... it's really pathetic to watch as an observer. Just thought you should know.
This is so much stupidity it hurts. From belly laughter.

Youre trolling Boss. Quite obviously.

You shoulda posted this in the flame zone, NOT religion.

And so now we've devolved into full-blown denigration and insult, as usual.

By the way... You are really one of the easiest people here to defeat in the arena of debate. Your thoughts and ideas are so simplistically childish and your beliefs can be totally baseless. When this is pointed out to you, the reaction is always the same. You begin to hurl insults and start denigrating. This little temper tantrum rages on while you pine for your buddies to help you save face... it's really pathetic to watch as an observer. Just thought you should know.
You are barely above stephanie in intelligence bro, dont worry i dont take your observations to heart.

All one needs to do to see your inept train of thought is refer to this epic fail of a fuckin thread.

Thumbs up, heathen.

Youre so insecure about your fucking god your brain has taken 45 different fucking angles now to try and convince yourself its true.

Its kind of pathetic, but half enjoyable tbh.

relegating the Almighty to pretentious argumentation is nothing more than blatant Spiritual bankruptcy ...

* Times-up.

If time is "constantly happening" then time is constantly in the present. But you are claiming that time is constantly in the past, that it is lagging the present. That is the concept of a block universe.

No, I did not claim time is constantly in the past. I stated (correctly) that our perception of time can only be a perception of time which has already passed. We can't observe present time any more than we can observe future time, if future time exists at all.
We can only observe present time, only the perception of what we observed lags. Time is only and always in the present, perception of the present lags and conception of the future precedes.

But we can't observe present time, that's my point. Anything you perceive has already occurred. It took time for information to travel and your brain to register it. What you are perceiving as "present" is actually the past. It has already happened. This is not philosophy, it's physics. You cannot prove the present exists, you only have evidence to suggest it existed at one time. By the time you perceive present, the present has passed.

you can witness now over and over again in a series moments
The past offers the presence of a future merely by referring to is as "past."


This is nonsense. The past does not offer any presence of present or future. It is the past.

the past present and future all exist together

What is your evidence future exists?
How can you confirm the present exists if you cannot observe it?

The past exists as memories, we label them as days, weeks, years, decades, centuries... the evidence for this is reality of a physical nature. So time is certainly passing and we have evidence time is passing. We simply can't see the moment of present time and we don't know how much future time remains, or even if there is any. This requires faith.
we don't know how much future time remains, or even if there is any. This requires faith.
I predict with certainty and not by faith that there will be a tomorrow even if I am not here to witness it. You have subconsciously admitted it.
we don't know how much future time remains, or even if there is any. This requires faith.
We know at present that there is a future even if we are not certain of how long that future is. It is not faith, but the physics of an expanding universe in motion. Motion = time.

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