God must be truly great

He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

^Let's rip that to shreds shall we?
Let's be frank. God is the opposite of what you describe. No where in the Bible does it say that God expects perfection from humans. That is utter bullshit. God knows there is not one human who hasn't sinned. NOT ONE. And yet, He loves us anyway, He covers our sins and forgives forgives and forgives. It is His nature. He became one of us to remove the condemnation for our sins, so that we are not punished for our behavior, and instead dances for joy over us. Then just like any good Father, he paved the way for us to be co-heirs of everything He has created. Which is everything.

We are still too stupid to understand His psychics, all of the dimensions that are described in the Bible, and yet you think more information is necessary.? There is nothing more that you need to know to make it to the next era of your life.
Your Father really is great. He still loves you, doesn't He?
How do you know a person that has never spoken to you or you have never seen loves you?
With faith God will open all to you.
So if I have faith Nia Long loves me it will come true? I mean with that logic I should have a better chance since I actually know what she looks like right?

He cared enough about you to be tortured and die for you. What else do you require?
And yes He wants you to choose Him. He is the only one with the power, the glory, and the love for you to give you an eternal life as Royalty.

I still haven't figured that one out. Why did he have to be tortured and die? I thought God could make the rules. Why would he make such a dumb one? Is God mentally challenged?
He went through death and concurred it so you would not have to die.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?
God has no limits

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?
To shed his blood that you might live with him forever.
I know what the words mean, but If God is God, he is not bound by some arbitrary rule. If he wants to forgive us, he can. He does not have to have his son suffer to do that. Are you saying there are some things God just can't do? That would mean he's not the all powerful God that you claim he is.
That would be a philosophical dilemma if "God was not limited".

God has placed limitations on all things. Even upon himself/herself/itself.
OK this is a new one.

God put limitations on himself?
I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.
God has not told us everything.

We have the Bible with rules and guidelines in it.

Rules -- thou shalt not kill.

Guidelines -- love thine enemies.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

^Let's rip that to shreds shall we?
Let's be frank. God is the opposite of what you describe. No where in the Bible does it say that God expects perfection from humans. That is utter bullshit. God knows there is not one human who hasn't sinned. NOT ONE. And yet, He loves us anyway, He covers our sins and forgives forgives and forgives. It is His nature. He became one of us to remove the condemnation for our sins, so that we are not punished for our behavior, and instead dances for joy over us. Then just like any good Father, he paved the way for us to be co-heirs of everything He has created. Which is everything.

We are still too stupid to understand His psychics, all of the dimensions that are described in the Bible, and yet you think more information is necessary.? There is nothing more that you need to know to make it to the next era of your life.
Your Father really is great. He still loves you, doesn't He?
How do you know a person that has never spoken to you or you have never seen loves you?
With faith God will open all to you.
So if I have faith Nia Long loves me it will come true? I mean with that logic I should have a better chance since I actually know what she looks like right?


You can forget that. I think she wants me.
I still haven't figured that one out. Why did he have to be tortured and die? I thought God could make the rules. Why would he make such a dumb one? Is God mentally challenged?
He went through death and concurred it so you would not have to die.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?
God has no limits
How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?
Do you know of any African gods (presumably with bones through their noses) that has any such international teachings ??
The whole fairy tale of the christian god started in Africa with Heru and Horus. You have to be more specific.
I still haven't figured that one out. Why did he have to be tortured and die? I thought God could make the rules. Why would he make such a dumb one? Is God mentally challenged?
He went through death and concurred it so you would not have to die.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?
God has no limits

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?
To shed his blood that you might live with him forever.

Why? God couldn't make that happen without all that blood? So he isn't all powerful?
I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.
God has not told us everything.

We have the Bible with rules and guidelines in it.

Rules -- thou shalt not kill.

Guidelines -- love thine enemies.
the bible is contradictory and its obvious it was written by humans.
God has killed more humans than anyone on the planet. Hell he wiped out everyone with a flood.
He went through death and concurred it so you would not have to die.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?
God has no limits
How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?
Do you know of any African gods (presumably with bones through their noses) that has any such international teachings ??
The whole fairy tale of the christian god started in Africa with Heru and Horus. You have to be more specific.
I agree there are Egyptian and Babylonian foreshadowings in Moses' and Jesus' stories.

But that is from north of the Sahara.

I am asking you about from south of the Sahara -- the jungle -- where the natives run around with bones thru their noses.
I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.
God has not told us everything.

We have the Bible with rules and guidelines in it.

Rules -- thou shalt not kill.

Guidelines -- love thine enemies.
the bible is contradictory and its obvious it was written by humans.
God has killed more humans than anyone on the planet. Hell he wiped out everyone with a flood.
I'm not sure I believe Moses' flood story.
Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?
God has no limits
How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?
Do you know of any African gods (presumably with bones through their noses) that has any such international teachings ??
The whole fairy tale of the christian god started in Africa with Heru and Horus. You have to be more specific.
I agree there are Egyptian and Babylonian foreshadowings in Moses' and Jesus' stories.

But that is from north of the Sahara.

I am asking you about from south of the Sahara -- the jungle -- where the natives run around with bones thru their noses.
Where do you think the Egyptians got that from? They said their gods were from the interior of Africa.
I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.
God has not told us everything.

We have the Bible with rules and guidelines in it.

Rules -- thou shalt not kill.

Guidelines -- love thine enemies.
the bible is contradictory and its obvious it was written by humans.
God has killed more humans than anyone on the planet. Hell he wiped out everyone with a flood.
I'm not sure I believe Moses' flood story.
Why not? Its in the bible and the Torah.
When you listen to the way people view God you see why it is written.
Matthew 22:14King James Version (KJV)
14 For many are called, but few are chosen
When you listen to the way people view God you see why it is written.
Matthew 22:14King James Version (KJV)
14 For many are called, but few are chosen
I think thats the same concept private clubs and cults operate on. Tell the clientele they are special and exclusive and they will pay all kinds of money to join.
He went through death and concurred it so you would not have to die.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?
God has no limits

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?
To shed his blood that you might live with him forever.

Why? God couldn't make that happen without all that blood? So he isn't all powerful?
All i can tell you is that this life is short. It'll be over soon and then the judgement. You'll either hear God say "welcome home my child " or "depart from me I never knew you ". But he left that up to you.
Why did he have to go through all that instead of god just snapping his fingers and making it so? Why would god put his son through torture?

There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

Who forced god to give up his only son and why did he punk out like that?

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

I know what the words mean, but If God is God, he is not bound by some arbitrary rule. If he wants to forgive us, he can. He does not have to have his son suffer to do that. Are you saying there are some things God just can't do? That would mean he's not the all powerful God that you claim he is.

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Then explain why I;m wrong.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.
No offense but this is an argument a child would make. Don't you realize that you were present when space and time were created? You came from dust and you will return to dust. You have been given the greatest gift in the universe and this is what you do with it?
Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?
God has no limits

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?
To shed his blood that you might live with him forever.

Why? God couldn't make that happen without all that blood? So he isn't all powerful?
All i can tell you is that this life is short. It'll be over soon and then the judgement. You'll either hear God say "welcome home my child " or "depart from me I never knew you ". But he left that up to you.

Got it. Odd that after all these years, I have yet to find a single person that would even try to give an answer that wasn't about the same as yours. I guess Christians never have any questions. They just take what they are told without any reason other than they want to believe what they are told.
God has no limits

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?
To shed his blood that you might live with him forever.

Why? God couldn't make that happen without all that blood? So he isn't all powerful?
All i can tell you is that this life is short. It'll be over soon and then the judgement. You'll either hear God say "welcome home my child " or "depart from me I never knew you ". But he left that up to you.

Got it. Odd that after al
God has no limits

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?
To shed his blood that you might live with him forever.

Why? God couldn't make that happen without all that blood? So he isn't all powerful?
All i can tell you is that this life is short. It'll be over soon and then the judgement. You'll either hear God say "welcome home my child " or "depart from me I never knew you ". But he left that up to you.

Got it. Odd that after all these years, I have yet to find a single person that would even try to give an answer that wasn't about the same as yours. I guess Christians never have any questions. They just take what they are told without any reason other than they want to believe what they are told.
Only way to heaven is through Jesus. He loves you .
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

You don't judge God, he judges you.

There's someplace in the Bible that says "There's many other worlds and many other Gods"

Looks like you missed that one.

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