God must be truly great

Yes, I can have it both ways. Just because He can doesn't mean He will.
If He just preformed a miracle and cured it, then He would be 100% merciful, but not be 100% just. A perfect God has to be both. And He DID cure it. With pure blood.
The punishment for sin is death. < not my rule, His. And the Bible is replete with His rules. Check out Proverbs. Do this, don't do that. Not because God loves to make rules, but because they are for our own good. So, rules mean a lot to God, but not nearly as much as redeeming those who break the rules.

He is all powerful, and yet by the sheer power of His righteousness, He can't even look at sin. He turns His back to it. The only way He can look at you is if that sin is covered. Temporarily like He covered Adam and Eve, and for the Jews, after they foolishly told God they were capable of keeping any rule He gave them. And then permanently, when Christ sprinkled His blood on the mercy seat of God, in Israel and in Heaven. THAT act gave God the ability to forget our sins once and for all because He has already judged them and the penalty of death was carried out. Justice was served. Now He can be our Dad again.

And yes, anybody would be a fool, not to accept the transfusion. It is a gift that secures your eternal status in the Royal family. Accept it as quickly as you can.
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Why did he have to go through all that instead of god just snapping his fingers and making it so? Why would god put his son through torture?

There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

Who forced god to give up his only son and why did he punk out like that?

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

I know what the words mean, but If God is God, he is not bound by some arbitrary rule. If he wants to forgive us, he can. He does not have to have his son suffer to do that. Are you saying there are some things God just can't do? That would mean he's not the all powerful God that you claim he is.

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Then explain why I;m wrong.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.

That's the part you are refusing to acknowledge. Are you saying God can't cure sepsis? Of course, anyone would be a fool to refuse a transfusion if they had sepsis, but with an all powerful God, he could perform a miracle and cure it. Rules for him don't really mean much. You can't have it both ways. Either he is all powerful and can forgive anyone he wants to forgive, or he isn't. Which is it?
God can do all nothing is impossible with God.. God will forgive you if you confess your a sinner profess Jesus Christ as your saviour
Why did he have to go through all that instead of god just snapping his fingers and making it so? Why would god put his son through torture?

There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

Who forced god to give up his only son and why did he punk out like that?

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

I know what the words mean, but If God is God, he is not bound by some arbitrary rule. If he wants to forgive us, he can. He does not have to have his son suffer to do that. Are you saying there are some things God just can't do? That would mean he's not the all powerful God that you claim he is.

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Then explain why I;m wrong.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.

That's the part you are refusing to acknowledge. Are you saying God can't cure sepsis? Of course, anyone would be a fool to refuse a transfusion if they had sepsis, but with an all powerful God, he could perform a miracle and cure it. Rules for him don't really mean much. You can't have it both ways. Either he is all powerful and can forgive anyone he wants to forgive, or he isn't. Which is it?
He gave us vitamin "C"

Virginia doctor believes he found cure for sepsis
Torturing his son to death means god gave up a lot. Are you saying people will or wont be jealous of what god gave up?
God loves you enough to give the greatest gift of all and save you from eternal torture and you're gonna be jealous.
He proved he loved me by killing his son? I'm not jealous of that but if this fucker really exists then he is definitely a lunatic.

Did you even have a mama or a grandma or an aunt? Are you a state baby?

I ain't never seen no black man be that disrespectful of God.

No family please
Aren't you glad that your god put the white man in your ancestors path and brought you all to the US?
I rue the day nature created the genetic mistake that festered and grew in europe.
Why did he have to go through all that instead of god just snapping his fingers and making it so? Why would god put his son through torture?

There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

Who forced god to give up his only son and why did he punk out like that?

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

I know what the words mean, but If God is God, he is not bound by some arbitrary rule. If he wants to forgive us, he can. He does not have to have his son suffer to do that. Are you saying there are some things God just can't do? That would mean he's not the all powerful God that you claim he is.

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Then explain why I;m wrong.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.
So youre telling me gods adversary was a snake whom he created? That doesnt make sense. God is supposedly all powerful. Youre just doing more double talk because you cant answer the question.
Why did he have to go through all that instead of god just snapping his fingers and making it so? Why would god put his son through torture?

There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

Who forced god to give up his only son and why did he punk out like that?

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

I know what the words mean, but If God is God, he is not bound by some arbitrary rule. If he wants to forgive us, he can. He does not have to have his son suffer to do that. Are you saying there are some things God just can't do? That would mean he's not the all powerful God that you claim he is.

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Then explain why I;m wrong.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.
So youre telling me gods adversary was a snake whom he created? That doesnt make sense. God is supposedly all powerful. Youre just doing more double talk because you cant answer the question.
The Hebrews believed that "satan" was an angel carryng out God's orders to temp us; to test us.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?
God loves you enough to give the greatest gift of all and save you from eternal torture and you're gonna be jealous.
He proved he loved me by killing his son? I'm not jealous of that but if this fucker really exists then he is definitely a lunatic.

Did you even have a mama or a grandma or an aunt? Are you a state baby?

I ain't never seen no black man be that disrespectful of God.

No family please
Aren't you glad that your god put the white man in your ancestors path and brought you all to the US?
I rue the day nature created the genetic mistake that festered and grew in europe.

At least the state took care of you and raised you in America.
You know, that country that people left Europe to form.
He proved he loved me by killing his son? I'm not jealous of that but if this fucker really exists then he is definitely a lunatic.

Did you even have a mama or a grandma or an aunt? Are you a state baby?

I ain't never seen no black man be that disrespectful of God.

No family please
Aren't you glad that your god put the white man in your ancestors path and brought you all to the US?
I rue the day nature created the genetic mistake that festered and grew in europe.

At least the state took care of you and raised you in America.
You know, that country that people left Europe to form.
My parents raised me. Get back on topic clown.
Why did he have to go through all that instead of god just snapping his fingers and making it so? Why would god put his son through torture?

There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

Who forced god to give up his only son and why did he punk out like that?

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

I know what the words mean, but If God is God, he is not bound by some arbitrary rule. If he wants to forgive us, he can. He does not have to have his son suffer to do that. Are you saying there are some things God just can't do? That would mean he's not the all powerful God that you claim he is.

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Then explain why I;m wrong.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.
So youre telling me gods adversary was a snake whom he created? That doesnt make sense. God is supposedly all powerful. Youre just doing more double talk because you cant answer the question.
The Hebrews believed that "satan" was an angel carryng out God's orders to temp us; to test us.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?
Didnt god create angels too?
There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.
So youre telling me gods adversary was a snake whom he created? That doesnt make sense. God is supposedly all powerful. Youre just doing more double talk because you cant answer the question.
The Hebrews believed that "satan" was an angel carryng out God's orders to temp us; to test us.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?
Didnt god create angels too?
You will have to ask God that question. I don't really want to meet an angel.
There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.
So youre telling me gods adversary was a snake whom he created? That doesnt make sense. God is supposedly all powerful. Youre just doing more double talk because you cant answer the question.
The Hebrews believed that "satan" was an angel carryng out God's orders to temp us; to test us.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?
Didnt god create angels too?

Yes he did.
Why did he have to go through all that instead of god just snapping his fingers and making it so? Why would god put his son through torture?

There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

Who forced god to give up his only son and why did he punk out like that?

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

I know what the words mean, but If God is God, he is not bound by some arbitrary rule. If he wants to forgive us, he can. He does not have to have his son suffer to do that. Are you saying there are some things God just can't do? That would mean he's not the all powerful God that you claim he is.

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Then explain why I;m wrong.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.
So youre telling me gods adversary was a snake whom he created? That doesnt make sense. God is supposedly all powerful. Youre just doing more double talk because you cant answer the question.

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan
And this is assuming that this god isn't a trillion times greater if parallel universes exist.

If so no wonder he seems not to give a damn about little human beings.
Probably no "parallel universes".

There is plenty of room in all of our own Universe.

Hubble has found about 2 billion galaxies already.
I do believe there are other universes beyond our universe like a lava lamp we are just one bubble.

You can point in any direction and there is no end to that direction. Our universe may only be 14 billion years out in any direction but if you could travel faster than light you could travel out into the dark matter and maybe eventually run into another bubble or universe
God loves you enough to give the greatest gift of all and save you from eternal torture and you're gonna be jealous.
He proved he loved me by killing his son? I'm not jealous of that but if this fucker really exists then he is definitely a lunatic.

Did you even have a mama or a grandma or an aunt? Are you a state baby?

I ain't never seen no black man be that disrespectful of God.

No family please
Aren't you glad that your god put the white man in your ancestors path and brought you all to the US?
I rue the day nature created the genetic mistake that festered and grew in europe.
So why don't you go back to Africa to stay?
He proved he loved me by killing his son? I'm not jealous of that but if this fucker really exists then he is definitely a lunatic.

Did you even have a mama or a grandma or an aunt? Are you a state baby?

I ain't never seen no black man be that disrespectful of God.

No family please
Aren't you glad that your god put the white man in your ancestors path and brought you all to the US?
I rue the day nature created the genetic mistake that festered and grew in europe.
So why don't you go back to Africa to stay?
Why dont you go back to the caves of europe to stay?
Did you even have a mama or a grandma or an aunt? Are you a state baby?

I ain't never seen no black man be that disrespectful of God.

No family please
Aren't you glad that your god put the white man in your ancestors path and brought you all to the US?
I rue the day nature created the genetic mistake that festered and grew in europe.
So why don't you go back to Africa to stay?
Why dont you go back to the caves of europe to stay?

Compare Europe to Zimbabwe right now.

It seems your brethren cannot get it together.

Now see here. You're an American, Americans hold different ideals than anything in Europe or Africa.

There's plenty of fine, God-fearing, first-rate American black people. Why aren't you one of them?
No family please
Aren't you glad that your god put the white man in your ancestors path and brought you all to the US?
I rue the day nature created the genetic mistake that festered and grew in europe.
So why don't you go back to Africa to stay?
Why dont you go back to the caves of europe to stay?

Compare Europe to Zimbabwe right now.

It seems your brethren cannot get it together.

Now see here. You're an American, Americans hold different ideals than anything in Europe or Africa.

There's plenty of fine, God-fearing, first-rate American black people. Why aren't you one of them?
Why would I do something stupid like that when I can compare Nigeria or Ghana to europe?



I dont fear god because my god doesnt want me to be afraid of him. Get your monkey ass back on topic.
Did you even have a mama or a grandma or an aunt? Are you a state baby?

I ain't never seen no black man be that disrespectful of God.

No family please
Aren't you glad that your god put the white man in your ancestors path and brought you all to the US?
I rue the day nature created the genetic mistake that festered and grew in europe.
So why don't you go back to Africa to stay?
Why dont you go back to the caves of europe to stay?
Seriously though, if white people suck so badly and slavery was a disaster, why don't you go back to Africa and live there? I know that if my ancestors were brought from here to be slaves in Africa that I would have come back FOR SURE!!!
Why did he have to go through all that instead of god just snapping his fingers and making it so? Why would god put his son through torture?

There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

Who forced god to give up his only son and why did he punk out like that?

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

I know what the words mean, but If God is God, he is not bound by some arbitrary rule. If he wants to forgive us, he can. He does not have to have his son suffer to do that. Are you saying there are some things God just can't do? That would mean he's not the all powerful God that you claim he is.

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Yes. We have all heard the story.I'm asking why? Why is God limited in the way he forgives?

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

I've never gotten an answer to that one either. Every time I pointed this out they come with one of those sayings that basically means only god knows.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

How do you know this? He must have some limits if he had to give his own son up in order to save everyone else. Do you know who forced him to give up his son?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

Then why did he have to have his son die to forgive us? He wasn't able to forgive us without that?

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Then explain why I;m wrong.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.
So youre telling me gods adversary was a snake whom he created? That doesnt make sense. God is supposedly all powerful. Youre just doing more double talk because you cant answer the question.

So, is that the sum of your knowledge of Lucifer? He became a snake? And I most certainly did answer the question. Your limited knowledge of God prevents you from understanding the answer.

God can oppose Himself. God can go against His nature. Man can and has changed God's mind and actions.
No one forced God to do anything. It was Christ's decision to become man and take the punishment for sin off of us and onto Himself.
If you think there is no one that opposes God, then you are in way over your head in this conversion. Basic Biblical understanding is required.
There is no virtue in being forced to be virtuous. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. Jesus is a living parable. We must die to self. It is the only way to see objective truth. He taught that we did not need to rationalize our sins.

No one. How did He punk out exactly?

God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

He isn't. It isn't about that. It is about teaching us how to progress.

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know?

No one did. God cannot oppose Himself. God cannot go against His nature.

It is about reconciling justice with mercy and showing us the way.

Why are you wrong? Because you are not objective. You aren't looking for answers, you are looking to confirm your biases and validate your beliefs.
That sounds like a lot of double talk. He gave his only son...... Why did he give his son up so others could go to heaven? Why didnt he just let righteous people into heaven? He is god and he is in control right? Thats like killing your child so your mailman can come into the house. Doesnt make any sense at all.

If there was no one to oppose him or force him to torture his son is god some sick sadistic bastard who hates his kids?

There is just, and there is mercy. Those two were at loggerheads. A 100% just < (as in justice, as in the law) God would have no choice but to condemn everyone of us based on our sins. Because the rule is: sin is punished by death.
And God does indeed have an adversary. And that adversary thought he had pulled off the perfect coup. He got Eve to sin against her Father. And the result was tainted blood.
Sin is a blood issue, similar to sepsis. It is passed on to the children, and there is only one cure. A pure blood transfusion.
God and Jesus knew before even laying the foundation of the earth, what was going to happen, and devised a plan. Because God and His Son felt we were worth the trouble. (Why, I have no idea.) Jesus volunteered to become a man, resist temptation, and then offer up his pure blood for the transfusion. And it worked.

If you are covered with the blood of Christ, then your sins are removed, God put them behind Him, they are gone. GONE. Never to be revisited again. And because there is nothing left to Judge<justice,law, court, charge us with, God is free to put His gavel down and instead show us favor that we really do not deserve. < That is mercy. That is our Father being our Dad and not our judge. We were judged on the cross. Once and for all.
And that is how God can be 100% just and 100% merciful at the same time. Lucifer wasn't expecting that curve. Christ and our Father were the ones who pulled off the perfect coup, and our immortal souls were the prize.
Thank you Daddy. And thank Christ for me til I get there and can throw my arms around His neck for real.
So youre telling me gods adversary was a snake whom he created? That doesnt make sense. God is supposedly all powerful. Youre just doing more double talk because you cant answer the question.
The Hebrews believed that "satan" was an angel carryng out God's orders to temp us; to test us.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?
Didnt god create angels too?

Yes, He did. And gave them free will. He created us too. And gave us free will. Would you rather He had created drones? What's your point?

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