God must be truly great

I already know why. He was controlling who humans worship.

Yes really. You cant set something free. If you created it then its your responsibility to care for it.
No. That wasn't it. In fact, it wasn't even close. If it had been a pussy, you wouldn't have even gotten a whiff.
You dont appear to be well versed on the bible or pussy at all. I thought everyone knew what that was about.

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 20:4-5 - New International Version

"You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,"
Try reading it in context.

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 20 - Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
I have. What you posted just reinforced my point. God is jealous of humans worshipping other gods. The second verse should have tipped you off.

"Thou shalt not have strange gods before me."
You don't get jealous unless you love something.
True but that had nothing to do with my point that god was jealous of humans worshipping other gods. Did you forget what you were claiming I had misinterpreted?
No. That wasn't it. In fact, it wasn't even close. If it had been a pussy, you wouldn't have even gotten a whiff.
You dont appear to be well versed on the bible or pussy at all. I thought everyone knew what that was about.

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 20:4-5 - New International Version

"You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,"
Try reading it in context.

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 20 - Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
I have. What you posted just reinforced my point. God is jealous of humans worshipping other gods. The second verse should have tipped you off.

"Thou shalt not have strange gods before me."
You don't get jealous unless you love something.
True but that had nothing to do with my point that god was jealous of humans worshipping other gods. Did you forget what you were claiming I had misinterpreted?
Your point missed the point. Sort of like you pretending that the past is in the past while still living in the past.
You dont appear to be well versed on the bible or pussy at all. I thought everyone knew what that was about.

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 20:4-5 - New International Version

"You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,"
Try reading it in context.

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 20 - Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
I have. What you posted just reinforced my point. God is jealous of humans worshipping other gods. The second verse should have tipped you off.

"Thou shalt not have strange gods before me."
You don't get jealous unless you love something.
True but that had nothing to do with my point that god was jealous of humans worshipping other gods. Did you forget what you were claiming I had misinterpreted?
Your point missed the point. Sort of like you pretending that the past is in the past while still living in the past.
My point was the point. No one forced you to try and prove it wrong. You failed miserably and now youre upset. Dont be upset. Learn from your errors and come back better prepared next time.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

My problem, still, is the fact that people say God must exist because all this stuff is too complex to have just existed, but then to make this stuff God himself must also be so complex that he can't just have existed, he too must have been created by someone (who in turn would have been created by someone, who in turn would have been created by someone... you see the problem her?).

So, who created God?

(No religious person has ever been able to answer this question)
Yeah thats a terrible cop out. What they should point out is that all life follows a basic blueprint indicative of intelligent thought like an engineer.

Gods god created god.

So, there is more than one God? So who created the Gods who created the Gods?
I have. What you posted just reinforced my point. God is jealous of humans worshipping other gods. The second verse should have tipped you off.

"Thou shalt not have strange gods before me."
You don't get jealous unless you love something.
True but that had nothing to do with my point that god was jealous of humans worshipping other gods. Did you forget what you were claiming I had misinterpreted?
Your point missed the point. Sort of like you pretending that the past is in the past while still living in the past.
My point was the point. No one forced you to try and prove it wrong. You failed miserably and now youre upset. Dont be upset. Learn from your errors and come back better prepared next time.
Why do you believe I am upset? I'm pretty happy how this conversation has gone. Maybe you are projecting. After all if the chip on your shoulder were any larger you would fall over. It seems that you are a slave to it.

Two Monks and a Woman - a Zen Lesson | KindSpring.org
I have. What you posted just reinforced my point. God is jealous of humans worshipping other gods. The second verse should have tipped you off.

"Thou shalt not have strange gods before me."
You don't get jealous unless you love something.
True but that had nothing to do with my point that god was jealous of humans worshipping other gods. Did you forget what you were claiming I had misinterpreted?
Your point missed the point. Sort of like you pretending that the past is in the past while still living in the past.
My point was the point. No one forced you to try and prove it wrong. You failed miserably and now youre upset. Dont be upset. Learn from your errors and come back better prepared next time.
Why do you believe I am upset? I'm pretty happy how this conversation has gone. Maybe you are projecting. After all if the chip on your shoulder were any larger you would fall over. It seems that you are a slave to it.

Two Monks and a Woman - a Zen Lesson | KindSpring.org
Because you deflected when I proved you were clueless. I said god was a jealous god because he wanted to control who humans worshiped. You claimed i was wrong and then proceeded to post evidence proving my point and the fact that you didnt know what you were talking about. When I pointed that out you got upset and then tried to deflect with some irrelevant comment about god loving humans.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

My problem, still, is the fact that people say God must exist because all this stuff is too complex to have just existed, but then to make this stuff God himself must also be so complex that he can't just have existed, he too must have been created by someone (who in turn would have been created by someone, who in turn would have been created by someone... you see the problem her?).

So, who created God?

(No religious person has ever been able to answer this question)
Yeah thats a terrible cop out. What they should point out is that all life follows a basic blueprint indicative of intelligent thought like an engineer.

Gods god created god.

So, there is more than one God? So who created the Gods who created the Gods?
One would have to assume. For every god there is another god that created him/her.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

My problem, still, is the fact that people say God must exist because all this stuff is too complex to have just existed, but then to make this stuff God himself must also be so complex that he can't just have existed, he too must have been created by someone (who in turn would have been created by someone, who in turn would have been created by someone... you see the problem her?).

So, who created God?

(No religious person has ever been able to answer this question)
Yeah thats a terrible cop out. What they should point out is that all life follows a basic blueprint indicative of intelligent thought like an engineer.

Gods god created god.

So, there is more than one God? So who created the Gods who created the Gods?
One would have to assume. For every god there is another god that created him/her.
That would be a silly assumption. A better assumption would be that there was a first cause and by inspection the attributes of the first cause must be something which is eternal and unchanging.
You don't get jealous unless you love something.
True but that had nothing to do with my point that god was jealous of humans worshipping other gods. Did you forget what you were claiming I had misinterpreted?
Your point missed the point. Sort of like you pretending that the past is in the past while still living in the past.
My point was the point. No one forced you to try and prove it wrong. You failed miserably and now youre upset. Dont be upset. Learn from your errors and come back better prepared next time.
Why do you believe I am upset? I'm pretty happy how this conversation has gone. Maybe you are projecting. After all if the chip on your shoulder were any larger you would fall over. It seems that you are a slave to it.

Two Monks and a Woman - a Zen Lesson | KindSpring.org
Because you deflected when I proved you were clueless. I said god was a jealous god because he wanted to control who humans worshiped. You claimed i was wrong and then proceeded to post evidence proving my point and the fact that you didnt know what you were talking about. When I pointed that out you got upset and then tried to deflect with some irrelevant comment about god loving humans.
God isn't jealous because we hurt His pride, God is jealous because He loves us and we love others, namely ourselves.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

My problem, still, is the fact that people say God must exist because all this stuff is too complex to have just existed, but then to make this stuff God himself must also be so complex that he can't just have existed, he too must have been created by someone (who in turn would have been created by someone, who in turn would have been created by someone... you see the problem her?).

So, who created God?

(No religious person has ever been able to answer this question)
Yeah thats a terrible cop out. What they should point out is that all life follows a basic blueprint indicative of intelligent thought like an engineer.

Gods god created god.

So, there is more than one God? So who created the Gods who created the Gods?
One would have to assume. For every god there is another god that created him/her.
That would be a silly assumption. A better assumption would be that there was a first cause and by inspection the attributes of the first cause must be something which is eternal and unchanging.
How silly to think that there's more than one invisible person. :biggrin:
My problem, still, is the fact that people say God must exist because all this stuff is too complex to have just existed, but then to make this stuff God himself must also be so complex that he can't just have existed, he too must have been created by someone (who in turn would have been created by someone, who in turn would have been created by someone... you see the problem her?).

So, who created God?

(No religious person has ever been able to answer this question)
Yeah thats a terrible cop out. What they should point out is that all life follows a basic blueprint indicative of intelligent thought like an engineer.

Gods god created god.

So, there is more than one God? So who created the Gods who created the Gods?
One would have to assume. For every god there is another god that created him/her.
That would be a silly assumption. A better assumption would be that there was a first cause and by inspection the attributes of the first cause must be something which is eternal and unchanging.
How silly to think that there's more than one invisible person. :biggrin:
There is only one existence. You are the one who has simplified it to a person. Besides, you are agnostic, right? You don't know. Therefore, you can't know I am not right. In fact by definition you must believe I may be right.
Yeah thats a terrible cop out. What they should point out is that all life follows a basic blueprint indicative of intelligent thought like an engineer.

Gods god created god.

So, there is more than one God? So who created the Gods who created the Gods?
One would have to assume. For every god there is another god that created him/her.
That would be a silly assumption. A better assumption would be that there was a first cause and by inspection the attributes of the first cause must be something which is eternal and unchanging.
How silly to think that there's more than one invisible person. :biggrin:
There is only one existence. You are the one who has simplified it to a person.
God has to have a wife to have a son named Jesus. Science tells us that.
So, there is more than one God? So who created the Gods who created the Gods?
One would have to assume. For every god there is another god that created him/her.
That would be a silly assumption. A better assumption would be that there was a first cause and by inspection the attributes of the first cause must be something which is eternal and unchanging.
How silly to think that there's more than one invisible person. :biggrin:
There is only one existence. You are the one who has simplified it to a person.
God has to have a wife to have a son named Jesus. Science tells us that.
What are you 13?
One would have to assume. For every god there is another god that created him/her.
That would be a silly assumption. A better assumption would be that there was a first cause and by inspection the attributes of the first cause must be something which is eternal and unchanging.
How silly to think that there's more than one invisible person. :biggrin:
There is only one existence. You are the one who has simplified it to a person.
God has to have a wife to have a son named Jesus. Science tells us that.
What are you 13?
Basic biology.
That would be a silly assumption. A better assumption would be that there was a first cause and by inspection the attributes of the first cause must be something which is eternal and unchanging.
How silly to think that there's more than one invisible person. :biggrin:
There is only one existence. You are the one who has simplified it to a person.
God has to have a wife to have a son named Jesus. Science tells us that.
What are you 13?
Basic biology.
You know the biology of existence? Or are you saying that existence is like you and I?
How silly to think that there's more than one invisible person. :biggrin:
There is only one existence. You are the one who has simplified it to a person.
God has to have a wife to have a son named Jesus. Science tells us that.
What are you 13?
Basic biology.
You know the biology of existence? Or are you saying that existence is like you and I?
For god to have a son, he needs to have a female. or the other way around, if that's the case. But this world is so fucked up, I doubt it.
There is only one existence. You are the one who has simplified it to a person.
God has to have a wife to have a son named Jesus. Science tells us that.
What are you 13?
Basic biology.
You know the biology of existence? Or are you saying that existence is like you and I?
For god to have a son, he needs to have a female. or the other way around, if that's the case. But this world is so fucked up, I doubt it.
Yes, this world is fucked up. You are proof.
God has to have a wife to have a son named Jesus. Science tells us that.
What are you 13?
Basic biology.
You know the biology of existence? Or are you saying that existence is like you and I?
For god to have a son, he needs to have a female. or the other way around, if that's the case. But this world is so fucked up, I doubt it.
Yes, this world is fucked up. You are proof.
You agree with me. So now whatever I say is proof?
What are you 13?
Basic biology.
You know the biology of existence? Or are you saying that existence is like you and I?
For god to have a son, he needs to have a female. or the other way around, if that's the case. But this world is so fucked up, I doubt it.
Yes, this world is fucked up. You are proof.
You agree with me. So now whatever I say is proof?
I agree with you that you are proof the world is fucked up. Yes.
Basic biology.
You know the biology of existence? Or are you saying that existence is like you and I?
For god to have a son, he needs to have a female. or the other way around, if that's the case. But this world is so fucked up, I doubt it.
Yes, this world is fucked up. You are proof.
You agree with me. So now whatever I say is proof?
I agree with you that you are proof the world is fucked up. Yes.
Because I expose your nonsense? Um... ok. :biggrin:

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